Chapter 228

Lich peeked outside the room where he was attacked by the viking. Not seeing anyone, he went to the next room as quickly as he could. Inside the next room, he found a man that could answer all his questions about the hospital.

"Please help me, I am a power plant manager! If you can get me down from here I can end all of these horrible things." Lich had a blank stare on his face and tilted his head, though he couldn't hide his smirk. "You are just some dude who yells at people in a power plant? I see no way you can help me in this situation. What are you going to do, turn on the power with some backup generators and then a door opens?"

The man had shifty eyes and wouldn't speak right away. While waiting for the man to explain, Lich took some of his flesh which earned him a death glare from the man. Nothing bad happened to Lich absorbing the flesh. Seeing Lich do this, the man started to yell to hide his grin.