Emergency Room

Accompanied by Scott, Olivia stormed through the hospital, fearing the worst for her little brother." Do not worry, Liv. I'm sure Tosh is fine." Scott tried to comfort her.

" I hope you're right about that, Scott."

The two arrived at the reception desk, hoping they would find Tosh's room.

" Excuse me," Olivia asked the nurse." I need to find Tosh Cult."

" I'm sorry, Miss." The receptionist said." But at this time, only the family can visit that patient. Unless are you related to the patient?"

" No, no, she is not," a familiar voice interrupted.

" That voice," Olivia panicked as she turned around to see her mother and father scowling at her." Mom? Dad?"

" Hello, Olivia," Cynthia said." We need to talk, privately."

"Liv, say the word and I'll ...," Scott began. Olivia lifted her hand, signaling him to stop.

" Scott, let's go," Olivia said as she and Scott followed her parents to a secluded waiting room.

As Scott shut the door behind them, years of tension filled the room. " You shouldn't be here," Jorge said.

" I'm here to see if Tosh is okay," Olivia said." I am not here to hurt anyone. Lilith is ...,"

" Exactly why you shouldn't be here," her father interrupted." You made your choice to leave the day you opened that book. I will not allow you to take my son with you."

" Goddammit, she saved your son," Scott defended Olivia, who was cringing from her father's words.

" Tosh would never have been in danger if Olivia hadn't sought us out," Cynthia said." I wish things could be different, but because of what Olivia is, he will never be safe if she stays involved in his life."

" What is wrong with you people?" Scott yelled." Your daughter stopped a freaking apocalypse, and all you can tell her is stay away from her brother?"

"This matter does not concern you, vampwolf," Jorge said." Now that the danger has passed, all witches must stay far away from our son and us."

" Wait, how do you know that I'm a ...,"

" We have kept the burden of suppressing Lilith for generations," Cynthia answered." We know all about Parabola and the agency. Who do you think called them when we were forced to kick Olivia out of our house?"

" You called Captain Moss and Maxine?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, Olivia," Cynthia said." As much as it pains us to cast you out, we knew you would be in better hands with L.I.F.E.

" You're her parents, "said Scott." Why could not you tell her this before? If you knew so much about Parabola, why didn't you keep her? You could have trained her yourself."

" There are many things about the agency and Parabola that we are banned from telling anyone. Including our children," Jorge said." Besides, no one in our family was able to master Lilith's terrible magic since my grandmother. Those who have tried have met a tragic end."

Jorge walked over to Olivia, placing his hand on her shoulder while lifting her chin.

" Mija, there's no greater pain than disowning my daughter. But the choice you have made, not only condemned you but our family as well. I truly am grateful for what you did for your brother, and I could not be any prouder. But if you genuinely care about Tosh, you will promise me you will leave him and us alone to protect him. No phone calls, no visits. Promise me."

Olivia struggled to move her tongue to form her answer as she removed Jorge's hand from her face.

" Scott, we're leaving. "Scott used his gauntlets to create a portal to the Parabola while Olivia scowled at her parents before jumping through,

Cynthia clutched her husband's shoulder with a great deal of grief in her heart.

" We did what we had to do to protect her," Jorge said." But the threat she faced pales to the nightmare yet to come."


While the calming skies of Parabola usually provided a comforting breeze to many who embraced its sweet call, the young witch detective felt uneasy after happened when her trust was placed in the wrong person. Olivia hunched her back over a pot holding a tulip that belonged to, Tabitha.

" Would you care for some company, Agent Cult?" Captain Moss said while he joined her on the balcony.

" Was she ever, my friend?" Olivia said as she struggled with feelings of anger and sadness.

" I believe at one point, Tabitha valued your friendship," Moss said." But even in death, a person's true colors are only shown when that person reaches their lowest point."

" Your advice is making less sense than usual, Sir."

Olivia's eyes squinted, trying to swallow her tears.

" Olivia," Moss said when he placed his hand on her shoulder." I know you have spent many years owning your magic. But there are still things you do not understand about Parabola,"

Olivia turned around and revealed a shocked expression on her face.

