Chapter 6 (Harper) : REVENGE

Today is Monday, September 5th.

A day to remember.

"Harper, without wasting our time, did you give this envelope to Brian Heffley?" said Principal Gordon.

A lump formed in my throat. My legs went stiff. My heart was racing. My breath was taken away. The whole ambiance shifted around me. It was literally breathtaking. I was stunned. Mortified.

"En—envel—envelope? Th—this envelope?"

I stammered.

"Yes, Harper." replied Mr.Gordon, coldly.

"I was told you handed the envelope to Brian during Mr.Walt's Chemistry class, is that true?"

"Y—Yes." I replied softly.

"Well, before you left to the bathroom, presuming you actually went there, Mr.Walt noticed you were acting suspiciously during his class today. When you were about to leave, he saw you were flailing as if you were hiding something. Less than 4 hours later, our janitor found this empty envelope while cleaning the boys' bathroom stalls with your name written on it in the back. This is what the letter reads."

So he began reading the letter,

"The money is in the locker. You secure the guns.

Afternoon, we will time our attack and get rid of them, understood?

With due regards, 

Turns Envelope to the back ,

Harper Collins."

" Did you write this?" he asked.

I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my ribcage. My soul wanted to escape my body. I was about to lose my balance. I felt dizzy, and everything around me seemed, shrunken. My eyes bulged like they were turned inside out. My palms and knees gotten sweaty. My hair was dry and somehow felt coarser and heavier than sand. My expressionless face reddened in trepidation and fear. My fingertips were cold like I had gotten a frost bite. Goosebumps spread all over my back. Shivers were sent down my spine.

It's like my body switched homeostasis off to deep "cryogenic stasis" mode.

"N—NO! I sw—swear I DIDN'T! I didn't ev—even know what was ins—inside the envelope in the f—first place! And ho—how a—am I responsible when Franz told me to gi—give it to Brian?!" I stuttered.

"Schmidt? Mr.Walt said you both were arguing about something, but he didn't see who gave the envelope to whom. But he did see you flailing and going to the bathroom shortly after. As for Brian, his mother right here,"

Principal Gordon turned his head towards the old gray-haired woman sitting in the chair,

"was asking about his whereabouts. He hasn't been home for the past three days. She received an envelope from him at the mailbox this morning that he would be coming to school, so she came to pick him up, but he never showed up. I checked our CCTV surveillance cameras and he was last seen at the emergency exit, along with Franz. But you remained."

"M-Me? No, in all regards sir, I am not involved in ANY of this! Even if my name was written on it, it doesn't mean I ACTUALLY did it!" I shouted.

"I sent a search warrant a few minutes ago to the police for Heffley and Schmidt. With all the tight security around the city, they couldn't have gone far. However, Heffley asked to go to the bathroom only two minutes after you left during Mr.Walt's lesson.

Moreover, the letter said the money was in the locker, which locker? Brian's ? Franz's ? Or is it yours?"

"No! No—no—NO! It's not in my locker, I am certain of it! Search it , you will find NOTHING there!" I said, trembling.

"Oh, I already did. I informed the School Resource Officer to unlock and search all three lockers and desks that belong to you, Brian, and Franz. What we find will be revealed tomorrow."

"But why MINE?! What DID I DO?!" I yelled angrily.

"Do you mind keeping your voice down, Harper? Letting your rage go out of control like that defeats the purpose of proving your innocence. With information that we have at present and the responsibility that I bear as Education Executive Officer of this school, I am sorry to say that you will have to be suspended from school until we confirm you are not part of this. So will Franz and Brian too. These are serious allegations; in fact, it's considered a crime. Illegal possession of firearms and a possible school shooting! Life-sentence crimes! Thus, to preserve your rights and our integrity as a school , we need more proof to solidify our case and press charges against those involved and then let the authorities handle the rest. However, that proof lies in your hands."

"My hands?! Sir, I am being held accountable for a possible crime that I didn't commit! That I wasn't involved in! A crime that didn't even happen yet! I am sorry, but this is absurd! I want to call my father!" I demanded.

"She is innocent, Mr.Gordon. Please, let her go! I am willing to accept that my precious son is accountable for all of this, even though I hate to confess it. But don't let him drag down an innocent girl like her with him. Please." pleaded Brian's mother.

I have never met Brian's mother before, but she looks quite old to be his mother. If I wasn't told it was his mother, I would've thought she is his grandmother! Her lips are garrulous. Her garments are scruffy and soiled. Her black eyeliner and makeup were done in a hurry. Her face had wrinkles, not too many, but enough to imply that time is starting to wear her old. Her handbag was clearly ravaged by time too : its light brown color was dissipating.

