chapter 3

He went to his chambers. There was a passage that led to an inner room underground. A room where sacred item was stored from ancient times. Golden Hill kingdom possesses a rare magical gem stone. They called it the kings' stone because it can only unleashed it potentials in the hands of a worthy king.

It is more colorful than the rainbow and brighter than the future. It compose of the most valuables earthly precious stones. This magical kings' stone has daring significant that men pledged to died for. A mere awareness of it potential struck the heart with diseases. The diseases of desire and greed. The passion to seek for the kings' stone and own it. It fortified any kingdom that possessed it with power, dominion and glory.

The same it gives to Golden Hill kingdom that made it people to worshipped it. They carved it statute and cast it in the heart of the city. There, the go to, to worshipped and make sacrifices. Especially on their memorial day.

Its has been the god behind their wealth, beauty and power. For decades that they have been in possession of the kings' stone and even now, their kingdom is so great and undefeated.

When the thought of it came to king Ephraim's mind, he perceived it might be the only thing that would save his child and queen. He took a lamp and found his way through the narrow passage.

His heart kept throbbing as he goes till he got to the small hall that has many doors to different rooms. The place has been neglected for years. He stood for a moment observing the abandoned sacred place carefully. Silence lived there. It was hot and stuffy and smells of musty. It was covered in dust and dirt.

He tried to freed his left hand from the thin strips of fabrics which engulfed him. He took the lamp nearer and discovered it was a cobweb. He demolished it nets and inconvenient the spiders. Spiders and other insects declared war and advanced at him. He ran to the third door by the right.

He dropped the lamp in-between him and the closed door. He heaved. He then closed his eyes and began an incantations. Incanting in ancient tongue, clasping and twisting and turning his fingers. The door opened slowly. He walked in.

Lights switched on in lamps immediately he stepped in. The room came alive. Everywhere was sparkling clean and sharp as though it was his chambers that the maids clean twice a day. The room was wide and orderly. Opposite him was a throne suspended above. Shelves was round about. He stepped further, the door closed behind him. He turned to looked at the closed door briefly.

He summoned courage and proceeded to the shelf by his right. He kept incanting, with his lips twitching without uttering a word. The shelf open and he took a book out. A brown dusty book. It had a golden ribbon secured around it. He opened to a page where he meditate on.

On the floor in the middle of the room popped up a large circle with inscriptions within. He put back the book and went to the center of the the circle. The throne lowered to the ground. He walked out of the circle and sat on the throne.

Instantly a raised surface emerged from under the circle. Round and translucent of about three feet tall. The lamps were put off. The raised platform had a crystal glistering stone that burns so bright at it center. Another thing like a golden rod pop up in between the raised platform. Lifting the stone a little above it. King Ephraim looked at it dazed. He got up from the throne and went to it.

He stretched forth his hands to it with precautions. He carried the kings' stone and held it before his face. Focusing his eyes and mind on it.

"They great kings' stone of kings. Most power ancient god. I come to you vulnerable. My queen and unborn child is staring at the pit of death. I see the same Raven that once snatched away my innocent bloods. Its a guard at the pit of death and has come to guard my child there again. Take my life in exchange for theirs. Spare my innocent child alive"

The kings' stone brighten slowly and more intensely until its light overshadowed the room.


In the birthing chambers queen Lucy cramps had subsided... Not really! The herbs applied on her aches didn't helped. Neither did the medicine that circulate beyond her body worked.

She just wasn't feeling anything anymore. Her body was numbed. She became stiffed and dreamy. She was there yet she seems faraway. Fading like shadows in the hollow of darkness. She was hearing voices echoing through the emptiness of her memory. So small from a distance. A persistent whimpering.

Their tones weakens her nerves. It caused her so much pains. She wanted to tell them to stop, that she was fine. Even though she wasn't sure. Neither did she know where she was... She just hope she was fine.

But why couldn't she responds to their cries. Something was holding her back. She felt void took hold of her. She tried to respond or at least lift her hands but it was too weak to gesture. The bones of her hands turned into fatty flesh. Flesh with fats and no strength. It couldn't lift itself.

"My lady you must wake up" Ms. Brenda was fussing and patting. "Queen Lucy!". She yelled with a loud voice. The muscles that evolved on her throat when she screamed took awhile to disappeared. Seeing the queen begin to withered like curse made them scared.

They were double checking what was left that they haven't done for the queen to deliver safely. They thought of another strategy to remedy the situation and safe both mother and child. But there was none left.

Queen Lucy felt a push and she blinked here. Slowly she opened her sore and swollen eyes. There was streaks of dried tears crested on her red face. Her eyes was wide opened but her vision was blurred. The whole room was decked with hue. Gradually she was picking her senses. The pains returned. Her whole body aches. She wished she didn't wake.

"Hummh" she swallowed her saliva. It went painfully down her dry throat. She cast her gazed on the midwives. They were all sweating. The beads of sweats on their body joined to made an ocean. It was flowing wildly. She beheld the dread in their eyes. The dread that told her clearly without words that they have tried all they could and there was nothing left to try. She wept. Not for the pains but the fact they she might no longer see them, feel them, talk to them and have a human relationship with them.

"My queen you have to stay awake" Anita, another midwife said holding firm to the queen's fatty flesh.

"Please save my child" she whispered so faint that it was barely audible. Ms. Brenda held her hand to give her this hope she seek for. Hot tears booked down queen Lucy's cheeks.

