This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!

(I honestly cannot find a good spot to update Veldanava now that it has all the virtues and sins. So I will do a volume 0 Chap updating it. I should have updated it after the fight with Feldway but since I didn't it just seems out of place now. It should be up in a few hours.

Shout out to Joao132135 for the collab. Go check out his story "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World" . It is really good and a lot of fun to read. This collab was also pretty fun to write. And it took about 3 days to write and 2 days to edit. I will shut up for now and let all of you enjoy it. See ya in the author's note.

8,755 Words total.)

The multiversal gate had been completed some time ago. And while I had gone through it a couple of times on some small trips I had never ventured too far. However, the time had finally come to test the limits of the gate.

And of course, since my kids were also extremely curious about it they were also going to be a part of it. I had taken a lot of time to think and discuss this with everyone before we had agreed as to where they would go for their first trip.

It would be quite a simple and relatively safe world. Doraemon.

I had already scouted it for any anomalies and prepared safety measures if anything were to happen. So during the dinner, we announced the surprise to the kids.

It would only be a few hours. But they were more than excited to see what was beyond our world. And there was something Ciel and I had been working on that we would finally get to do. Both doing research on a small anomaly we had found and beginning project Lovecraft.

Project Lovecraft was something that Ciel and I had been quite interested in researching. And we would finally get the chance to do so.

So after taking the kids who were old enough to their very first out-of-universe vacation along with Diablo there to babysit them I stepped into the inter-universal void. The reason Diablo was the one watching them instead of everyone else is that Ciel and I may have taught him a few too many things.

By now the only one who could pose a threat to him was me. Since he had a few tricks up his sleeves that could even mess with true dragons. But well, Ciel and I trusted him. And he had sworn it with his entire existence that he would not allow a single one of their hairs to be harmed.

And with Diablo watching over them everyone would finally be able to get some rest without worrying about the kids.

As I looked at the inter-universal void I was reminded once again why I had called this the Multiverse of Madness project. Because it looked straight out of a Dr. Strange movie.

It resembled the location of the Heavenly Star Palace. It was as if I was staring into outer space with an infinite amount of bright lines running from one side to the other while branching. And inside those lines, there were an infinite amount of glass-like beads. With each bead containing its own universe.

We moved closer to a specific bead we had discovered before entering. And once inside that bead I looked at a specific location to see a black-haired girl talking with a familiar legendary ramen maker.

'Is that who we are looking for? You said they were someone else who had been reincarnated as a Rimuru… But well, they don't look like a Rimuru.'

[Absolutely. During my search for project Lovecraft I stumbled upon this world. And that is when I noticed them. I analyzed them, and though their soul is different there is no denying that the name etched in it is Rimuru. And after looking a bit deeper I recognized some small anomalies in this entire universe.

In fact, one of them is the reincarnator. It seems she has someone quite strong watching her. Someone like me. That's what made me so curious]

'What were you planning to do with them? And what about the one in the meteorite?'

[I believe we could learn a lot from observing them. There is no need to turn things messy. I want to analyze their skills while they are in usage.]

'Alright, that sounds interesting! But also is that guy looking at us?'

[Yes, it appears he noticed our presence the moment we entered. In fact, he was one of the anomalies in this world.]

I raised an eyebrow as I gave a final look at the Ramen stall and saw the one I recognized as Teuchi meet my eyes.

'Freaking sage of Six Bowls.'

— — —

I followed the black-haired girl through the outskirts of the universe as she left the destroyed village behind. But she suddenly stopped moving as she looked around her.

[Her senses are quite sharp, though she hasn't noticed us she can feel someone is watching her. I believe it is due to one of the skills she absorbed from the nine tails.] Ciel said. And as she did I could feel as she activated her researcher mode.

'Well, I should stop watching from the distance and say hi'

And with that final thought, I teleported behind her.

Since she had already felt someone watching her I simply decided to start by saying what I was thinking.

"Honestly I was paying more attention to the ramen dude. To think that the sage of six bowls was real all along." I said to the unsuspecting ninja.

The girl suddenly jumped back as she heard my voice ready to defend herself. But the moment she saw me she made a confused expression.

