Chapter 80

[10,000 Murmurs: While performing a Path, you will know exactly what to do to perform at the peak. While using Paths you will be a fanatic and have a possessive like passion over it. However if you go too long without switching up the Paths, you will start to hear murmurs of all unused paths.]

"So I guess I shouldn't spend too long on a single character. But how long is too long? I just hope the murmurs can wait for me to reach Grand Marshal."


After fishing for a bit, Leah took Lich into the town. Looking around Lich was glad he was in a different town than the one he was sold in. They headed to the market and Leah sold the fish she caught.

"Though I can teach you Fishing, I still needed money to buy a profession stone." Leah then spent all the FB she earned from the fish she sold and a little from what she had before and bought a rock.