"Nothing shall happen to you my lady. You need to stay with us.. you need to see your child and feed it. And...."

"Listen to me" she interjected. This time her voice came alive. "my child's life is more important than mine. Save my child would you?". She wept. Still switching her stares in their eyes.

The midwives grew cold. Their fear was like the oceans of sweat running down their bodies. They fear for the life of their queen.

"My queen all shall be well" Lucia another of the midwife said drying the queen's tears. Ms. Brenda was anticipating whether or not to tell her. She decided to tell her since she would be wide awake while the corrections will be done on her.

"My queen you had a breech birth. Your baby came out through the buttocks. Stay with me. I have to returned it. I must position it well. So it will come out the right way". Ms. Brenda paused and searched through her eyes.

Queen Lucy remember what made her passed out. After her husband, king Ephraim bashed in. She passed out. So it was a breech birth.

"Would she be fine?" She asked Ms. Brenda. Looking at her like she would redeem her. Ms. Brenda cried. Tears ran out without restrictions

Queen Lucy really thought they position her child well when she passed out. It was as though Ms. Brenda read her mind.

"We needed to revived you first". She became busy on her.

" No time" they sprint into action. She bear the pains of positioning the baby and didn't show no sign of gruesome aches.

" My lady I need you to pushed just this one last time" If they could pushed for her, they sure will. They couldn't, even if they wanted to. That journey is solely.

Queen Lucy gave a smile. That smile that has depth of meaning behind. The smile broaden and tarries letting down rivers of tears. They just stared at her lovingly. She was their favorite and kindest of all the queens. Admired by all.

Queen Lucy absorbed all the strengths staring her in the face and gave a pushed. She did it with all her willed. She did it so fierce, like swords clinked in the battlefields by the hands of angrier knights defending like own to death. The out cried thundered too loud that its pierces the air. It echoed through the walls of the palace leaving trails behind.

King Ephraim on the throne sprang up. The nobles too. They bowed troubled. Everything stood still and paid respect to the sound. The pierced air became dense and furious. Thunder struck continually. The palace guards each identified with their king and queens.

The other queens from their chambers came running to the entrance of the throne hall. Shivering and colliding with each other. They peeked through the door and listen in for any news since they were never to entered the throne hall without permission from their king. The king's darted eyes caught them kowtowing apologetically. He just heaved and beckoned on them to take their places.

King Ephraim stood again on sighting Ms. Brenda. She stood there gloomy and speechless. All eyes was blazed at her. If eyes could harm it sure could sucked her brain or maybe her mind to get the answers to their one question. This made words hung in her throat. She coughed and repented.

Another mid wife who stood directly behind Ms. Brenda came forward. She carried the bassinet proudly and humbly. Wearing a golden smile. Her gaze never left the bassinet.

Their breathe skipped. The looked at one another. All the nobles. The king most especially, his heart was pounding rapidly. The sound could be heard without getting closer to him. There were protruding necks wanting to see for themselves the child wrapped in the swaddle. The midwives were three steps near the door and more meters away from the throne. They walked in lines on the red carpet leading to the magnificent throne. When they were some meters closer, Ms. Brenda took the child and presented before the king.

"My king!. She is a girl!. She lives!"

There was silence and peace in the room. For some. Queen Charlene gave a wicked smile somewhat amazed that the child lives. It was a total surprised and joy and calmness and jealousy which tarred on the faces of the queens and nobles. Tears roll down King Ephraim's eye, for the first time since he came of age. Slowly Ms. Brenda took the baby near. The king already ran to her. He stretched his fidgeting hands and grabbed his child into his bosom.

The king took his child closer to his throbbing heart throwing his feet slowly and deliberately back to his throne. when he climbed the short stairs, he turned and reckoned with the faces in the hall. They were loving his outburst of emotions. The air had changed to bitter and sweet.

Still staring at his little princess sweet innocent self, he sobs. She slept in the purified bassinet peacefully. He let drops of tears woke her. Her yawning was worthy of admiration. She had royal blue eyes just like her mother. She was looking so soft and tender.

He looked at her once more with cloudy delicate eyes. Smiles and tears plastered across his face as he consider her reality. He lifted her up with both hands.

"I am now a father!" . He laughed a short heartily laughter. "My child lives!" He said with ample deep voice. A feeling of fulfilment clothe him. He then reached out for his royal staff. He looked his queens and nobles in the eye.

"Behold my child" He said with pride.

Then he lifted his staff in the air. Everyone bowed.

After his glare was filled he called Ms. Brenda and gave her to her to nurtured and prepared her again for the royal dedication. Suddenly he remembered there can be no child without a mother.

"How is her mother, my queen?". King Ephraim asked with so much concerned.

Brenda lowered her gaze. Tears dropped from her eyes to the floor.

"I'm afraid my king we lost her" she finally spoke.

King Ephraim became sad. He wept loudly. Forgetting that he was a king and in the midst of his nobles and queens and servants. He loved queen Lucy so much, more than any of his other queens.

Queen Margaret pitied him and queen Daniella an inch. But Queen Charlene was bewildered. How a happy king would turned miserable.

"I thought you needed a child" she thought in her heart. " Or is another better than a child. The very heir to your throne?".

Queen Margaret went to comfort him. The other queens looked at her with contempt.

King Ephraim vowed in his heart to transferred the love and even more to their child. His only worthy heir.