Chapter 284

"I used an item to keep me informed in case any of the 7 of you girls died. The first few deaths I will admit that I didn't inform anyone. It was because I didn't learn anything from it. He wore a mask despite there being no signs of a camera or anything."

"After the first of you died, I could have called everyone in and informed you of the death and that she was killed. But I didn't want to let the killer know that I saw them and the act of murder. Though once I saw someone die without seeing him, I knew that I shouldn't keep the fact the others died a secret."

"Though it seems that those two were useless. Lin is still alive but it is only a matter of time before she dies. Once she does, it will be unsafe to be out in town. I bet those idiots would start killing each other and accusing them of being the reason poor Lin died. The two of us will be safely locked up here while the killer is dealt with."