Chapter 34

Making a simple hex bag. The ingredients were easy to get and prepare.

Step one is get a picture of the person you wish to hex. As the hex bag needs to be near the person to work, Lich had to use a photo of himself. Luckily while he was on the ground the shop keeper took his photo and printed out the needed photos.

Looking at the photo, Lich now knew why his face was wet after he got over the falling incident.

Step two is burning the photo of the person to be hexed, and placing the ashes into a hex bag. Normally if you wanted the hex bag to actually do something, you would add more. But since this is just simply making a working hex bag, Lich was done.

'Now just to do this a few more thousand times.'

While Lich was working, there were others who came in and worked. But as Lich was focused, he didn't talk to anyone. The other people didn't talk to Lich, as they spent a lot of time to collect the needed money to start the path, something Lich won't have to worry about.


The flyer for the Hex Path was just of Lich tossing hex bags around.

The next place Lich ended up going was the Vampire Path shop.

'The blood element place had me put out blood elemental stones, so what will the vampire place be. It might be like the zombie place and I will be dealing with books.'

The quest Lich got was what he thought it would be. Putting books about vampires out on the book display.

There were others working, but it seemed like they were focused on doing their quests. Lich kept up the work of putting books onto the displays.

As he finished without complications he hoped the next place wasn't so calm. He was getting bored. After checking the flyer, which was him with vampire fangs holding his shirt which was covered in blood, he headed to the next place.

The shop he was sent to had a different then he was used to. It seemed to be underground as he didn't see any windows and the place was way too shady.

Then when the notification for the quest sounded off, he knew this place was sketchy.

[G0 Cannabis(Plant) Quest : Collect 1000 Seeds]

Walking up to a pile of plants, he began to work.


Since the place he was at was shady, Lich quickly got it over with and advanced to the next path. He didn't even really look at what the flyer was.

Before the notification told him his quest, he could tell from the surroundings.

'Wine? So I am just placing wine onto display. This is probably like the ramen place, which means I don't get to drink. Well I could, but I don't want to see what happens if I waste an item to be sold in the shop on purpose.'


Looking at the flyer of him holding wine bottles, Lich decided it was best to stop looking at the flyers. Since he wouldn't get stronger from staring at the flyer's he might as well stop checking them out.

Looking around, there was talisman that lined the shop, some used as banners.

"Welcome to the Calligraphy Shop. Would you like to make some talisman or just to buy?"

"Well, I want to make some talisman. However I have a small problem."

"Don't worry. I understand some people find it hard to make money to pay and unlock the Path. If you want, I could pay it for you and even pay for another Path. Of course the other Path is the Kraken Path. If you give me all the extra ink drops I will take that as repayment."

However the man saw that Lich's clothes changed to the employee outfit. Noticing the shop owners confusion, Lich looked at the ground scratching the side of his face.

"The problem isn't money, wow I can't believe I can say that without lying. Anyway the problem is my penmanship is a little atrocious."

The shop owner smiled. "Oh, then there isn't a problem. This must be the first artsy Path you have done. No need to fear. If you end up failing three times in a row, your body gets.. corrected."

Gulping, Lich asked, "What do you mean by corrected?"

"Nothing serious, just your body will start to do the work for you. Of course you can only fail three talisman. After that your body will do the rest, all the way up to before F rank."

Lich smiled." That is good to hear. Well I will start now."

Wondering how bad Lich could be at doing art, the man wanted to look over his shoulder to check how bad he was. However, before the man could get to close to Lich, he saw Lich get surrounded by a spell.

Making the weird face, the shop owner yelled in his head. 'He already failed three times! This has to be a record in getting the 'Artist Soul' to take over. Even the ones who tried to draw bad ended up taking longer.'


Feeling pleased with not having to think and being able to draw good once in his life, Lich looked at the talisman. "Wow it looks good, but even though I was the one to draw it, I am not able to read what it says. Maybe I should of learned more languages. Eh, when I was drawing it, I could tell what it meant so it is fine.

Before Lich left, the shop owner put his hand on Lich's shoulder and wished him all the help on his art journey.

The next place Lich ended up was the Base Path Shop. As he showed up he realized this might be a shop connected to the landlord group. But seeing no one pay attention to him, it seems like he was over thinking it.

The shop owner was sitting in his office shaking. Lich was wrong, as this shop owner was in fact part of the landlord group. However a few days before, he had a visitor who set some ground rules.

Normally he wouldn't be afraid of anyone, as no sane person would attack his district. The one who overlooked his district was Takoyaki. But Takoyaki was the one who visited him. She was only there long enough to say a single sentence.

'If you even think of interfering with Lich when he visits your shop, I will change your shop to a designated war zone and end it.'

Even though Takoyaki has started over for an unknown reason, the shop owner was still scared of her. Since the one who showed up was the original looking Takoyaki and not the body that started over.


[G0 Base Quest: Stock 1000 Base(Base Building Kit) On The Shelf]

'Are all Building Paths simply going to be putting a small kit of the building on the shelf? Am I going to have to build one later in the Path or what?'


'Something is wrong. I am use to no one talking to me and everyone talking to me. But this is the first time I have seen people being sent around me. If anyone tries to get in a 5 meter range of me, someone comes out and redirects them elsewhere.'

Placing the last box down, Lich smirked.

'Doesn't matter though. I am done. I wonder where I will go next.'

After going through the portal, everything went back to normal. The shop owner slammed his fist down and yelled.

"Dammit, I am a landlord! There is no reason for me to be terrified of a little girl who gave up her powers. I will inform the landlord group about her and we will all deal with her."

When he reached for his phone though, he noticed it was on.

"That's strange. I know for a fact this was off." Walking up to his phone to see who it had called, he fainted.

"You really thought I wouldn't be watching you close? I promised that codger from Server 0 I would help out his champion. I cannot let anything within my own district mess with him. Consider your store gone, don't even try defending it. Save your money and take this as a lesson learned."

Little did Takoyaki know that the shop owner heard nothing. He woke up right before she attacked and fought to the bottom of his wallet. It didn't even take a day for her to turn the store into a pit and send the shop owner into a mental ward.


[G0 Scavenger Hunt Quest: Post 1000 Quest Sheets On Quest Board]

'Another boring job of sticking paper to boards. Huh, this flat board reminds of Tako for some reason. I wonder why I am thinking of her right now.'

Unknowingly making a flat joke, Lich went and finished sticking up all of the quest sheets onto the quest boards.

'What is the point of these papers if all the quests so far have been digital? Or whatever you would call the system giving quests.'