Chapter 268

After searching for a long time in the woods, Jace couldn't find Lauren or Lich. He felt something was wrong and made his way back over to Fred and Amanda. "Hey guys I couldn't find anyone. I feel like either he is in another area that we can't access right now or he is fucking with us. Lauren is probably dead and we are probably the last ones."

Fred and Amanda gave him looks like he was useless. As they were about to talk down to him, Lich dropped down from the tree above them and stomped their heads straight down through their bodies into the ground.

Lich would have been terrifying if he didn't slip on the bodies while he was talking. "Sorry for dropping by but- ah fuck!. Cough, let's pretend you didn't see that. Anyways I came dropping by because first of all, why is no one looking up in the trees? I mean I guess normally the serial killer is on the ground and all. That and climbing the tree was super annoying and all."