
We postponed the meeting until my parents and their lawyer had arrived in Korea, and for their 18-hour flight, I stayed under SM supervision until we could come to an agreement. And now my family and I sit here, watching Lee Soo Man and Kai have their version of the "boyfriend meeting the parents".

Kai kneeled on the floor, sitting back on his heels, in front of my parents, waiting for them to say anything.

My family didn't look like a typical family. My father, besides being a white man, was sixty-four years old. He had to call me by my middle name in public because people thought very specific things when they see a wealthy older man calling a young woman "Baby". Jacob Theroux, my father, had Sarah, his first and only biological child, at 45. His late wife, who gave birth to Sarah at 42, died of complications after her baby was born. Then while visiting an orphanage with his then five-year-old daughter, he saw five-year-old me, who his daughter refused to leave behind. So they adopted me, and Sarah and I have been best friends ever since. Two years after, Jacob Theroux met Angela Stewart, and by meeting, I mean fell for the woman who came to negotiate a security contract for the banks she was in charge of. Born and raised in Louisiana, Angela Stewart became the best thing that ever happened to us. I honestly don't believe that I would be who I was now, without her. Which made thinking that I disappointed her even worse.

I think I apologized 500 million times since she's been here, and though she keeps telling me it's okay. I can't help but apologize again.

"As I told Miss Theroux the last time we met: I would like to minimize as much damage as possible by telling the media that they are already dating," Lee Soo Man says.

"I've seen the articles and the comments," Mom says, "and they aren't too kind towards my daughter. While you and my husband are worried about your shareholders, I am more worried about her wellbeing."

Dad stiffens a little, and I know they must have had an argument about this on the way over. Mom was always stressing that the family came before the company.

"Even if we don't agree to the dating thing, you must make a public statement that your… artist is the one who took those pictures, and it was from him that they were released. I want you to stress that my daughter did not release the pictures for clout or revenge. And I want a public apology from the fan who released the picture and sue her. That can be a joint task from parties if you'd like."

When Mom was ready for a battle, she was ready.

"I'm sure we can accommodate you with these demands," Lee Soo Man smiles, "but I would also like to clean up Kai's image just a little."

My mother sat back, crossing her legs and glaring daggers.

"Just Kai's image?" She asks.

"And your daughters."

Kai just looks back and forth, following a little behind in the conversation because of the translator in his ear.

"And how would telling the media that both of them are dating work?" My mother asks. "She doesn't speak Korean and he doesn't speak English well. The reporters out there are not stupid and they won't believe that two people are having a relationship that simply."

"As you saw, by having Miss Theroux come through the front door, and escorted by Kai, it has already started the idea that they may be more than just a casual encounter. Including that we haven't put out a statement yet. Usually, in these situations, we deny right away."

"And do you have these situations often with Kai?"

I hated sitting there, next to my parents, and not saying anything like I was in the principal's office being scolded. I was 20 years old, and a junior in college once the school year started. I should be able to speak up.

But it scared me.

"No, this is the first time. He…" Lee Soo Man rubs the bridge of his nose. "He is usually very dedicated to practice, and even when he has days off, he uses it for dancing or singing. He has said… It seems he is smitten with Miss Theroux, even after only knowing her for a day."

"Ye," Kai says, after catching up in the conversation. He just looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

My mother looks at me, and I look back at her. I honestly don't know how to feel. I can't possibly be as smitten with someone I don't know. And regardless of the amount of his information is out on the internet, it's not the same as knowing someone.

"And after you tell the media that they are dating? Do you expect them to break up?" Mom asks.

Lee Soo Man looks at her. He sits up straighter and pulls on the lapel of his jacket. "I proposed that, however… Kai would like to continue to date."

I'm shocked. I look at Kai, who just stares at me. Then I look at my mother.

"Baby… This isn't a normal situation. I know you want to be separate from your father's company and we're trying hard for that to be the case, but there is apart of this that affects the company. If—if we told everyone that you are dating this young man, then it's easier to work over with their shareholders. As far as breaking up with him or not, that's up to you. It's easy to say that the stress from this caused your relationship to go south." She turns to me, and gently cups my face with both hands. "You're an adult now, and the choice is up to you. If you tell me that you want nothing to do with this man, then I will go head to head with every shareholder."

I sigh, laying my head on her shoulder and grabbing onto Sarah's hand next to me. I look to Kai, who looks back to me.

"I don't want to date someone I don't know," I say. Kai visibly slumps down and he looks sad. "But it would help both SM and Dad's company if we lied and say we have already been dating and continue to do so."

I take a second to think it over. I was nineteen years old, my writing career just started, and I just began college. This was never something I thought would happen, especially after breaking up horribly with my ex not even a month ago.

"I don't want to say that we're dating," I say, "but we have to tell them something. Tell them that we have been getting close for some time and getting to know each other and that this unfortunate event has been rough on both of us. And… I'll get to know Kai. We'll spend time together, let paparazzi get pictures, and then we'll see where it takes us. For now, can you beat around the bush when the media ask if we're dating?"

Lee Soo Man smiles and nods. "We can. But there have to be some conditions."

"Like?" My Father asks.

"They have to be seen spending time together, genuinely. And for that, Kai will have to learn English, and Miss Theroux will have to learn Korean."

"I'll get a tutor," I say, "anything that will help."

"You're going to be in the limelight," Lee Soo Man says, "and it will not be easy. We'll have to sign a contract, a non-disclosure agreement, and we'll have to make a schedule for you."

"I have a book signing coming up," I say, "My flight back to Louisiana is in four days. If you want to make a schedule for me, you must talk with my agent. And I'm in school, I'm not going to give that up. Kai will have to visit me, as well."

Lee Soo Man nods. "It seems you both have very busy schedules, but we'll make it work."

I nod back.

"Mr. and Mrs. Theroux, if you'll come to my office, we can draft up a contract to your liking."

Both my parents and Lee Soo Man leave, and D.O. comes in the room, stealing Sarah away, leaving Kai and me alone in the room together.

He gets up from his knees, shaking his legs out, and walks over to sit beside me. I can't help but admire how well he fills out his shirt, and how handsome he looks with black hair when just a few days ago it was silver. In even this crazy situation, I look at him and I see how handsome he is, and about the things we did that night.

As I look at him, I can't help but wonder who he really is? Is he sweet? Is he funny? Is he a drunkard? Or mean? What If we don't even like each other?

"Are you okay with this?" I ask him, while he rubs the aches out of his knees. "With getting to know me? We didn't really ask you. This was our boss's idea, and I don't even know if this is something you want."

He looks at me and smiles and pulls out his phone for his translation app.

"This was my idea," he says.

I just stare at him.

"Neo joh-ahae."