"Yo! Nice to meet ya." I said as I waved my hand.

"Who are you?" she asked as her eyebrow twitched.

"Have you ever seen that spiderman meme where they point at each other? Well, my name is Rimuru Tempest. Nice to meet ya."

[Honey, I know this is technically our vacation. And I know I told you to be casual. But isn't this a bit too casual? What if you spook her? It will mess with our data.] Ciel asked as she continued to analyze every little thing.

'I think the way to go right now is to just be myself. I will adjust how casual or formal I am depending on the situation. You are not the only one curious, you know?'

The girl now looked at me with suspicion.

"Rimuru, no surname. But I go by Kaede. Nice to meet you creep. And if you are indeed Rimuru, then why is your tone different from his?" Kaede asked with increasing suspicion

"Yeah, well if you are Rimuru why don't you have blue hair? My name is Rimuru but I am not THE Rimuru. Same as you." I said while shrugging.

"... don't remind me damn it! I lost all my honor the day I betrayed the blue hair gang!

So, you are a reincarnator, huh? What was your deal? Rob, truck, or just luck?

"Yes." I answered with a nod.

"What do you mean, yes?"

"All of the above"

"No shot! Really?" She asked as her eyes opened wide. "What did ROB look like? Also, what did you wish for?" Kaede asked in quick succession, her interest having been picked

Remembering the day I reincarnated I thought for a moment but I couldn't make out their face at all. No matter what I tried, all I could remember was that he wanted to get me out and reincarnated as fast as possible.

"Can't really remember his face… and he…"

I stopped for a moment as I remembered what I had asked for when he allowed me to ask for something minor.

".. didn't give me any wishes other than were to reincarnate and as who"

'Man, did I really ask for that? To be fair I wasn't given much in the way of a wish.' I thought as I remembered what I had asked.

[It appears that Kaede is trying to use the nine tails emotion-sensing and lie detection of the nine tails on you. Should I block it?] Ciel asked as she activated thought acceleration.

'I think if we disable it, it will just make them more suspicious. Just leave it for now, but otherwise, I will leave it to your discretion.

"You are hiding something…" She said while narrowing her eyes at me.

"Spit it out! What did you wish for?"

'I guess your report didn't lie. She is quite feisty.'


"Yeah yeah, well I technically didn't get a wish. Just some minor changes."

Noticing her suspicious look I decided to throw out.

"I mean, I don't really have the same 'Child' Look as the Og, do I?"

'The best part of lie detection skills is that you can beat them if you say something that is the truth. '

After narrowing her eyes once again for a moment she burst out laughing.

"Haha, man. Gotta be honest here, I actually thought you asked to have a d, really.

My mind is so stupid sometimes, who would waste a wish for literal god to such a stupid thing?" Kaede said in between laughs, finding it too funny that his words could be misinterpreted

'Wow, it's almost as if they had outside knowledge' I joked with Ciel

[Shhhh, don't break the fourth wall.]

"Man, you must have a really perverse mind." I said using the same smile I had developed for dealing with Yuuki.

Kaede shrugged

"Not my fault one of my 'friends' kept transforming himself into a naked woman whenever he got the chance." Kaede said.

Her words ended up reminding me of which world I was in.

"Naruto? That reminds me. What the hell happened to this world? Good ol' village in the leaf is all destroyed."

Back when I was looking into the world, the only thing that remained standing in Konoha was Teuchi's Ramen stall.

Kaede began to look away while whistling

"No clue~

Jokes aside. This was Boruto's timeline. It HAD to be destroyed"

I had to hold back the urge to facepalm for the reasoning given before just shrugging.

"Oh well, not my universe, not my problem. I already did enough rebuilding for a lifetime. Got anything to do? I am technically on vacation." And well, it was true. It wasn't as if I could enter every single one of the infinite universes and solve their problems.

"Oh right, there was a Milim in your universe… rip your walls

... to be honest, I am currently outside my timeline searching for some new skills. I have got a time one from Roran and was thinking of exploring the other not-so-known places of the ninja world, you up to it?

