Chapter 216

Flair started traveling with them while they went to get the last 3 alignment faction leaders. "Our next target is who everyone calls the number one, Tully. We can find him wherever there is a flood. He is the True Neutral faction leader and has the highest kill count of the 9 of us."

Adding on to what Shaman said, Flair spoke while frowning. "Most of his kills are indirectly done though. He always floods things, though right now he should be weaker. So we will just get our clothes wet. Speaking of that, why do you not have a shirt on?"

Rubbing his belly, Lich whispered. "I am just waiting for the right time to work on the shirt dao. I haven't gotten to it, so I can't wear it." Flair didn't look amused with that answer. "You can still go out and buy a shirt. You don't have to go around half naked all the time."