Chapter 55

After his one thousand battles, Lich woke up in the empty arena. He looked around and then looked at himself.

"Seeing I am whole, I guess I won? I only have some flashes of memories and it hurts just to think about it. So what are my prizes? I beat all of them, kinda. So what do I get?"

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In front of Lich a Claw Machine appeared. In it was only a single box with three question marks above it. The machine started by itself and grabbed the box and dropped it in.

"How in the hell is this a gacha? There was only one thing in it. If there was only one prize to pick from, why go through this fake suspense and just reward me with the prize?"

[ :( ]

Before the prize came out, the Claw Machine vanished. Then after getting a sad face on a system screen, another screen appeared with his prize. There was no voice reading out the prize information.