Chapter 274

Thanks to the process of elimination, Lich could guess the other 9 roles. The group of old dudes had the CEO, Guide, and Bodyguard. The group of younger people was the Expert, Popular kid, and the woman who can survive till the end. Finally the group that joined Lich had the suspicious one, the ditsy one and finally the minority.

Everyone was tall, besides Alvin. Lich placed his hand on his shoulder and sighed. "Woe is life. Being the minority must be hard on you." Alvin's eyes went wide and he looked around and leaned into whisper to Lich.

"How could you tell I was the minority? The prompt told me it was because I liked pineapple on pizza." Lich tilted his head in confusion. "Dude, don't try and lie about the reason." Hearing Lich caused Alvin to be confused.