Chapter 38

Opening a new book, Lich learned about the Mutant:Royal. These monsters are born with a jewel less crown. Their skill that sets them apart from others is being able to grow jewels in the empty sockets of their crown.

Then planting the jewel into the ground, they are able to make a smaller version of the 'World Core'. This allows them to have a control over a certain range of the planted jewel. Feeling threaten that these monsters will steal the land from the Royals, they were hunted down for their jewels.

Lich started to do the Mahogany Path, climbing thousands of trees to get the one branch that can grow and be used for the quest.

After stocking some ale for the Ale path, Lich began the Astronomy Path. He only had to spot thousands of things in space with a telescope.

Looking at the Hotel Path box kit, Lich wondered why each building box weighed the same.

Finding another Path from a friend, Lich was confused by the name of the Path. As it was a name and Lich no memory of someone with this name. The Path was called Miss Shion Path.

The quest asked him to walk through a city and agree to help people with something. Finding it odd he still did it. Going through the city, he saw people that could be describe as NPC's or at least the word floating over their heads seem to think they were.

When the NPC's saw Lich they rushed him to ask for help. Though he agreed to help, the quest he was doing didn't make him do the tasks the NPC's ask him to do. Once he reached the number of tasks he was meant to, he was sent to the next Path shop.

As Lich picked up the Vending Machine for the Path's quest, he realized it was easier than he thought. That was when he remembered he got a stat point for each stat every time he did a path.

For the Cobra Path Lich had to inject thousands of dummies with venom.

The Cyber Path was a bit confusing. It allowed you to hack into things or to go into electronics. The elemental stones for it was oddly enough micro SD cards.

The only monsters so far Lich hasn't really known about was the ones with Mutant in their names. The book he was reading was about the Mutant:Alchemist. Like the Mutant:Witch, the Mutant:Alchemist made things from its own body. However instead of pus from cysts, it was a dandruff like powder from the monsters hair.

When mixed with ingredients in a mortar and pestle, the final outcome is a powdered medicine. Even if a liquid is used in the concoction it will never come out as anything other than a powder.

Lich found himself picking glowing grass like it was an invasive weed. The Mana Grass he was getting seem to make anything that was a medicine like substance, enhance overall when used in the concoction of the medicine.

The Ration Path was a simple Path to clear. Lich only had to dump a meal into a bag and seal said bag. The contents in the bag began to shrink. The instructions on the bag said, 'Once ripped open, the food stored in the ration bag will turn back to normal. Cation some consumers have said the food gains a weird taste.'

Armored Combat Path, during the quest Lich had to be covered from head to toe in full metal armor. Using a blunted weapon with no edge he smacked around a dummy that was also in full metal armor.

Train Station Path was just a train station box kit.

The Drug(Mission) Path had a weird vibe to it. As it was a request to drug someone, Lich felt it was wrong to have something like this. But remembering that the quest sheet opened a fake dimension up to do the quest it made some of his worries vanish.

Once Lich got to the next Path, he had to slow down on his quests. As the Salary Man Path added a fatigue bar. If he overworked himself he would end up dying. The fatigue bar seemed to ignore that Lich was similar to an undead and gave him the same fatigue bar it would give others.

Becoming a duck despite saying he wasn't one..

Lich had to dive into the water and rise back into the air again. It seemed the Duck Path gave one the ability to fly while being wet or soaked.

The Heal(Element) stones were interesting. They were gray stones that had a White cross in the center, that seemed to be pulsating.

The next monster book was about mimics. The Mimic Path was obvious that it let you be a monster who mimic objects.

The next plant Path Lich did was the Mana Fruit Path. The Mana Fruit seemed to increase your overall stats.

'Feel Like A Deity' Path. It was a drug that made one feel like a deity. Though it does grant the user the status of a deity so that they can use weapons that can only be held by gods, the after effects of the drug requires one to be sent to a hospital.

The Bowling Path. It required one to get thousands of strikes. Luckily no one was nearby Lich, as he kept doing so bad that not only did the bumpers pop up. The bumpers seem to slowly inch their way inward so the ball could only go down the center and get a strike.

As Lich was stocking away the Prison building kits onto the display, he was happy he didn't need to build thousands. As his building skills were also as questionable as his art and bowling skill.

The next quest sheet Lich had to put up was the Espionage(Quest). They were sheets of papers that sent one on a spy mission.

The Abductor Path quest was surreal. As Lich needed to grab random dummies and stash them away. It was weird that it was a Path and they just taught anyone who paid for the Path.

Pen Path, just like the name suggests Lich had to put pens onto display.

Drug(Element) Path was funny. The stones, which were small white squares, had to be handled with gloves. One of the other employees working didn't think they needed gloves and ended up getting high. The stones seem to seep into the flesh of anything that grabs it. Which begs the question, is it a natural elemental stone? Or is it grown in a lab.

BloodBag(Monster) book described the poor creature that it was. The blood that is produced in its blood bag like sacs on its back is thicker than penicillin(Bicillin). These creatures were created by the ancient blood mages that went by 'Blud Mage'.

The blood produced had to be diluted with 1:100 parts water for it to be safe for vampire consumption. However if needed to be used for transfusion, it needed to be diluted again by 1:100 parts water.

Collecting the seeds of the cinnamon tree for the Cinnamon Path, Lich now knew what a cinnamon tree looked like, or at least he thinks this is the first time he has seen one.

The Salad Path had Lich putting bags of salad mix onto display.

Thinking that it has been awhile, Lich was now working on another Vehicle type Path. He had to park thousands of Helicopters on display. The run back was as annoying as the Mech Path.

After the helicopter was placing out the Barracks box kits out. Lich was waiting for something new that he didn't know about, to show up. As he knew most of what he was seeing and already done the same type of quest over and over again it started to get boring.

The next paper sticking quest was the Subdue(Quest). It seem to be fighting to get something under your control and not killing or destroying the targeted quest objective.

The Spy Path allowed you to make a file on your target. Lich had to stare down thousands of subjects and fill out physical papers with the information gathered.

Next was the Brick Path. Though he had to stack the bricks, it felt like he was simply making multiple brick walls.

Then he became an animal again. However this was the smallest he ever was. He was a Pill Bug. He had to roll up and slam into targets. It seem this Path made it where he could do rolling attacks.

Next Lich had to watch clips of criminals doing crime. The Criminal Path clips started to make Lich feel like doing crimes. It also showed him how to do certain types of crimes.

Cutting the special leaf off the Aloe Vera Path plants, Lich wondered why the hardest way to grow the plant was the way he had to do it.