
The sunlight filters through the open blinds and falls across the bed, warming me up. I try to take the cover off, but it doesn't make me any cooler because Kai has his body wrapped around me.

His arm squeezes me tight to him and his leg is over my hip. I try to squirm out of his embrace, but he just groans and squeezes me tighter.

"I know you're awake," I laugh, "I saw your eyes peek open." I poke him in the stomach.

He laughs and opens his eyes. He smiles, looking down at me, but keeps me wrapped up in him. "Ye-ppeo-da."

His voice is husky from waking up and it's so sexy. I hide my face into his neck, so he can't see the enormous smile on my face. He says something in Korean, so I look at him, not knowing what he's saying. For a split second, I think about learning Korean, but even if I did, I'd probably never see him again. I'm just a regular girl and he's an Idol. He probably has one-night stands like this all the time.

Kai rolls over, freeing me from his legs as he looks on the nightstand beside him. Whatever he's looking for, he can't find because he stands up and looks at the floor. I roll on my side, propping my head up to look at the marvelous view of his ass. He reaches over to the desk to grab something and I'm so busy looking at his ass that when he turns around; I get an eye full of morning wood.

I glance up to his face, shy even after all the things we did last night, and he has an enormous smile on his face.

Slowly, he brings his phone up to his mouth and says something in Korean, letting me get a good long look at his body.

He hands me the phone. "Do you have plans today?"

"Ne," I say. "I have a deadline coming up, so I have to work some, and then I was going to go sightseeing with Sarah… would you like to… accompany me?"

He listens to the translation and sits down on the bed, and talks to me.

"Deadline?" It translates.

"I am a writer. I write fiction novels, and my edits are due in a week."

He nods his head and smiles.

My stomach rumbles and I hold it with two hands. "Bae-go-pa." Because of the amount of food I eat, and my love for food, I made sure I knew most of the food-related words and expressions.

He laughs and grabs his phone from my hand and speaks to the translator.

"I will go get us breakfast, and then I can hang out here while you write. Can I have your number?"

He hands me back his phone and I type in my number for him.

He gets out of bed and starts putting on his clothes from yesterday. I lay back in the bed stretching, now enjoying the warm bed.

He walks towards the door but then suddenly comes back. He looks at me, cuddled up in the bed. "Nam-ja chin-gu i-sseo-yo?"

This one I know. I didn't have a boyfriend. Not anymore. That person made sure of that before this vacation. "Eop-sseo."

He smiles and then leaves.

I lay there for a second before getting up. I put on some sweats and a shirt and grab my laptop. I'll work some and when Kai gets back, we'll eat breakfast and then take a shower. Maybe together, I decide.

I set my laptop on the bed, and open it up to find a mass of emails from my agent, and I can feel the headache already setting in.

I open up the emails and start replying and getting ready to work.


I had gotten carried away with work that it took me a few seconds to come out of editing mode when I hear the knocks on the door. It has to be Kai, even though the knocks sound urgent. Maybe fans followed him and he's trying to get back in quickly.

I swing the door open to find a short female, not Kai.

My Korean friend, So Min, who accompanied us on this trip, rushes into the room. We met her at our Uni, where we learned that she was there on a student visa, and her family was back here in Korea. So when she was going back home for the summer, we joined her. The only reason she wasn't with us yesterday was because she was visiting family.

"Have you seen the news?" She asks in her accented English.

"No. Did the school post news regarding the upcoming year?" I ask her.

"What? No!" She says showing me her phone. "I mean this news."

I look at her and look at it and then look at her again. "I can't read in Korean, so I have no idea what that is."

"Oh my God!" She says. "It's about Kai and his racy pictures that were posted this morning."

"Oh shit," I say, walking over to sit down on the bed. "Well, he's coming over later, so when can ask him about it then," I say smiling, thinking she won't believe me, and then get a big surprise when Kai brings breakfast.

"Baby! I don't think you're getting this… the pictures are of you and Kai."


I grab her phone and start scrolling hoping that there are some blurred out pictures, so I can tell that it's not me. But even though I'm hoping for it not to be, I know deep down that it probably is. How else would So Min know that it was me in the pictures if she didn't even know that Kai and I were together?

And that it was, the pictures that were barely blurred out. I knew for a fact that they weren't pictures that I took because I made sure that our faces weren't in them. But these were pictures that showed who we both were.

It was Kai as one picture shows him taking a picture in the mirror of us on the bed with him behind me, as I'm on all fours. In the picture, he's flexing and smiling, revealing his face and his tattoo. My face is also there, in the middle of ecstasy.

There are more pictures, very explicit pictures, including the one where he was between my legs, posing with one eye closed.

So these were the pictures that Kai took.

I looked up, looking into the mirror at my now blank face.

"These are all over the internet. I only knew it was you because I know what your face looks like," So Min says.

My phone rings and I reach over to pick it up from tangled between the sheets.

Nicky is the name on the screen and I instantly hit the decline button. I open the messages to see tons from Nicky, which I ignore, and even more from Sarah. I want to call Kai but I can't because he has my number but I don't have his.

There's another knock on the door, and I'm expecting to open it to either an oblivious Kai or a sorry Kai. I found instead a female with glasses and a face mask. "Are you Baby?"

I'm hesitant, not knowing if she's a fan of Kai's ready to kill me. "... yes."

"I work for SM. I need to bring you to the company to talk to the CEO and Kai."

"Kai is already there?" I say, starting to get extremely irritated.

Maybe it was the shock of seeing my naked body online that made it a delayed reaction, but I was suddenly very pissed that Kai took those pictures without hiding our identity. Did he post them? And why couldn't he just call me if something happened and he had to go back to his company?

"I need you to wear this," the employee said handing me a cap and a mask.

"You might as well come in," I say, "because I will take a shower, and then get dressed. And then we can go to the company."

"The CEO is waiting."

"Did the Lee Soo Man get his body pasted all over the internet?… no? Okay then, he can wait."

The employee hops from one foot to the other, obviously nervous about keeping her boss waiting, but she had no other choice unless she wanted to drag me out. And if I was ready to fight D.O. and Kai if they would kidnap me, I'd definitely take on her.

"Fine," she says stepping into the room, "but I'll have to call and let them know."

I just close the door behind her and head to the shower.

Soon I'm clean and in jeans, a tank top, and a large flannel button up. I don the mask and hat the woman gave me and I add my own sunglasses to them.

She leads the way outside of the hotel where a celebrity van is waiting for me. So Min stays behind, and I climb in the van while the employee drives the car.

The entire ride is silent as she drives carefully to the company where I'm to meet the man who could sue me for damages to his company, and Kai who possibly leaked my nudes.

Finally, we pull up to the company, but instead of going some back secret way, we pull right into the front, where tons of reporters and cameras wait. I can see the bulbs on those cameras flashing as the employee gets out of the driver's seat.

The reporters shout questions and I can see through the dark van window that Kai has come out the building, with security keeping the people back.

He walks straight to the van and opens the doors. He looks at me, and I'm too mad to see what kind of expression is on his face. He reaches out his hand to me to grab on to, but I completely ignore it and just step out of the van to an onslaught of voices being thrown my way.

Kai slams the van door shut hard, and I look at him as it bounces back open, pieces flying off of it. So he's mad too.

He grabs my hand and pulls me along into the building with security, focusing on keeping the tremendous crowd from closing in on me.

Luckily I was wearing the mask and sunglasses because the flashes from the camera were too bright.

This can't be real, I keep thinking.