Chapter 280

"Damn, this is fucked up. If this was adults or something it would be less messed up but they were just kids doing all this messed up shit. I should just burn down this town! For them to raise so many messed up kids, the adults shouldn't be much better."

Next to Lich's motel appeared a hospital. "This will probably not work, seeing she is a native and all. A spooky hospital appearing in the middle of woods out of nowhere asking her to come in. But I can work something up with my dao."

Despite starting up on the fourth job, Lich went and laid back down in bed instead of going out to find and kill Brie. "I could probably convince her to come out using my nightmare secondary dao. I just have to bring her out of the coma in case she falls into one. It will be annoying to have to go and sneak in her house to kill her. There is also the chance she is out on call and not home."