Also, I already have some bijuu skills from my timeline, if you want you can have them"

"Nah, I am good. But I'll join for some time. Gotta pick up the kids from Doraemon world before they destroy it. Poor guy didn't know what he got himself into when he accepted to babysit. But wait… Maybe my kids would like some pets?"

Doraemon was really desperate for some cat ears. So when I had offered to fix him up he agreed to try to impress the kids. But even though Diablo was looking after them he might not hold them back too much if they do something they shouldn't.

"Kids? But aren't you a slime?" Kaede asked as her eyes blinked in surprise.

"Do you have a Ciel? Or I guess a great sage? She can make anything possible."

'Isn't that right Ciel?'

[My analysis says you are 100% correct.] Ciel answered with a playful tone.

"Well, at least mine can. I don't know if you went a different evolution route."

"Wow, you are so creative with names. I am impressed! And no, I went with the uncreative option of naming my lord of wisdom Ceres"

[She named her lord of wisdom after the Goddess of Harvest.] Ciel said while leading me to an answer.

'So what you are saying is that she has a farmer in her head?' I answered with the exact words she expected. Causing her to giggle.

She was quite proud of her name, so the comment Kaede had made had slightly annoyed her.

"You should see the people I tried to name by myself. Good ol' Gutmut and Muruk, absolute legends. And don't get me started on the goblins…" I told her as a smile appeared on my face remembering the people who had become worldwide famous for their works.

"God, good thing my naming sense is still alive…" she said as she shivered.

"Well, I'll let you know that Gutmut and Muruk are quite proud of their names. They are absolute legends back in Tempest….. Yeah, I also named the empire Tempest. Very creative I know."

Kaede facepalmed before saying.

"Gosh… I think Touka and Blizzard would skin me alive if I named them such names…

And who are you kidding? They are monsters, name them poop and they will be happy!" argued Kaede

"Tell that to Winnie the Poo, while he was grateful for the name he wasn't happy with it. Not my fault he was a blonde bear-folk who liked honey. But well, I let Ciel handle giving names now."

"Anyway, perverted slime…"

"Perverted?" I asked. While I couldn't deny that when I first reincarnated my mind was in the gutter, things had mostly changed by the time the first year passed.

"Let's pretend you never used your polymorphic body for anything lewd and change subjects" Kaede said, with a judging stare

"Ah, that. Well, you will understand once you get someone you love. Plus it is quite fun to be a dad. Raising the insectars and being a teacher was the thing that made me want to have kids of my own. Hell, I even adopted Zegion and Silk." I said as I began to talk about some of the random stories from when the insectars were still in their insect form.

— — —

I continued to move with Kaede to the next destination. And along the way she had suggested a race without the use of space or time skills.

So while Kaede had been covered in a cyan chakra cloak with orange spots and was flying using 7 insect wings. Flying as fast as she could above the trees I had covered myself in black lighting and was jumping from one place to another in a lightning flash while keeping a close distance.

'Yo, Ciel. Are you getting all of that?' I asked as I looked at the speeding person above me.

[I am] She answered as she continued to make hundreds of mental notes.

— — —

"So, where are we actually going to?"

"We are going to catch them all!" Kaede said as she began to hum the pokemon theme.

"I see professor Oak taught you well."

"I wanna be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause" Kaede sang

"I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Teach Bijuu to understand

The power that's inside" I continued her song.

"Pokémon!" We both said.

"haha, not bad for a perverted slime…" She said with a small laugh.

"Not bad for a blue hair gang betrayer." I fired back.

"Oh, we are here," Kaede said as she saw a village hidden on the clouds, on top of a big mountain. Ignoring my comment.

"You gonna destroy this one too?"

"What do you take for?" She asked before opening her arms

"Wait here a bit. Za Warudo!" Kaede screamed as she stopped time.

"Funnily enough this is not my first time hearing that. Guy Crimson stole it first." Rimuru said completely unaffected by the frozen time.

"Why am I not surprised?..." Kaede said in an annoyed tone.

I watched on as Kaede went into the village and activated a skill that created strange dark swirls around him. But the swirls disappeared as the presence inside of him. Consuming the eight tails.

'Gluttony?' I asked as I recognized the skill.

