Chapter 10: Down the Hallway

I was stuck at a crossroads at this point. Whether to go back to test my fate or to return to the secret spot and bide for time till school ended.

Dolores' words kept nudging my mind. I was reluctant to get back too, the ill-treatment I received from the teacher, the maddening sermons that drove me crazy, that erotic dream… all of that made me reluctant the more I thought about it.

In the end, I decided it was best for me to play truant. As for the consequences, it can be dealt with after understanding the situation more.

I turned back and began walking to the supposed "hiding spot". Though the place was dingy and dark, it still seemed the most isolated out of all areas after examining the considerable dust gathered there.

It was better than being found out by that damned class teacher again and being hauled off to the class for another beration at least.

I made sure to sneakily make my way back there. It took longer than before, as I was also moving at my pace at the same time. When I was halfway there at my destination, I heard a sound.

Right beyond the corner of the staircase, I could hear someone's heavy footsteps echoing in the corridor. I froze right there. My mind was brimming with curiosity, just thinking about the mysterious person just a few breaths away.

Who could be roaming around the corridors at this time? What could he or she be planning to do? Was it worth checking it out with the risk of me being found? In the end, I decided to play it safe. I turned my back and tip-toed away from there… but then I heard something I wasn't expecting.

"I have lunch prepared for you!"

It was unmistakably Dolores' voice. Just who was she talking to? Why is she prowling around the corridors? My interest grew to new heights. I debated, it should be fine to take a small peek, right? This might be a lead for me to find out more about this world.

Slowly, gradually, I peeked my eye out. I took a glimpse around the corner, just enough so she won't notice me. Then… I was face to face with someone… someone who wasn't Dolores.

Yellow, luminescent eyes stared back at me. There was no distinct pupil or iris in those eyes. Many scattered black dotted spots formed a shape reminiscent of a cat-eyed slit, surrounded by much smaller point-sized spots speckled around it.

Its face was like a young pretty girl, but from her neck down below was something like a crocodile's lower jaw, on top of which the head rested. It was fashioned like some outlandish scarf, but its joints were connected with her body.

Her torso was human, with her naked bosom bulging out, but her limbs were akin to some muscular, scaley beast with enlarged claws, much bigger than her reptilian arm or leg.

A huge lizard tail travelled behind her, crawling across the floor, likely to be connected to her spine. Her eyes were locked on me. Her tongue travelled across her lips, as if observing an appetizing dish.

Her bigger crocodile mouth also began salivating, flicking its tongue below her chin. She opened her human mouth again.

"Are we really eating here though?"

Terror travelled through my very bones as I heard the masculine voice; a voice very familiar to me. It was my voice. She was mimicking our conversations… I was momentarily paralyzed by her menacing figure as she stared right down at me, waiting for me to make my next move.

Wasting no time, I turned tail and ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I had no time to worry about that. She soon gave chase. I could make out from the hulking noise of her footsteps, steadily growing louder and louder.

I felt an adrenaline rush as I ran for my life, faster than I had ever run before. My heart palpitated like a beating drum, my chest heaved in and out rapidly.

My blood pumped. I took strides longer than I had ever done before, all because of the creeping fear which wrecked my mind. It was the fear of my encroaching death, echoing louder and louder as she gained distance.

I didn't want to die… I didn't. I still wanted to live.

Giving whatever life was left in my body, I just ran, ran as hard as I could. The monster behind was gaining speed despite its hefty limbs. My desperate sprint was too fast to control.

A series of lockers were approaching right in front of me, but as I was nearing one of them, I managed to make a sharp turn right, barely avoiding it.

A resounding crash soon followed behind me, accompanied by the sound of metal creaking. It was likely that the beast couldn't stop the momentum and crashed at that spot.

It gave me some valuable time to get away from her. I hastened through the corridors while she was stunned, but as I continued running, I noticed another dire worry. I was running out of stamina.

My body was too exhausted to continue any longer. It won't be long till my trembling knees give in to my weight. With my last remaining energy, I travelled further. Stumbling my way through the hallway, soon I could hear a melodious sound.

I didn't know why, but the mellifluous singing attracted me like a siren's call during a storm. It wasn't as if I had lost all my senses, but hearing it made me forget about the distressing situation.

The thumping sound of concrete quickly broke me out of that stupor. There just wasn't enough time. I didn't believe I could outrun that thing again. I needed to think. Just how could I get out of this predicament?

Maybe, just maybe… if I went to a place with other humans, she might just me alone. I knew for a fact that these monsters for some reason never confronted me when I was with other people, but none of them had ever chased me with such frantic desire. I wasn't sure what to do, but I had no time to think about it.

In the end, I placed all my bets towards the source of the music and quickly entered the room, hoping for some form of salvation beyond the door.