Chapter 89

Lich began to laugh like a villain.

"Oh, so you came to me so you could ask for favors and get FB? That is amazing! You guys are all something unbelievable. One group wanting to rob me and the next wanting favors."

One of the other members of the 2nd group yelled at Lich. "We didn't come for favors! We are the leading group of the village and came to do a fair business transaction with you."

Before the woman could continue, Lich held up 5 fingers. "Any 5 fish and I will give you 5 FB."

"And you said the other group was robbing you? No wonder they attacked you!"

"They wanted to give me 4 fish and I would get to keep 1 FB. So now my deal is Any 10 Fish and I will give you 10 FB."

The group was confused about Lichs business tactic. In the end, he didn't really lower the price or raise it. It was still one fish for one FB."