Chapter 178

"This is why everyone hates Jokers. Though we don't let many people become a Joker. You will still run into a few if you leave the local area. Since this place lacks the means and rights to have a lot of Jokers."

He looked over at Lich and sighed. Seeing this Lich tilted his head. 'He seems to be remembering something sad. But I didn't do anything to make him sad right?'

Clapping his hands he yelled out. "Alright I am tired of talking to you all. Go register with your numbers and I will see you all in the future when you reach a certain standard. OrcA and Lich stay here since there are no other Jokers and we are heading over to the ACE area anyways."

The ACE area was probably the nicest play that Lich has seen since coming here. The buildings weren't run down and there was grass and cemented floor that wasn't cracked.