"My sincere apologies, Mrs.Heffley, but this is no longer a minor inconvenience, it's a major threat to our students' lives and perhaps , teachers too. Last week's events have caused an upheaval. If we don't take action now, the situation may escalate beyond our control. Thus, we must subdue and solve the problem before it turns into another tragedy. Anyways, as I was saying, Harper, the proof that lies in your hands is the money. If we find out you have been lying and the money is present with you, God Forbid, I am afraid the damage that you shall suffer will be irreparable. Though, knowing you and your father, I am hopeful that we are proven wrong."

I stood as still as a mountain.

This wasn't a nightmare. It was something far worse : it was reality. MY reality.

What will I tell Mom? What will I tell Dad?

On this day , I have been not just set up , but exploited and used. And I fell for it.

Mrs.Heffley pulled out her handkerchief and wiped off her tears.

"Oh my boy, what have you done?!" she lamented.

"You may leave now, Harper. Let your father know that I attempted to contact him , but his phone was on silent. Let him talk to me as soon as possible, please. Thank you."

The walk back home with Fuyu was agonizing. I couldn't bear to look her in the eye and tell her what happened.

"Harper, we have been walking for 15 minutes, and you STILL haven't told me what happened! Is there something wrong? Tell me! I know it's serious unlike what you told me because you stayed there at Mr.Gordon's office for half an hour! And your face says it all. So why won't you budge?" urged Fuyu.

"I swear Fuyu, it's nothing! Okay? Mr.Gordon just messed up and thought I did something I didn't commit!" I answered.

" 'Commit' ? You sound like you are talking about a crime, Harper. What's going on? Is it about the envelope?" asked Fuyu.

I didn't respond. The words refused to leave my mouth , and I simply stayed shut. I didn't know what to tell her.

"Harper? C'mon, we can't keep doing this to ourselves. Fine. I won't pressure you, but if it gets out of—"

"I got suspended from school." I interrupted.

"WHAT?! Why?!" Fuyu asked, appalled.

"I was set up by Franz and Brian, and Principal Gordon told me that it looks like they were planning a"

My phone rang. I picked it up.

"Planning what? Harper? Don't stop there! UGH!"

her voice faded in the background.

"Mistress Harper," called Mr.Jensen, our Butler,

"your grandmother is dying. You must hurry! Your mother is here."

Another bullet to get shot with today.

"Ok—Okay! I'm on my way! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!"

I struggled.

"What's the matter now?!" asked Fuyu nervously.

"I have to go. Grandma Morgan is dying! I'm so sorry, Fuyu!" I replied back in disbelief. My voice was getting higher.

I pulled my bag up and sprinted as fast as my short legs could get me.

"It can't be! This—this wasn't supposed to happen at all! No!" I bemoaned.

I and Fuyu were only 2 kilometers away from school , and 8 kilometers away from my father's mansion. Since the Bracnia bus doesn't pass by our road, I had to take the Underground Metro, so I dashed to the nearest Metro Station:

Minerva II, which was 2 kilometers from my current position, to the left of the Egyptian Obelisk and to the right of the Zuylandiam Post Office.

I was so engrossed in the misfortune I suffered today that I didn't realize I fortuitously ran down the wrong street.

I came to a halt at a dumpster in a narrow, empty alleyway and tried retracing my movements in my mind while reaching for my phone to call Mr.Jensen and inform him that I was on my way.


Without warning, a gunshot was fired to my left.

Pain shot up my ears. My eardrums were rattled by the concussive burst of energy released from the shot. I felt blood trickle down my cheeks.

I slowly lost my balance and fell to the ground.

Before I could make sense of my surroundings,


The gun slap to my face caused an immediate flush of pain, nausea, and anger to rush over me. I couldn't feel the nerves on the left side of my face anymore. My left eye was puffed. I felt it swelling up. The right side of my face met the ground.

Nobody was walking on the pavement. The street was completely hollow, devoid of any life. May be that was due to it being rush-hour ? Or was it the police ? But then again, there were no cops or enforcers around. Something about the street looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Alas, here I was, being dragged by my legs across the floor of an alleyway : I was too small and too weak to resist. Even If I wanted to resist , it wasn't like I could.

I lost all sense of where I was , or what I wanted to do at that moment.

My heart hurt. My body hurt. My soul ached. And most importantly, for the first time in my life, I was not in control.

The last thing I spotted was a taxi cab parked at the opposite lane. But there was no one inside. Yay! Lucky me!

