Chapter 162

Spaceport is a place to  go from land to space and space to land.

Canal is a place for water traffic.

Parking Garage is a place to park vehicles.

Bathhouse is a place for relaxing and bathing.

Gym is a place for workout equipment.

Guild House is a place to go and find ongoing quest and events.

Skyscraper is a building with multiple floors. For every level of the Dao, the number of floors increase.

Tavern is a place that serves drinks. 

Trashed House is a place where you can get a free place to sleep. However for obvious reasons, you do not want to stay here.

Theater is a place to go and see plays or hold them yourself. For every level of the skill, the capacity of the audience increases by 10.

Aqueduct is a place that is used to get drinkable water.