Delaney's Death Blow (4)

Yes. I care. So my deal is pretty simple. Release my man and I will release yours."

While the fake Jeannie was busy cracking a deal, Delaney had already started to recover the feelings in his legs. Another mistake on fake Jeannie's part. Of course no one knew about his system being able to flush out and reject toxics quickly. No one other than Jeannie of course.

Just as fast as he had been pushed to the ground, he moved his foot and kicked back in a circle, hitting the side of the fake Jeannie's legs and making her fall. Soon, the knife was in his hand and like her, Delaney found no reason to continue to make any dealings.

As he was about to swipe the knife across her throat and kill the fake b*tch, Christopher stopped him. "Del. Don't kill. hold her."