Chapter 96

The atmosphere of the dungeon was suffocating.

"What did you just say?" The angel who said Lich failed, looked at him with so much fury that the source of the atmosphere change was obvious from him. Lich seeing he already was graded to fail before the angel even went through the dungeon, decided to have some fun before being tossed out.

"What, do I look like your daddy? Is that why you are so adamant about this? Well, sorry son you are a failure. All I can say is one day when I get my Infinite Strength Path to Creator, this great dad of yours can pull that stick that is so far up your ass it is affecting your brain to cause random people you meet your dad!"

After finishing his joke that he once read about in a book, he flipped off the angel. However the next scene only caused Lich confusion.

[Your Dungeon Was Destroyed! You Received Broken Dungeon Core (Commoner). Do You Want To Start Your Next Character?]