Chapter 61

[What Does Skill Paths Grant You?]

"I don't feel like repeating myself anymore. Hey system just apply what I said to everything already. Oh and it feels like everything is common sense to me so why keep asking."

After a bit of silence, a new voice that sounded pissed came through the system.

[There Is An Alternate Way Of Getting Answer. Stand By For Scanning. Also You Asked For This.]

"Wait, I could of just been scanned for the answer this whole time? Well damn, stop wasting my time then."

After Lich was done talking, he felt a wave of force hit his brain.

"It feels a bit weird, but..."

Before Lich could keep speaking, he felt like his brain exploded. Then put back together and shoved in a blender. His body was seizing, and he was foaming from his mouth. After an hour he finally stopped moving.

[Thanks For The Content Asshole.]

Then the voice that was monotone came back.

[User Has Finished The E Rank. Please Be Ready To Proceed To The D Rank.]
