Lauren Solivar

In a remote corner of the world, seemingly away from any sort of hospitable land, sat a small underground prison. The small prison is known as Alar Und, meaning "Pit of Despair". This prison is known to house the most despicable criminals. Among these criminals are famous assassins, terrorist ringleaders, and even some homegrown cyber criminals. One prisoner in particular stands out from the rest. Lauren Solivar.

Lauren hopped off the small, almost stone like, bed. Her emerald green eyes shifted to a blood red, and seemed to shine in the dark. Her midnight black hair fell onto her face, before she pushed it up. She walked to the small barred window of the door. Smiling sadistically at the back of the guards, she said in a polite and cute voice. "Hey mister, what's for dinner today? I'm quite hungry".

The guard on the left outside her room jumped back, as a shiver crept up his spine. He gulped audibly. "G-Get back."

The guard next to him said in a hushed voice. "Tony, she's stuck in there man, she can't get out. Relax."

Tony took a deep breath and replied "R-Right...She always freaks me out"

The non-freaked out guard spoke up in a commanding tone. "We aren't privy to that information, and neither are you. Stay back from the door and go back to reading. remember, you have a visitor coming tomorrow.

She replied, with a slight frown, "Okay Mister!"


A couple hours later, Lauren was standing away from the door, when a slot, just beneath the window opened, a tray slid in through this slot, and nearly fell before Lauren caught it with inhuman reflexes.

The guard that slid the tray in muttered under his breath, "Freak".

Lauren's eyes shot up, as her long black hair fell down on her face. Her usually playful demeanor gone. She spoke in an icy tone of voice, with blood red eyes.

"You called me a freak, didn't you? If I weren't inside this God forsaken cage, I would rip your eyes out and force you to eat them, disgusting dog. Go, Crawl back to your pitiful life, hold onto what little power you have left." She turned away, and sat down on the bed, her playful demeanor returned.

The guard stood there motionless, his face pale. He walked away and muttered to himself. "What is that girl? No one has been able to find out...I hope they kill her soon. Her eyes resemble that of a predator..."

Lauren sighed. "The same old food every day, at least the guards provide some form of entertainment." Her eyes returned to an Emerald green color, before she started humming and eating the cold soup and stale bread. After drinking some water, she walked over to the door and knocked twice, a second slot opened at the bottom of the door, barely big enough for the tray. Sliding it through, Lauren went back to reading. Just before sun rose, although there were no windows, Lauren could feel it. She crawled under her bed and went to sleep, with a single blanket and the pillow.

Lauren opened her eyes and saw a beautiful woman, the most beautiful she had ever seen. Her blood red eyes, and ghost white hair, contrasted sharply to the darkness around her. She woman was bleeding, and seemed to have many gunshot wounds. The beauty muttered "Tch, Silver bullets. I can't heal." She noticed Lauren and looked down at her, before her eyes opened wide. She leaned down and said in a sweet voice. "Shhhh. Go to sleep child. I'll take care of you." As if following a command, Lauren immediately fell asleep.

Lauren awoke from her dream just as the sun was beginning to set. She had a visitor today, so she got up, and tried to look her best, despite being in a dark room she wanted to look her best for whoever this visitor was. She hummed a tune happily while eating her breakfast.