Chapter 243

Wind-Fire Wheels dao was a dao that would teleport your weapon out of your hand when you make an attack. It would appear in a spot that would deal the most damage and still be in reach of your hands. With this dao in dexterity stat, Lich could always move along with the teleport and grab it as soon as it appears to make the next hit.

Caltrops dao is a weapon thrown on the ground to stop people from passing through. If someone tries to walk through it, they will have a caltrop stuck on their feet. This not only does damage to the person if they decide to keep walking, but after a while it will impair the person from walking.

Marble dao is used to make marbles out of things like rocks. In the base form of the dao, you just make pretty spherical marbles. However later you can group them up and even fill a floor with them and make people slip and fall on them.