I didn't want to be found or rescued anyways.

"I am done," I mumbled. "I surrender."

"Aww, giving up so soon?" spoke my assailant.

I barely could make out the voice. So whatever he or she said sounded to me like the noise a radio would make on the wrong frequency , and I would have to make out the words.

"My revenge has only just begun!" continued the assailant.

I heard a loud , maniacal guffawing.

Welp, this is it, folks! I have officially reached the lowest point in my life. Or as Mrs.Richards would describe in her physics class on waves, the "lowest trough" in one's life.

My eyes closed shut, and the world went black.

Today is Monday , September 5th.

The day I lost my chance at having a good start.


Someone snapped his fingers.

I slowly opened my right eye.

A splitting headache worsened my vision.

I couldn't see anything through my swollen eye.

My face was motionless.

I was still discombobulated from the gun slap earlier.

Above my head, a light bulb turned on.

"Hey, there, Harper! How are you doing? Or was it Richie Harpie? I hope you are having a good day!"

said the assailant.

My ears were still ringing from the gunshot earlier, so I couldn't hear properly.

I didn't know how much time passed since I was knocked out cold, but I knew I had to regain my bearings and find a way out.

Adrenaline started rushing in my veins, kicking off the fight-or-flight response. I was preparing myself for both, however.

"Harper, look at me." The assailant said.

I scanned my surroundings. I was in a locked , dark room. The light bulb above me was the sole source of illumination in the room.

No furniture was in the room. Only two bags , whom were probably owned by my two assailants, and a 3.4 V flashlight.

Speaking of bags, I couldn't find mine. I assumed the assailants got rid of it in the dumpster. This meant that I had no way of contacting the police or emergency services for help, emphasizing the fact that I had to force my way out of here. But how?

I was sitting on a chair, my limbs (hands & feet) were tied by a rope behind my back. My mouth was taped shut. My long , black hair was only making it even harder and difficult to see: the only time I was ever bothered by my silky smooth hair, another first.

"LOOK AT ME!" roared the husky, hoarse voice of Assailant number 1. He is definitely a man.

I was startled. Initially , his voice reverberated like that of a demon speaking from a sizzling-hot cauldron. But something about the tone of his voice that struck me as oddly familiar. Like I heard it before somewhere.

Anyhow, I looked and saw that both my assailants were wearing completely black clothes : from the thief-looking masks and gloves covering their heads faces and fingers , to the black pants and sneakers covering their legs and toes.

It felt like I was looking at ninjas.

I barely could discern their eyes or mouths.

Assailant number 1 had silver eyes and thin, pinkish lips.

He was lean, slim, and tall. He wasn't muscular nor too slender.

Assailant number 2 had dark brown eyes and dark , purplish lips.

He was even taller and thinner than Assailant number 1: the type who could play basketball, except without muscles.

"Harper, the time has finally come. Today , you and your family will be paying a heavy price." said Assailant 1.

I raised an eyebrow. Heavy price? I was puzzled. I couldn't speak because of the tape.

"You OWE us for the service we provided you. You OWE us for the money you earned because of OUR hard work." continued Assailant 1.

Assailant 2 nodded in agreement.

I was even more confused. Who were these guys?

Assailant 1 got closer to me and pulled my chair.

His breath met my face as he whispered in my left ear like he was about to enchant some dark magic,

"You OWE us your L.I.F.E." he said.

The way he spelled it out, made me uncomfortable, so I head butted him.

"AUGH! Hahahaha! Look at you! Richie Harpie bothered by me?! Unbelievable. I can't wait till you recognize me. Actually, how 'bout now? I will count to 3. If you can figure out my identity before I reach 3, I wouldn't have to empty a second bullet and you won't go deaf. Deal? So, which ear was it again? Hahaha." cackled Assailant 1.

That sadistic bastard.

"Okay, tilt her chair." ordered Assailant 1 , looking at Assailant 2.

"HMMMMMMM!!!HMM!!" I mumbled in resistance, as loud as possible.

I shook my arms and flailed them vigorously.

Assailant 2 then grabbed me by the chin and tilted the chair backwards.

Assailant 1 armed his pistol and pointed it at me. He commanded,

"Remove the tape."

"AH, you BASTARDS! What do you want with me! AGH!" I resisted.

"Okay, let's begin. ONE." Assailant 1 said.

"LET ME GO!" I hollered.

"Wrong answer. Pull her hair."

"No! You won't—AHHHH!" I screamed.

Assailant 2 pulled my hair by its roots with so much force that tears formed and started to wet my eyelids.

