Chapter 128

"Be careful Senior, I am currently doing cleaning. You can't just dirty the floor in front of me because you have seniority. If you do it again, I will inform the Elder. Also, thank you again for taking up some of the Elder's time."

This time Lich spoke the last sentence louder so Blade would understand. There was no reason for Lich to help out Blade. If Blade left, wouldn't the Elder spend more time training Lich? So he had to keep Blade alive or it would only make his life worse. There is even a chance that he would have to replace Blade on the torture rack if he did help him.

All the other rooms had no one in them. Though they were still covered in blood and spice. After cleaning everything he was done. So he went back to the closet and started washing himself and his clothes. However as he finished cleaning himself and turned to leave he saw the door was open.