A talk with Hinata.

It was now night time and the kids had gone to rest after spending most of the time exploring the city. On a balcony in the castle where we were staying, I was sitting next to Hinata with some drinks. We were both in casual clothing and were enjoying the food and drinks. We had been talking for a while now and there was a friendly atmosphere in the air.

"I want to fight you again." Hinata said

I only let out a small chuckle and asked.

"Sure, just tell me when. But is there anything other than fighting that you like to do?"

"I don't know… I know I am good at fighting, so I enjoy it. It's what I have always done." Hinata said while looking out from the balcony.

"That's gotta be pretty stressful. Don't you ever take some time to relax? I can always ask Luminous and I am sure she will give you a long vacation to do whatever you want. I know you are technically still working even now."

Hinata stayed quiet for a moment before she looked at me.

"How did you become Luminous' friend? You only met during the Walpurgis, didn't you? She never answered my question."

"We have a common friend?"

"You don't sound very convinced."

"I am not. It's complicated, but the best way I can explain it is that we have a common friend, even if it's not fully accurate."

Hinata looked at me trying to see if I was telling the truth and once she made an answer in her head she continued to talk.

"I guess that's all I am going to get… So, how did you end up where you are at? I don't know much about you. I don't know how you met Shizu, or how you ended up looking after her students."

"Hmmm… well, it all started when I awoke as a slime in a cave and I met up with a big ol' dragon…" I continued to tell her about what had happened until I met with Shizu at which she gave a small sad look.

"Shizu was the only person to be kind to me before I met Luminous… Maybe if I had stayed with her I could have helped her out and she would still be here."

The friendly atmosphere combined with the right mood and the time she had spent in Tempest relaxing during the festival had allowed her to open a bit more.

"I left her, I knew how she felt and what could happen once I did but I ran away from her."

".. You know, Shizu said she held nothing but spite for the world yet she couldn't bring herself to hate it. I can't say I understood what she meant when she said it back then but I think I do now."

I stood up and leaned on the balcony, a move that was followed by Hinata.

"What do you think when you look at the people in the city?" I asked her.

She stayed quiet for a moment thinking of her answer before she spoke.

"I think they look happy. I spent the day looking after the students and most of the people had a happy look. From the reports I have heard, Clayman tried to take care of them but wasn't able to fully help them. And Clayman was also the type of person to keep a tight leash on his people. Most of the people with power had some sort of control spell engraved in them.

Now that control has been released and the people are freer, and with the improvements in the land and new imports coming from the rest of Tempest they have enough resources to improve their lives."

"Is that so… and what do you think of this world?"

"It is a hard place. If you are not strong you are at the risk of losing everything at any moment. The place you live could be attacked at any moment by a strong being, someone in higher status could take something from you and you would be unable to do anything. If you are not strong you aren't in control."

"I can't say you are wrong. This world sucks if you are weak. And if you are like Shizu you hate to see all of this happen and either be too late or unable to help them. This world isn't easy on those who want to be heroes.

But even with how bad this world can be there are things that can make you unable to hate it."

I looked at Hinata and told her.

"Like you."

Hinata raised an eyebrow before I continued.

"And her students. Shizu cared for a lot of people in this world, and so even if she wanted to hate the world she couldn't since people she loved lived in it."

"And what do you think of this world?" She asked after there was a bit of silence.

"Well, when I first got here I had a way different look on it than I do now. It's a bit embarrassing to remember my first thoughts when I got here. It wasn't until after I fought the orc disaster that the responsibility I had brought onto myself sunk in.

I suddenly had thousands of people that looked up to me as a leader. And since they were devoting everything they did for me I had to do the same in return. And that is how Tempest came to be.

What I first saw as a way to have fun turned into something I had to protect. And to tell you the truth, I don't mind it.

You asked me what I think of this world. And while I can see all of its flaws all I can hold is affection for it, or rather, for Tempest. As long as Tempest is part of this world I can't feel anything bad about it"

Hinata had a small smile as she heard my answer.

"Well, that's enough about me. Tell me about the leader of the ten great saints. What's that silent lady like? What have you been up to since you got here?"

"Well, the very first thing that happened to me when I got here was that I was attacked by three men. So I did what I had to and I killed them.

After that, I began to wander around the world searching for something that I should do and that's when I met Shizu. She helped me learn how to fight and she took care of me. I spent a long time with her…

After I left her I ended up joining the Luminous Church. And when I discovered that it was actually run by vampires I tried to fight them. I managed to kill Roy and Louis but when Luminous appeared I was defeated immediately. Luminous brought me and the two vampires I had killed back to life and not long after that I ended up becoming Luminous' subordinate.

Since then I have been working helping out people in Luminous name."

"What about before you came to this world?"


Sensing she didn't want to talk about that, I changed the topic.

"Do you enjoy helping people?"

"I do."

"Want me to tell you a little secret?"

"What is it?"

"Skills work by condensing desires and wills. The stronger your desire or will for something the more likely you are to awaken a skill. Some people without any wishes are able to awaken some skills through hard work but they will never acquire a unique.

Of course, things like the strength of your soul, body, and your magicule count will assist you in gaining skills. That is why most monsters have an easier time awakening and earning skills. But you will never become stronger if you don't have any wishes."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You have a hero's egg don't you?'

"How did you-"

"Have you ever wondered why you were never able to awaken as a true hero?"

She gave me a shocked expression.

"Hinata Sakaguchi. What do you want to do with all of your heart and soul? What is the thing you will stop at nothing to do?"

"I- I don't know"

By this point, we had talked throughout the whole night. And the sun was beginning to rise in the distance.

"Well, once you figure that out you will be able to become a hero. I hope to see that day happen. But until then, focus on what you want the most. I know you want to be strong but that isn't it. If it was you would have awakened by now."

I patted her back as I began to walk towards the door.

"There are some things I need to do this morning, so I have to leave now. Get some rest, I can ask someone else to watch the kids."

"Rimuru… Thank you. Let's talk again like this in the future."

I gave a small laugh.

"I would like that, and hey, as long as I am free you can ask me to fight as many times as you want."

"You better not hold back when we fight," she said.

Those words only made my laugh turn mischievous as I said my last words before leaving.

"Ok, I promise to kick your ass when we fight. Remember that you asked for it."

And then I disappeared. I had a few things left to do before we would leave for Eurazania, so I was leaving for one of today's assignments.