Chapter 132

After passing and officially becoming Conscripts, they were sent off to join one of the main regiments.

The Cadet lead the three who passed, along with Elder Spice, the Major, and the Officer, to a building and served them drinks and snacks.

The Cadet was still shaking a bit from his fear of Elder Spice, "Welcome I brought you three who passed along with your distinguish guardians to explain what your future will entail." 

Seeing that the three higher ranking people let him continue to talk, he started to teach the three Conscripts.

"You will be joining one of the 10 regiments depending on your expertise, what Paths you plan to earn, or simply if the regiment is in need of new people."

However, seeing that the three guardians were of a higher Tier, he would make sure the three Conscripts joined the regiments that they wanted to.