Who Are You ?

Several minutes passed as Olivia found herself in what appeared to be an underground Colosseum riddled with worn down statues of women in cloaks.

" This isn't creepy at all," Olivia said to herself. She walked around and examined the statues.

" Olivia?" Jill asked as she phased through the wall behind her." Glad you got here. Where's Scott?"

" He's chasing another lead." We'll catch him up to speed after we check this place out."

" Yeah, sure thing." But first, there is something I should show you. Follow me."

The two flew through the underground colosseum. They passed pillars of mystical hieroglyphics wrapped in plastic.

" This place is crazy," Olivia said." Why didn't the captain tell us about his? Do you think he knew about it?"

" I don't know. But we might solve the puzzle if we look down there," Jill pointed to a massive hole in the middle of the colosseum. The girls flew toward the hole until Olivia cast circles of small lights to find the ground at the bottom of the tunnel. She planted her feet on the ground when she felt a strange sensation in her spine.

" I don't know why but something about this place seems familiar," said Olivia.

" After what I found, that wouldn't surprise me,"

" What do you mean?"

" It's hard to explain. It's best that you add lighter and see for yourself."

" Sure," Olivia said, Ipas cellula compleatur locum convolaturi sumus de tenebris ad lucem illustrantem." Olivia generated yellow streams of energy from her hands and the shadows around her disappeared. A shrine of her family's symbol was engraved under her feet.

With her eyes opened wide, Olivia uttered:" What the hell is this place?"

" This my child will be your tomb," Dorian Priest said when he teleported in the air, hovering above the agents." It shall also be the catalyst for the Blessings reign on this meaningless world."

Jill and Olivia felt paralyzed by Priest's presence." Pity. I expected you to live up to the third Enchantress Omega," Priest said.

" Third Enchantress Omega?" Said Olivia." My great grandmother was the First Enchantress Omega,"

" I see the goblin hasn't told you that part of your heritage. I am not surprised.

" Liv, be careful," Jill pleaded.

"Relax, Jill. I can handle aw!" Before the young enchantress could finish her sentence, she felt a sharp blade piercing her abdomen. She fell on her hands and knees, seeing Jill hold a dagger identical to that of the Blessings.

" Jill, what are you doing?" asked Olivia.

" Silly girl," Jill giggled." So stubborn, so naive," The ghostly agent pulled the dagger out of Olivia's back while her aura turned purple.

" I'm impressed you lured the girl this far, spirit," Priest said. He conjured two shackles to wrap around Olivia's body.

" Valkyrie metal."

" Courtesy of your friend."

" Why would you betray us, Jill?" Said Olivia.

" That would indicate I was on your side. By the way, my name is not Jill. It is Tabitha!

Plagued with the shocking revelation of Tabitha's identity, Olivia was helpless to escape.

" Aw, what's wrong, Olivia?" Tabitha taunted the young witch." Feeling silly for falling for the nice, quiet girl routine?"

" I trusted you. We all believed you," Olivia shouted.

" Of course, you did," Priest said." After all, you were mentored by such a weak captain,"

Priest conjured a sizeable green crystal in his hand, housing Captain Moss.

" CAPTAIN?" Olivia screamed.

" Goblimite is a rare, effective material used to contain some of the most powerful spellcasters in Parabola," Tabitha said." Once we found it, we planned the perfect time to cripple the force."

" You don't have to do this to use me," Olivia scowled.

" Foolish girl," Priest said." We need a descendant of the Cult family who's not trained to resist our influence."

" Someone young, someone with unlimited potential and who wasn't trained to repress Lilith's magic," Tabitha smirked. "Ring any bells?"

Olivia's stomach was tied in knots once she put to and two together." You want Tosh!"

" Correct," said Priest.

Olivia struggled to escape but Priest lifted his hand to levitate his adversary.

" If you touch him, I...,"

" You might want to worry about wolf-boy first," Tabitha said.

" What have you done with Scott?"

" See for yourself." Priest summoned a massive portal that spewed out Scott, bound in mystical green chains.

" Olivia," Scott yelled. Tabitha and Dorian Priest stormed through the elementary school to find her next vessel.

Lorna hid behind the classroom door as she instructed her students to do the same.

"Everyone, stay down," Lorna said.

" Ms. Hush, what's going on?" Tosh asked.

" Some terrible people are here," Lorna whispered." We can't let them find us."

" Too late," Tabitha said. She phased through the door while Lorna ran from the evil spirit.

" Stay away from us," Lorna said as she lifted the badge Olivia gave her.

" An enchantment to protect against intruders," said Tabitha." Olivia must like you to give you that."

"Olivia?" Tosh asked.

" What do you want from us?" Lorna asked.

" The only person I want is Tosh. You and the other whining brats can leave,"

Lorna walked backward and held her arms out.

" I won't let you take these children."

" How cute," The evil spirit snickered. "Luckily, we have hostages of our own. Dorian?"

The walls exploded behind Tabitha. Dorian Priest walked in the classroom with Olivia and Tosh's parents tied up by mystical purple chains.

" MOM, DAD," yelled Tosh,

" Give us the boy or his parents will perish," Dorian said.

" Don't hurt them, please."

" Tosh, stay back," Lorna said.

" How sickening," Tabitha said." Dorian. why don't we raise the stakes?"

" Very well. Vocat ingenti agri igni,"

A massive field of flames surrounded the barrier, fueling the fear in the students.

" Do you want everyone in school to die, Tosh?" Tabitha smirked." You can save them."

Tosh cringed in the corner of the room as Lorna kept him and the other children at bay.

" Stay back, Tosh," warned Lorna."

" Humans. So damn stubborn,"

Tabitha conjured Olivia's Virgin Mary and shot Lorna in the shoulder, causing her to drop the badge.

" Ms. Hush," Tosh yelled.

" I hope that was the tipping point," said Tabitha." You can save them all if you step out of that barrier."

Tosh contemplated all his friends and family in danger. What would he decide?


Tosh walked out of the barrier and surrendered himself to Tabitha.

" Tosh, no," Lorna reached out in distress.

" Good boy," Tabitha smiled as she quickly overshadowed the young boy.

" Tosh?" Lorna asked.

" Not precisely," Tabitha spoke through Tosh's body.

" You know, I never got to see Nollax in his full vampwolf form. Dorian, care to accommodate us?"

" Certainly," Priest said. He placed his hand on Scott's head.

" Let me go you ...," said Scott.

" Qsitissimis poenis adfecit ardent studio septem lunaeque Pestilencia," Priest chanted.

Scott's eyes bulged with fury as his body transformed into an eight-foot blue furred werewolf with long bat-like wings.

" Those shackles will disappear once we leave," Priest said.

"To see if you care enough about your baby brother to kill your best friend," Tabitha added.

" Oh, and as a bonus..."

Priest snapped his fingers to generate another portal that released Meredith, also subdue in chains.

"Meredith?" Olivia said.

" Agent Cult?" Meredith asked after being thrown on the ground.

" Have fun, girls," Tabitha said as she and Dorian escaped.