Chapter 260

There was only the sound of the two breathing before Lich let out a loud and long sigh. "And? Dude what is up with the long pause? Remember me wanting to sleep?"

Jace chuckled. "Sorry, I felt like a pause would set the mood up. But if this is anything like Dahmer, we won't be waking up in our rooms in the morning."

Lich got out of his bed and all signs of tiredness were gone. "Fine way to make me lose all chances of sleeping tonight. Could you elaborate on what you mean? Like where we wake up in the morning?"

Scratching his stomach, Jace yawned. "Stop being such a scaredy cat dude, we are Serial Killers, we are supposed to be the ones scaring others. Anyways we will wake up in our classes and not in bed. The only reason this school hasn't been closed down is because the killings they teach are done in another realm. We get summoned to do classes elsewhere and if we end up getting hurt we wake up here and will have to redo classes the next night."