"TWO." echoed Assailant 1.

"I swear I don't—AHHHH!" I screeched.

"Nope. Tilt it more. Final Warning. Who am I?" Assailant 1 said.

At that point, Assailant 2 was holding my chair, which was standing on two legs instead of four, with one hand while using his other hand to pull my hair.

I tried focusing on Assailant 1's voice. The way he speaks, his demanding tone. His silver eyes. Where have I seen such characteristics?

His body frame wasn't a perfect square, but he could possibly hold his own ground in football. Football?

Another light bulb flickered in my head , as the pieces of the puzzle came together to make one whole picture.

That coarse, rough voice. I should've recognized it sooner! He is the one behind it all.

"THREE. Okay, GAME OVER, Harpie. Let these be the last words you will ever hear for the rest of your hopefully short life."

"You—You—You are the cause of my misery! BRIAN ELLIOT HEFFLEY!" I summoned all the strength I had in the pits of my vocal cords to bellow those words.

Assailant 1 , or Brian, flinched.

While Assailant 2 was distracted, I ceased the opportunity and deliberately let go of my balance and SLAMMED Assailant 2's foot with the full weight of my chair.

Fortunately for me, I managed to knock the light bulb out of view with another headbutt before landing on Assailant 2's leg.

The light bulb fell on Brian's head.


"AGH VERDAMMT!" growled Assailant 2.

He limped before he lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Now I knew why he was silent this whole time.

"LIGHTS OUT, BOYS!" I cried in satisfaction.

Next, I reached out for the broken light bulb's shards as Brian ordered,


"Then , why don't you just SHOOT HER!" yelled back Franz.

"Because we wouldn't be able to get back the MONEY , you IMBECILE!" replied Brian.

"Dummkopf (Idiot)! I want her DEAD! Give me the gun!" responded Franz.

Franz jumped at Brian , and both men rolled on the floor.

While those two boneheads were fighting it out, I used a shard of glass and cut myself free from the ropes.

When I got up, both men were so busy battling each other, neither knuckle-head paid attention to the fact that I was free.

Like oil and water or pizzas and pineapples , these two are immiscible. Together , dumb turns into dumber. I can't believe these two ruined my first day of school.

Since the door was locked, I inferred that one of them had the key.

I sighed.

I proceeded to lift my chair and waited for the right moment to strike.

Both men punched and kicked each other in the guts. Tragic how Brian ended up in such a terrible place with this German fool.


"Halt die Klappe! (Shut up!)" shouted Franz.

Without hesitance, I ran with the chair on top of my head and smashed them with it.

Franz, whose back absorbed the full force of the chair's impact, lost his conscience first.

Brian was stuck underneath. I couldn't see the gun, so I frantically searched Franz's pocket. No key.

Brian pulled the trigger. Dang it.

I stood still.

Brian got up.

"Nice try, Harpie. But the key is in my pocket. If you want it, you will have to go through me. But I am saddened to inform you that I have two extra bullets that I am willing to empty on you. Also, I have your phone, so whatever you are gonna do next, you won't escape. Now, raise your hands where I can see them." he said.

"What makes you think I will give you any money , Brian?!" I said angrily.

"Because your father was the reason my mother lost our home." he responded.

"What?!" I said , baffled.

"Your terrific father fired Ma from NovaTech because her coworkers falsely accused her of fraud! And he BELIEVED them!"

I was left in awe.

"Not only that, but my brother DIED in the Hospital bombing last week! He and all 4 of his pals were disintegrated by that freak! Reduced to DUST! I know it because I WAS THERE! And YOU and your friend were there too! Your father 'expressed' his sorrow and condolences with the atypical cold-bloodedness of a wealthy person. He promised to financially aid the families of those who lost loved ones in the bombing, YET 4 days passed and he did not even CARE to ask about my mother! We are selling OUR home today! Why do MY sisters get to live without a roof on their heads while YOU act like nothing happened? IT'S NOT FAIR!"

I replied back, "But we suffered too! All of us did! Do you think that justifies you threatening us all by saying that you will shoot us?!"

"Shut your fat mouth!" Brian said, pulling on the trigger.

"Why don't you call daddy for me? Tell him I want my money. 1,000,000 Zanters! Hahahaha" he taunted.

I looked at him , disgusted.

"What? Is that too much for you? Never seen your family poor before? My mother wasn't just denied her only source of income, but she was also denied her retirement pensions! So, it's time to pay up. And don't try dialing the police, because either way, none of us is getting out of here alive." he said.

"Now, let's get this over with." he smiled in malevolence.