Chapter 2: The Thing

After they left, I was left with some time to put my thoughts together. Looking around the area, it was reminiscent of a Japanese-style room, except everything was in a dilapidated state.

The house had seen better days. The walls had cracks that seemed to have formed from flowing water. The floor was creaky and, at times felt unstable. Moths encompassed the light bulb hanging on the roof, which hung on mangled wires.

I surely wasn't born in an affluent family. Maybe my greyish vision may have affected the result, or just this world around me was truly dull. Whichever was the case, I couldn't tell. All I felt was the gloom of losing everything that I once held dear. My old family, friends, even the people I had met through the internet.

None of them were here with me. The accursed game ripped everything apart. When I tried to press that button, it felt as if the tendrils from the darkest abyss were dragging away my soul, searing it in that gruelling process.

Back then I couldn't tell due to my consciousness vanishing, but it lasted for a split second, one which felt like an eternity. As I was ruminating in my thoughts, a sudden rustling sound could be heard from the roof.

My eyes darted upwards as dust fell from above. Was it some rat? But the sound coming was of a much heavier weight, something much bigger. However unlikely it may seem, I couldn't rule out the possibility of some other creature prowling under the roof tiles.

The creepy ambience just flared up my imagination. The existence of monsters and ghosts popped up in my mind. Something which shouldn't be possible, but this world itself seemed unrestrained by the bounds of logic.

I tried to scamper away, but my cradle restricted me. I could only console myself through self-counselling; telling my body to relax time and again while chanting some broken mantras that I had remembered half-heartedly. The very presence of the family which made me wary seemed all the more likeable right then.

My eyes wandered around, trying to find some distraction. Then I saw it… a pair of yellow glowing eyes staring at me.

It smiled, pearly white teeth glinting under the darkened sky. The obscure face was hidden behind the veil of darkness. It opened its maw, showing me its dull grey split tongue; a human split tongue. It lathered its lips with copious amounts of saliva drooling down its mouth, all while eyeing my tender soft flesh.

I screamed, I screamed as hard as I could. I didn't want to look, much less think about it. My eyelids tightened as hard as they could. I tried making as much noise as possible. Soon, I heard the pitter-patter of small feet running across the corridor.

The door slid open. It was my sister's face that greeted me. I couldn't believe how grateful I felt seeing her. She quickly came to my rescue and picked me up.

"There, there, little brother. I am here for you"

Although her pretty face was still frightening to me, I held on to her with my small limbs, like a person struggling to grab onto his last lifeline. She smiled joyously upon seeing my longing to be held by her.

Her arms whirled up and down in an attempt to calm me. My eyes tried to take a glimpse at the window once again. It was gone, but what hell was that thing? Though I could barely make out its face, the eyes looked anything but human, and that smile…

My sister broke me out of my thoughts as she laid down and let me settle upon her. My fingers were tightly clasped against hers. Her other hand ran down my back, stroking me gently.

Unexpectedly, I felt slightly relieved under her cold, icy touch. I knew I shouldn't be so trusting to her, but it was much more comforting than whatever was outside. At least I knew my sister was human.

Looking up at her face, I couldn't help but feel worried. She was looking down with a scarlet flush across her cheeks. Did she enjoy playing with babies that much? But I've no right to complain really if I am to be taking refuge under a small girl's protection.

She looked closely at my face and started squeezing my cheeks.

"Brother is so cute!" She said while poking my nose.

Her breath gradually turned laboured. Huffs of air blew across soft skin, irritating it. Something was wrong with this family. Her actions only solidified that impression.

While ignoring my sister, I went deep into pondering. This world seemed more alarming than I first imagined. Did this world have monsters such as goblins or slimes? Or was it some terrifying monstrosity you'd expect from a horror flick?

Just what was going on in this world? It was by far the scariest thing I had seen ever since I came here. Even my mother and sister seemed angelic in comparison.

As I was ruminating on such thoughts, my elder sister continued to play with me for hours, to the end of time. Finally, when tiredness got the better of her, did she let go. For now, it might be good to give my mind some rest for now.