** *** Friend. (Part 1)

(So yeah, this chap is a bit confusing but I couldn't figure out a way to express what I had in mind clearly. More info in the author's note, all I gotta say is to trust the process.)

Once we had finished our part of the job we were ready to head back to Tempest. We had all said our goodbyes and appeared back in the city. The kids had all left back to the school and we were ready to go back to normal activities. Hinata had volunteered to become a teacher at the school here. We had set up a couple more days to talk again and we had scheduled a fight.

I had been spending the past couple of days catching up with some things in Tempest. I was planning another Walpurgis-like dinner here in Tempest to become more familiar with the other demon lords. And, since it appeared we were getting closer and closer to dealing with all the future enemies of Tempest and obtaining a large period of peace I was also beginning to plan another special event.

"Lord Rimuru, you have guests. Demon Lord Guy Crimson is present and wishes to speak with you." Souei said as he appeared in the room.

"Set up a meeting room, I don't know what he is up to so begin preparations to start operation Aegis."

"Understood. They have already been taken to a meeting room following the procedure you gave us in case of a demon lord visiting. We will begin preparations immediately."

Since the last attack on Tempest, the number of preparations for the defense had increased by leaps and bounds. This time Tempest was an absolute fortress. A fortress that not only had a strong shield that would protect from attacks. But with an offense that would deal with anyone below demon lord or true hero level easily.

When I entered the meeting room I was greeted by the sight of not only Guy but also Velzard and his two maids.

"Long time no see demon lord Guy. To what do I owe your visit?"

Guy was the kind of person that liked to speak informally, so I would follow his example in this conversation. While I would usually act formally in situations like this that would only put me at a disadvantage against him.

"I wanted to check on the most promising demon lord at the moment. It wasn't long since we last met, yet your kingdom seems to have grown a lot."

"Well, you know how it is," I said while sitting down on a chair in front of him.

With his nonchalant tone of voice, he said.

"Do I? Why don't you enlighten me?"

It seemed like this was all a game for him.

"People try to attack me, I conquer their cities." I grabbed one of the snacks on the table and took a bite out of it. "Have you had a chance to try our food? I think it is one of our best qualities."

The smirk on Guy's face grew as he reached for the food in front of him and took a bite.

"Not too bad." He said with a chuckle.

"So Rimuru, are you planning on taking over the world? Quite an interesting yet cliche move, but things would get quite boring that way don't you think?"

"Taking over the world? Not really my plan, but it is what it is. Plus I am having quite a lot of fun as it is."

Guy leaned back in his chair and his eyes had a slight glint for a moment.


And then he began to chuckle until it became full-blown laughter.

"I see, so that's why…"

My eyes narrowed for a moment.

'Ciel, did he see that I am technically a true dragon now?'

[It is not likely, I put my best efforts into hiding your skills and your new race. But it would be hard to fully learn Guy's capabilities without revealing my presence, so I cannot fully confirm it.]

Guy continued to laugh for a few moments and this time he spoke with a friendlier tone.

"What do you remember?" he asked

"Remember from what?"

"So nothing, that's fine. I had been wondering what had happened for a while now. Though that does open up a few questions."


"So tell me Rimuru. If we come to a disagreement, are you going to fight me?"

"It depends. Fighting you would be quite messy so I would rather avoid it."

Guy only let out another laugh.

"I see. Well, would you like to make a bet with me?"

"What sort of bet?"

"See, I have this job that I promised I would do. I am supposed to keep balance in the world. So I should make sure you stop growing your strength and the strength of your empire. But well, I don't mind making another exception. So how about you and I fight? And the winner gets something they want."

I narrowed my eyes at Guy and asked him.

"What are the terms of the fight? And what do you want."

"Hmmm…. I will make it simple. We can fight until one of us surrenders or until the other is unable to fight anymore. As for what I want…" Guy put on a thinking expression. " I want your empire."


"I'll take good care of it, I'll use it for a bit, and then I will split it apart. You haven't even asked what you would get if you win? Let's see…. How about one of my maids? They are one of the primordial demons. They know how to clean and cook."

"If that is all you are free to leave now."

"Come on, you used to be way more fun. How about we change the bet? Whoever wins gets to make any request from the loser."

Guy began to release his aura trying to intimidate me. And by this point, all I could think was 'What the hell is wrong with this dude?' He didn't seem to have any bad intentions judging by his tone. It didn't even seem like he was serious about taking over Tempest. All that I could see was him trying to make me fight him.

I glanced around the room and I saw Velzard and the maids giving Guy a weird look. Velzard's eyes also glowed for a moment before she had a look of realization. She even gave me a thumbs up. The maids, however, kept their lost expressions.

I wanted to get mad at Guy trying to start a fight but his aura was acting weird. Almost like he was trying to force his aggression.

"Hey, Guy, you ok dude?"

His aura instantly disappeared.

"What does a demon gotta do to get a fight around here?"

Velzard finally decided to speak up.

"Hey, I read about this in one of the books. That's not how you are supposed to ask!"

Now it was Velzard who asked me. She put on puppy eyes and asked.

"Hey mister, would you mind having a fight with my friend? He has been really lonely and bored." Her tone changed to holding in a laugh as she continued. "Poor Guy is so sad-"

"What are you saying?" Guy interrupted her.

The two began to argue in front of me for a moment.

'Ciel, you seeing this too right?'


It took a few minutes for the room to regain a regular tone. When I heard Guy Crimson was here in Tempest I expected many things but not this. Once the two stopped arguing the whole tone of the room had turned awkward. Guy appeared to now be in a bad mood and Velzard had a shit-eating grin.

"So, a fight or no fight? If I win I just get the satisfaction of winning. That's it."

[I know why Guy is acting this way…] Ciel said as she activated thought acceleration.


[He thinks you are Rudra.]

'Why would he think that?'

[The way Primordials and True dragons see life is different than how most people see it. When a true dragon dies its soul remains. From that soul, a new true dragon is formed. Same skills, same soul, different person. Yet to them they are one and the same. So in their eyes, they are not wrong. You are technically Rudra.]


[Remember what happened when you obtained the chosen hero skill? The connection between Chosen Hero and Uriel, being the main fragments of Rudra, called for the rest. Uriel's domain is space, so no matter how far away, they were all brought to you. And they were integrated into your soul. Since I put the skill in quarantine no real changes were made to you other than strengthening your soul.

But since Rudra's soul was integrated into yours… It doesn't matter if you aren't Rudra, to them you are.]

'So the reason why Guy is acting so weird is…'

[He misses his friend. He isn't blind, he could see the true Rudra losing himself with every rebirth. His favorite thing to do was fighting Rudra. He only stopped because Rudra was becoming weaker.]

I took another look at Guy with this new information. As the thought acceleration skill deactivated and the world returned to its normal speed I could only sigh.

"Sure, but not here. I don't wanna mess up the place."