Chapter 270

"Body devouring bag is an item I grinded for in my off time. The only item the others know I have that is a bag is one that revives. Because my name is Diablo I always get stuck with either the Different role or the Red Herring role. I like to help out the serial killers because it is funny when I get chosen to be offed because I was in the wrong place on purpose." 

The man started to laugh and Lich just sighed. After cleaning up the dishes and silverware, Lich and Diablo came back. The other 8 were spread out but close enough to step in if something was to happen. They had already wasted an hour without anything happening. 

Lich started stretching and spoke up to speed things along. "I have to go use the restroom, is there a spot or building for me to do so?" Ethan pointed off in a direction. "There is an outhouse that way."