Secrets of the Townsfolk (Part 2)

"We're getting closer, it should be in sight very soon." The voice of a male orc rang out. He seemed young, perhaps freshly trained.

This was the guide Griz had sent Silver and Luna with. He and his remaining troops stayed at the hideout to protect the children. They truly couldn't spare the manpower. Instead of getting help, they were sent with a singular guide. The two of them didn't mind so much, it would offer Luna the chance to learn a bit more.

They had been traveling for a few hours, and the guide, an orc named Riota, motioned for everyone to stop. He gestured ahead to the end of a tree line. He spoke in a hushed whisper.

"The temple is up ahead, I must return to the camp. Please take care. May your hunt be successful."

Peaking through, the two of them saw a small overgrown yellow hut. It had two human guards standing in front of it, and Silver internally raised an eyebrow. The "temple" was pretty underwhelming.

Luna took on a determined expression.

"Mom, I want to try fighting them alone."

Silver raised an eyebrow. "I'll let you be the vanguard. I'll play support if you want."

Luna nodded as she silently moved around the edge of the clearing. She took a moment to check over her status, ensuring that her HP and MP were full.


"Ugh, I can't wait to end this shift. It'll be our first day off in like a week. We can finally return to the village." The guard standing in front of the hut looked at his teammate.

"Yeah. We've been at this for roughly a week now, and it's just such a boring job."

Luna approached from a blind spot. The two guards were extremely relaxed. After all, they had been here for a week, and there was never once an attack on the temple.

Blood magic circulated in Luna's body. Her rage began to intensify. Fire coated her hands and her priestly staff remained fixed to her back.

She moved swiftly, grabbing the guard on the left by the hand. She swiftly moved her knee up, snapping the man's arm at the elbow. He was startled before crying out in pain.

As he fell to his knees clutching his arm, Luna swiftly roundhouse kicked him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Her mind was chaotic. She was never trained to fight, so how did she even manage that? As she was stunned into a manner of silence, the second guard took out a whistle and swiftly blew it.

Silver clicked her tongue and moved beside Luna, stomping down hard in the process. "We need to group up now, I think the rest of them will show up soon. daughter, when did you learn to fight like that?!"

As she stomped down, a mass of ice spikes crept across the ground, impaling the remaining guard. She allowed the ice to remain as Luna snapped out of her bizarre silence.

"I don't know Mom, but I think we can take whoever is showing up now." She replied while dropping a bit of fire onto the unconscious guard. Soon he screamed in agony, and Luna spat in his direction.

"Filthy human, attacking young girls and drinking their blood. Fucking disgusting."

Luna was extremely pissed off. It was very easy to determine.

Luna and Silver stood a bit away from the entrance to the temple. Guards soon began to funnel out, entering some kind of makeshift formation, there were five in total. Two of them had spears, two had some poorly made bows, and one had a sword. The one with the sword was clearly the captain.

He spoke to Silver and Luna, his voice attempting to be commanding. "Halt! Who are you to dare attack this sanctuary?"

Silver was about to respond, but Luna beat her to it. "Vampires, and we're here to make sure you don't harm any children anymore. I'd tell you some shitty quip, but you're not even worth that much."

Silver whistled. Her daughter was truly angry. Beyond angry, Silver internally wondered if there was some underlying cause. She put it off for now. She glared at the captain and Luna took a step forward.

She dashed at the guards, as quickly as she could. Silver sighed, deciding to play support for her.

Two spears stabbed at Luna. She twisted her body, grabbing one and yanking him toward her. He was pulled directly into her elbow. The air was expelled from his lungs due to the force, and he collapsed on his knees.

She went in to finish him but was swiftly stopped by the other spear user. Two arrows made their way toward her chest. They were stopped within a wall of water.

Silver lamented the fact that she didn't have a wind attunement. She could've launched the arrows back at them.

The captain cursed. "A mage! Get the mage first."

Silver smirked, summoning her scythe. She swung it around and planted the tip in the ground. "I'm no mage, and I'm far worse than she is. I'd be careful."

The captain paused, and Luna swiftly moved toward the other spear wielder. Her arm snaked out, grabbing his dominant hand. With the positioning, she had almost full control of his body and weapon. She kicked his legs to knock him off balance and began to lift him. He was slammed into the ground behind her moments later.

He dropped the spear as his body hit the ground, and she planted it directly in his upper chest. Blood began to coat the ground, and Silver was slightly curious how Luna was doing this with the "Dark Priest" class.

The blood began to slowly seep from the guard's body, floating into the air and forming a strange sigil above Luna.

The other spear user had recovered by now and attempted to move. He was unable to, due to Silver's ice magic.

Luna's face lost all color, as her own blood began to leak from her eyes. It joined the floating sigil. She slowly approached the guard and plunged her hand through his chest. His blood was the next, finishing the strange sigil.

It looked similar to a snake eating itself, coiled into the shape of the infinity symbol. It pulsed strangely, and Luna stumbled for a moment.

Silver moved swiftly, her body acting on pure instinct. She was sure that her daughter was going to end up seriously hurt. Her hand came toward her, intending to knock her unconscious.