[Not quite. However, it does work along the same principles. It can simply be considered a variation of Gluttony.]

"Yo, I'm back" Kaede said teleported next to me, and let time flow once again

"Yo, good to see my speech patterns are catching on."

Kaede's face twitched.

"Is that all? How many pet– I mean Bijuu do you have left." I asked.


The 2 tailed cat

The 4 tailed Hiruzen… I mean monke.

The 5 tailed… horse? I don't really know what he is

And the 6 tailed slug

To be honest… I know where they are because my bijuu skills have telepathy and stuff, but it is just so annoying to go after them…"

"Don't you have a way to teleport to them?" I asked since the solution was so simple.

"And what is the fun in that?" Kaede asked as if she hadn't just complained that it was a hassle.

"You get to say 'nothing personal kid' before eating them."

"The word is 'absorb', I am not a perverted slime like you who teleports behind someone and eats them" Kaede said with a teasing smirk

'She's really fixated on the pervert thing isn't she?' I thought before asking.

"So is this a road-trip situation or a speedrun situation?"


One thing I have recently discovered with the whole Konoha ordeal is letting your subordinates do stuff for you is awesome in a certain way…" Kaede said. And how could I not understand this being the delegation king myself?

"Heyo, you two, help me on this. Also, Arise." Kaede called out before her shadow flickered and a catgirl, a bunny girl, and a shadow that resembled a certain duck-haired emo emerged.

"You called, My lord?" The shadow asked.

"Help in what-nya?" The catgirl asked.

And the bunny girl simply tilted her head and remained in silence.

But recognizing the skill and the familiar trigger word to activate it I said.

"Man, you are just full of surprises aren't you. Got a bunch of original skills."

But well, that's enough wasted time. This is going to take forever if I let it go on like this.

I snapped my fingers transporting everyone in front of a gigantic sand raccoon.

"I'll show you how it is done." I said as a familiar Pokeball appeared in my hand after being created with Origin: Creation.

"Okay, so… I already have this one, dumbass…" Kaede said with a deadpan.

"I said I was gonna catch some pokemon, I mean pets, for my kids. Dumbass." I answered back in slight annoyance as I changed my outfit to that of a pokemon trainer.

"Sure…" Kaede said before turning to her subordinates.

"Heyo, while the dumbass goes after the raccoon, can you two take on the six tails while Indra takes the monke?" Kaede asked as she stopped paying attention.

Shukaku turned as he noticed the sudden sounds of voices behind him only to get smacked in the face by a Pokeball. A Pokeball Ciel had just made up on the spot that would capture a target in both space and time. Effectively acting as a temporal and space prison.

The towering Raccoon vanished in a flash of red light before the Pokeball fell to the ground.

Shaking three times before letting out a small ding.

"Gotta catch them all." I said to a facepalming Kaede.

"... I can do that as well, you know?" Kaede said as she made some weird-looking seals mid-air, and created a Pokeball.

[It appears that she has a Creation skill inspired by the Greek god of Blacksmithing Hephaestus. However, it is not quite at the level of Creation.]

She engraved the seals on it and threw it away.

"Boring stuff," Kaede said before rewinding time on the ball to erase it from existence.

And as the attitude she had since we met finally got on my nerves I deadpanned.

"Call me when you make your own universe. Kid, the simple fact you gotta go on a pokemon quest means you can't pop out bijuus from your imagination."

"Well, I can't make them yet, because I can't create living beings, but I am not far of it. Also, you? Created a universe?

It must be a universe of only females then, cause you are a perv" Kaede shot back with a smile that she was happy to have annoyed me.

"Ever heard of he who smelt, it dealt it. I think the only perv here is you since being a perv is all you can think of." I said as I rubbed my temple

'Ciel, you said this person had something interesting watching them. Is it worth it to just throw her in a dimensional prison for a few hours?'

[Just ignore it. We are here to study. Might as well analyze the tailed beasts while we are here.]

"Ohhhhhh! The famous NO U, huh? But the thing is… I never claimed not to be one" Kaede said as she just accepted the accusation.

"Shit, you got me there."I said as I raised his hands in mock surrender.

Kaede smirked vicariously before turning behind her.

