Chapter 141

Lich then asked. "So it is currently 3v4 because we are down by a person. Do we attack them or try to hide away? Though we could win by taking them out, we could also wait till the morning and win."

Lord Edge as the highest Tier on their 'team' took the lead. "We should stick to guerrilla tactics and wait for them to split up and hunt them down one by one."

Lupe asked, "So we look for Dagger then? I mean he is the only one who is split from them right now? We also have the same number of members here as them, so we could try and rush them."

Lich shook his head. "Dagger has a chance to be in hiding. Also they outclass us. However I don't know have a way to separate them."

Lupe suddenly summoned a few wasps and sent them out. "I can have Elder Spice and Hero Gumi to split off from Flash. However there is a chance that Dagger will join up with him and back him up."