Chapter 180

Lich slapped his hand on the chest of the middle aged orc. "Whatever, I thought you were in a rush or something. Can we move on to the next thing now?"

Laughing the middle aged orc moved Lich's hand off him. "Right, right. So the last thing that needs to be done for you to finish is to turn you into a spigot for chaos energy. Funny enough, this could also be the first thing done to instantly get you started on doing the next thing. But since you are the joker the ACE's are training, don't expect just to move on to the next thing instantly too much.''

Lich sighed. "I have a feeling if I show off the power I can leave instantly."

The middle aged orc grabbed Lich's neck from behind. A sudden pressure started to heavily seep into Lich's body causing his body to feel heavy and his vision to blur. "Pretty much. Oh and make sure you pick what feels right since you don't get anymore do over's on your dao."