Milim Nava

The day had finally arrived. I could feel the massive ball of magicules rapidly approaching. I had commanded everyone to stay back no matter what. I wouldn't want to start a fight for no reason. And once I was in a small mountain away from the city I released my magicules as a beacon so that she could pinpoint my location.

A few moments later the ball of magicules made a beeline towards my direction and landed forcefully on the ground. Once the dust had dispersed a platinum-pink haired girl with a petite body emerged. She had a beautiful face and was wearing a very revealing outfit. Removing the dust from her body she gave one look at me and said.

"Hello, Hello! I am the demon lord Milim Nava. You look like you are the strongest around so I wanted to say hi…" she paused for a second and stared at me. "Wait, you are a slime?"

Even if I was in my kijin form there is little that can be hidden from her Unique skill Dragon's eye.

"Yep, I am trying out a new look, what do you think?" I said while switching between my slime, elven, human, and the back to kijin. "I personally like the horns, even though they can be a bit inconvenient at times. Oh, also, My name is Rimuru. I am the leader of this city" I said while poking at my horns.

She gave me some looks up and down. "I agree, they do add a bit of- wait. It was you. You were the one who ate the orc lord, weren't you?"

"Ah, yes, he was turning into quite the problem around this forest. Sorry, I can't give him back since he has already been digested. However, I do have something to pay you back with."

I said while slowly approaching her.

"Oh, don't worry he wasn't my- err, I mean, how were you looking to pay me back?"

"With one of the finest products of course." I said while taking out a small amount of honey and making it float above my hand. "Now close your eyes and open wide"

Following my directions, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Must be nice to be able to be so careless. I guess once you can take a nuke point-blank and come out unscathed you can afford to take candy from strangers. Once the honey entered her mouth her eyes shot wide open.

"What is this!? I have never had something so delicious. You are absolutely forgiven for eating the orc. Wait no, I must be given more of this and then you will be forgiven."

"Oh? I'm sorry but only those who meet very specific circumstances can receive more of this fine product. It is a very special set of circumstances that only very few people meet. "

"What! What are they? I am really strong. I am sure that I can earn the right to have delicious thing again."

"Well if you insist, I'll tell you only because it is you. There are in truth only two requirements. As long as you meet just one of them you can have more of the honey I gave you." Standing side by side with her I leaned over as if I was about to tell her a secret. "One. You must be my very best friend. The one and only, you know, be there in good times and in bad times. Hanging out, having fun, eating sweets, playing games."

Then I paused and looked away, intentionally creating a blush on my face. "Or the second option is to become my wife…" I said in a lower tone, pretending to be embarrassed.

Even while looking the other way I could still see her face go through a range of emotions. Embarrassed, thoughtful, sad, happy, and finally determined.

"Rimuru-" She said as she looked me in the eyes. With all the seriousness in the world " From now on-" a bright smile bloomed on her face. "We are best friends!" she said, pulling me into a hug.

Mission partially failed, we'll get her next time.

"Hahaha. Alright Milim, come on, I gotta show you around." I said after ending the hug.

I called Ranga out and asked him to take us toward the city. Milim and I sat side by side on top of Ranga and let him carry us slowly to the city. I handed her a jar full of honey once we were on and she held it as if it was the most precious thing she had.

"Say, Rimuru, do you want to become a demon lord? We could be demon lord buddies and make all the people scared of us. Act all big and important around everyone." she said while punching the air.

"Hmmm, I think I will have to in the future in order to protect what I have built and those who I care about. But making humans look up to us? That sounds like a bit of a boring goal to have don't you think? I mean I have been having a lot more fun around here. It is a lot of hard work but I can guarantee that the process is a lot of fun."

"Eh? You are having more fun than by becoming a demon lord? That's not fair, as your new best friend I want to join in too."

"Of course you are invited. Feel free to stay as long as you want."

"Hehehehe. Well in that case don't mind if I do."

"One last thing before we enter. A few of my people may not be, how should I put this, smart. So if they offend you in some way please don't break them."

These days have been a bit more crazy and fun than usual. Milim had stuck to me like a Koala. She was surprisingly soft for someone with such high defense. She was now wearing the casual outfit she used while on Tempest. I had fulfilled my part of having fun stuff to do as she joined me on my daily rounds around the city. The thing she had actually enjoyed the most was farming and working the fields, something about getting the ingredients for the delicious food Shuna made she said. 

Even then I still snuck away from time to time, leaving a slime plushy as a substitution. I still had to spend time with my girls after all. Milim, noticing this, even pulled me away to warn me that they may be after my honey and to watch out. This had made me laugh a lot as I mentally agreed with her, but maybe not the type of honey she was thinking about. After I had asked her to try to become friends with them she realized that maybe they weren't so bad and had also started a friendship with them. Milim had even joined us in the bath a couple of times, which was an experience I enjoyed, even if nothing really happened between us there.

I got to have more free time to spend with everyone by using "The power of Delegation". I did a trial version using clones but it took both too many of the magicules I needed for naming and too much of Sage's processing power to manage them. In addition, after doing a bit of management I discovered a couple of talented people within my people who could ease and better the development of the city.

Other than spending time with Milim and the girls I also got together with people like Benimaru, Souei, and Hakuro in order to organize a proper plan in case we were to be attacked. Bringing up the strategies that different countries might use against us and preparing proper plans of defense. 

Souei had prepared to send some spies to various nations to gather information. Expanding our nation's range of knowledge. We wanted to be able to justify any actions we may take in the future, and what better justification than to have dirt on the people in power of other nations to flip the public's opinion. 

Once all preparations were done all that was left was to wait for Phobio to arrive.

3ish more chapters before Englisia and the kids get their spirits, not sure how much I should skip since Charybdis happens in this timeframe. I originally wrote a version where he used clones to help manage stuff but I didn't like how it turned out. Also Milim didn't put Rimuru on a permanent friend zone, just for the time being. Hopefully you liked the chapter. ( I would have put this in author's note but I don't think you can on mobile which is how I'm posting this chap)