"Okay now, you 3 go" She snapped her fingers before teleporting them to the Bijuus.

"Hehe, the simple fact that they didn't get the job done during our argument means that I have the better subordinates. Good ol' Diablo would have brought all the Bijuu in a blink. And speaking of which."

I snapped my fingers leaving Kaede to shout to no one.

"Excuse me, are you comparing a cute bunny and cat, and ONE single shadow to a PRIMORDIAL DEMON? What did you smoke before coming here?"

But only nothingness met her. However I didn't foget to leave one final note behind me.

"Git gud."

— — —

Using the skills Legends Arceus taught me I snuck behind each of the Bijuu and threw a Pokeball catching them in an instant before moving to the next one. I was being as efficient as possible as I quickly moved from one to the next. Catching them before they even got the chance to turn around.

And once I was done I returned only to find a scene straight out of a drama. The catgirl and the bunny girl were in tears in Kaede's arms as they asked if they were failures.

'I was literally gone for a few seconds. What the hell happened?'

[It appears their failure to capture the Bijuu before you affected them quite harshly.]

'I mean, I didn't expect it to become a soap opera. I thought at worst Kaede would just be sorta mad.'

[Imagine how Diablo would feel if he failed on a mission you sent him to?]

'... Yikes.'

I just continued to look at the developing drama with an awkward expression with one hand scratching my hair.

'Did you make a copy of the Bijuus?'

[Yes. it was completed the moment they were caught.]

'Should we just release them and let them catch them or should I just give them the Pokeballs. I feel bad for the two of them.'

But as I talked with Ciel I saw Kaede spot me.

"Hey…" Rimuru said with a bit of an awkward tone.

"Touka… gimme a sec please…" She let the catgirl who I now knew was named Touka get to the side for a bit before charging up with a bunch of skills.

[Woah. Nice job there Rimuru. She literally just activated so many skills at once. And we get to see them so close.] Ciel said as her researcher mode activated.

'Ciel…' I thought, trying to tell her to be serious.

Looking at the punch slowly moving towards his direction I took a moment to contemplate.

'Yo, Ciel. Do you think it would calm everyone down if I just let her get a punch in?'

[It certainly would help. Dodging would probably make them angrier.]

'Ciel, the things I do for you. It would be easier if we just went to the meteorite and left.'

[We could… But I am learning quite a lot. This person is truly an anomaly] Ciel said with a slightly begging tone.

'Let's just get this over with.'

Taking a final look at the fist moving towards him he shrugged mentally.

'Make it splatter.'

And as soon as Kaede's fist connected a loud splatter was heard as I made my body explode. Throwing fragments of me all over the place.

And as I lay splattered on the floor I continued to talk with Ciel.

'How do you think Doraemon is doing with the kids.?'


'Not great eh?'


'That bad? What's Diablo doing?'

[Hey. how about you pass on the Pokeballs to the two servants?]

'Changing the subject eh? Sure, go ahead.'

[Also, the kid is trying to put some seals in your body. And it appears that… they are pranks?]

'Act like they are drugs and say no to them.'

[Sure. Give me a moment to disable them.]

'Alright, I'll leave it to you.'

But even Ciel was getting annoyed by now as she decided to return fire with fire. With each seal she disabled she placed one with the same effect on Kaede.

'Ciel…' I thought once again as I noticed what she did but then decided to ignore it.

'Just give them the Pokeballs.'

Suddenly, a few Pokeballs containing the last Bijuu's Kaede needed appeared in the hands of Blizzard, the bunny girl, and Touka.

Then gigantic signs appeared behind them that said "Good job!" "You did it" "Best servants" and confetti started falling around. And I teleported along the lines while holding a sign of my own. Leaving the fake splattered body all over the place.

At the same time, Kaede was covered in a layer of clown makeup and hundreds of pranks ready to activate.

But just like with the 8 tails a small black swirl covered her body consuming all of the prank seals.

"Well well well, Bansho ten'in" Kaede lifted her hand and used her attractive force to 'gather' the splattered fake body into a slimy ball. Which fell on the ground in front of her.

Touka ignored the signs and confetti while Blizzard walked over to the blob of slime and pointed at it.