"That's what Priest said regarding the book," Olivia said." If there is so much, I do not know about Parabola, why aren't you telling me more? Why didn't you tell me about Tabitha's death?"

" I'm sorry that I kept it from you," the captain said." But trust me, there are things I am not at liberty to disclose. There are those in higher authority that would endanger you, your friends, and your family if the information is prematurely exposed.

" What now? Am I supposed to live in ignorance forever?"

"No, Olivia. I promise you I will explain in due time."

" Sorry," Olivia said while she wiped a tear from her eye. "I know it's against the rules. But I need to see Tosh again. He's the only family that hasn't disowned me."

" In these circumstances, I cannot restrict you from seeing your brother. However, please know that doing so may have dire consequences."

" Consequences?"

" When I first established the rule that agents of the force could not have an ongoing relationship with any of their family members in the human world, it wasn't to maintain the security of the organization. It was meant to protect those families from threats that would endanger them. Because of our work, we have made enemies over the years. Most of those enemies will seek to harm those we love. Those who can't defend themselves in the human world to get to us."

The captain dug into his pocket and pulled out a small, corked bottle filled with pink liquid. He placed it inside Olivia's hand before explaining its purpose.

" This vial contains sphinx venom."

" Sphinx Venom?!," But any human that drinks this will forget any magical influence forever."

" Yes, the venom will also blind the user from any mystical threats that emerged from Parabola. However, it will also restrict any spellcaster from contacting that mortal."

Her fingers trembled as Olivia contemplated whether to use it, knowing that exposing her brother to such a liquid would protect him.

" I know this is a difficult decision to bear. Therefore, I will not force you into making it. Regardless of your choice, I promise to stand by you."

Olivia quickly hugged her supervisor as she began to weep again." I understand. Thank you, Sir. "

As she broke away from hugging her captain, her badge began to ring." It appears you're needed," Moss said.

" Yes, I should be going. Thank you again, Captain."

Olivia teleported from the balcony as Captain Moss walked towards the end of the railing, staring at the sunset. " You cannot have her," the captain said tilting his head to the clouds." I will lay my life down for that young lady. I will never let you have Olivia."


Olivia's heartbeat rapidly while she raced through the hospital. When she approached her little brother's room, Olivia met up with the person who had contacted her.

" Glad you could come," Lorna said fidgeting with her fingers.

" I was surprised that you called me," Olivia said." I know how you feel about magic, Lorna considering what happened to your father. But you must realize what I do and what my friends do, helps everyone; human or otherwise."

" I know. I got the call from Dr. Willows. She explained how you risked everything to save Tosh. I was wrong for judging you. I'm sorry."

Olivia's face brightened. She felt the tension between her and Lorna dissolve.

" Dr. Willows has a few colleagues who practice here. She was able to pull a few strings to assure no one would disturb you for the next twenty minutes," Lorna said." It should be enough to keep your parents from stopping you.

But before the young teacher aide could finish your sentence, Olivia passionately kissed her on the lips. Lorna embraced Olivia's bold move and caressed the left side of her face.

" I can't thank you enough," Olivia said.

" My pleasure," Tosh is an extraordinary person. That runs in the family."

Lorna prepared to leave the hospital as she pulled out the spare badge from Olivia.

" I think I'll hang on to this after all."

" My dad should be sending more cops to look over Tosh. If he is ever in any more trouble, he should be safe," Olivia said.

" Whoever said I'd be using it to talk about Tosh?" Lorna blushed and walked away.

" Here I come, baby brother," said Olivia.

Finally allowed to be alone with her brother, Olivia could not help but feel conflicted about whether she should be involved in Tosh's life again.

The five-inch vial in her hand suddenly felt twenty times its weight as she debated using it. I should not be here, Olivia thought. I have caused Tosh enough pain. I should let him forget about me.

But as Olivia processed those thoughts, her attention focused on the drawing Tosh made of the two of them playing together when they were young.

" He kept it," Olivia sobbed.

At that moment, the mental tug of war intensified. Olivia nervously tampered with the cork of the vial but did not put much effort into removing it.

"Olivia?" Tosh whispered slowly regaining consciousness. The witch detective looked at her younger brother with tears flowing down her face. Olivia's decision rested in the hands of fate.