Chapter 110

Going down the trapdoor led Lich to a underground hunting lodge. Though, the big screen that covered the wall made it hard to think it was of a simple hunting lodge. Seeing Lich blankly staring at the screen, the hunter who talked the most to Lich explained.

"This place is like a training ground for Hunters. Funny enough that before this was the tutorial dream, than now it is training. However I was told that after going and collecting all the Dao you picked, you can finally start the real thing. Though, honestly they kept it vague. Oh, by the way you are doing your next hunting trip with me or should I say I will be hunting you. My name is 'Human'."

"I thought this was about being a Hunter, so why am I being hunted again?" Lich was fist hunted by Wolf and now it will be by Human. Though, technically he still beat wolf by attacking him, Lich was still the target prey.