"Hel, Lord of Ice." she said

And as the words left her mouth the blob of slime froze

"Stupid slime that made us look stupid and used stupid signs to stupidly annoy us even more

Stupid stupid stupid" Blizzard said before the ice shattered into pieces.

'I swear, everyone in front of me needs to go to a therapist.' I thought as I continued to wave the good job flag while looking at the things happening in front of me.

"Had enough yet?" I asked, looking at the fallen ice.

"Humpf!" Blizzard said before turning her head away.

"Listen, I didn't realize that it was that important to everyone here. But there's no need to get that aggressive." Rimuru said while making the sign disappear.

"Oh no no no. YOU made MY subordinates cry and you want to have reason at your side? Dream on!" Kaede said in a VERY annoyed tone

'I was just trying to be efficient with time. She's gonna end up killed by some random young master if she just goes for murder all the time.'

"Listen, you started it. I am in the middle of my vacation so I am trying to be chill. But if you keep provoking everyone you come across one day they might come a time when you mess with someone you shouldn't. And your two subordinates might have to pay the price to save you. Take some advice from this old man. No?" Rimuru said as he began one of his dad lectures.

"Shut up, it is not my fault you are a reincarnator who has less humor sense than a rock

And I can die, but they wouldn't be touched. Believe in me, if I was afraid of death, then I wouldn't have [Ashborn]" Kaede crossed her arms as she looked at me with an annoyed gaze again.

'Kids, am I right? Though I guess mine are better behaved.'

[She's technically in her 30's]

'Really? Same thing I guess..'

"You just thought something very rude, didn't you?" Kaede asked, showing signs of awakening the skill [Woman's intuition.]

'Now I actually do feel like punching her in the face…' I thought as I heard her angry voice.

"Again, you talk about m but you are always thinking something rude. Oh well, the hypocrisy" Kaede said, her voice now a bit graver

"I never claimed I wasn't," I said using her own words against her.

"Too late, I have already used that one" Kaede said

"So, what's left on the agenda? Got the Bijuu already." I said ignoring her last words and just changing the topic.

"You say sorry to my subordinates and go the hell away from my world" Kaede said, still crossing her arms

"I already did." I said as I pointed to the good work signs.

"I said SAY sorry what are you? An internet hater who can only use written words?"

"It's the thought that counts. I used confetti and everything." I said before teleporting next to the two subordinates.

"They are not kids, Touka was an immortal cat who lived longer than your own world" She said, ready to jump in to protect them.

"Touka, Blizzard. Sorry about that. I get carried away when I am left alone with Ciel." I said as I remembered our crimes against life during our honeymoon.

I took out a carrot cake and a plate of sushi from my void world before giving it to them.

"Shuna made this for me, so it should be the best food you all have tasted."

And after giving them the food I turned around and began walking away.

'Let's go check out that meteorite. You already got a bunch of information from that punch didn't you?'

"See ya then I guess. Don't play with random space rocks. They could be dangerous." I told them in an off-hand comment.

[You know, there are some things I still have left to analyze from her…. Love you….] Ciel said before I teleported away and I could only sigh.

"Hm… I actually want to see the space rock…" I muttered out loud as I began looking in a certain direction.

"Oh… okay" Kaede said as she created a mirror with [Hephaestus].

"How easily can you get out of this world?" I asked as he thought about the monster in the meteorite. And turned around before raising an eyebrow.

"Just out of curiosity…. What's up with the big ol' mirror?"

"I would say, almost immediately" Kaede answered my first question. Fully ignoring the mirror she had created and the question about it.

And after Kaede gave them a look, Touka and Blizzard sank into the shadows around her.

"... Wanna see the space rock?" I asked as I prepared to teleport in the direction of the meteorite.

"Space rock?"

"Yeah, it is a meteorite over in that direction. It has something interesting inside of it. Judging by the mess you left over at konoha, I'm guessing it would be your sort of thing." I said while pointing over to the distance.

"I didn't leave a mess. Even the mess was wiped out" Kaede said proudly before adding "But sure I guess… What could go wrong?"

"Fun. Maybe you'll get to snack on the space rock. Better than the Bijuu I tell you." I said as I snapped my fingers and teleported us to Hoshigakure.

"You would be a horrible explorer, always teleporting.."

"...Ok I guess I'll meet you here, have fun." I snapped my fingers and teleported Kaede back to the location we were standing at previously.

I looked around at all the shocked guards who readied themselves for combat before snapping my fingers. Making the entire village fall into a deep sleep on the ground.

"Maybe they shouldn't be here…. Off to Konoha they go. I'll just bring them back after we are done." And, with the sound of another snap, they were all teleported to the destroyed village.

Once this was all done I would just bring them back as if nothing happened.

Now that I had a moment of peace I decided to take a moment to fully analyze the Bijuu and their structures. And after absorbing and copying their skills I simply released them back into the wild where I had found them.

'They are a bit too fragile… They might accidentally get really hurt if Fafnir and Homura decide to play with them. Might as well make some new ones.'

[I think Terra would like it if we made a small dragon. She likes them a lot… well most of the kids like dragons a lot.] Ciel said with a happy tone.

'I will make a couple that looks just like the bijuu but slightly more fluffy and cute along with the dragons. Gotta make sure to get them some different ones.'

And so I activated Origin: Creation.

--- --- ---

It only took a few minutes before I saw Kaede in the distance. But by then I was laying on a beach chair with a bunch of Tiny pets all around me sleeping or playing.

"Laziness incarnated, and I thought the sin that slimes represent was gluttony…"Kaede said with a deadpan.

"I actually do have Sloth. Haven't really used it much but I am a proud owner of it. After a hard day at work, you gotta know how to take a rest." I said while pulling down my sunglasses.

"I wasn't talking about skil- You know what? Forget it. I am too lazy to explain it to you"

"The pot calling the kettle black"

"That is why your sense of humor is less than a stone… that was the joke…"

"Maybe yours is not advanced enough to get mine." I answered as I tapped my head as if I was making a wise statement.

"Yes, yes, joker. I wouldn't get it. The great sage Rimuru who stole his skill's moniker"

"Sure." I just nodded before pointing to the tens of cute animals all over the floor.

"Whatcha think? Cute, right?"

"Yeah, but you don't have any 8 tails or 9 tails they are the best ones"

A shit-eating grin appeared on my face as I answered.

"You sure about that?"

A tiny fox ran from underneath the chair. Jumping to catch one of the other pets I had made. Making Kaede narrow her eyes.

"Just what in the world were you doing to that fox under you?"

"He doesn't like the sun. Plus the octopus bull should be-"


"Kyaa?" a small exclamation was heard. Which made Kaede facepalm.

"Of course, that would happen…"

But before she could say something more an insane amount of weird energy started leaking from the meteorite.

"Ah, the space rock… Bad Gyuki! That's not food!" I said while putting all of the pets inside of my void world.

The space rock that had been cracked open was also known as a star stone. A rock that was one of the few ways to seal away Eldritch creatures.

For project Lovecraft, we would be analyzing the different eldritch horrors. And we were going to start with the one that had similar properties to gluttony. One of my first skills and one I was extremely familiar with. The one in the rock was the Devourer of Stars.

"Kaede, meet Ammutseba. Ammutseba, meet Kaede." I gave introductions as a gigantic tentacle suddenly emerged from the ground and the world began to rumble.

"Rimuru… did you just destroy the world, and pretended it didn't happen?" Kaede asked as a bluish chakra cloak formed around her to keep her floating because the ground began to disintegrate

"I didn't do anything, my pet did." Not like I wasn't going to fix this mess before leaving.

"Still your fault"

"I think we have bigger problems to deal with than not properly training a newborn Bijuu." I said as I pointed at the thing emerging from it.

"We? You did this! Don't pull me in on your stupid mistakes!" Kaede said in complete annoyance, while also having to dodge stones that began rising to the space.

"Are you leaving then? Not gonna stay around to enjoy some gourmet food? Your loss."

'Ciel, I think your research subject wants to run away.' I said in a joking tone.

[Yeah, yeah. For a Horror of this caliber, we don't have to worry too much about it. But we should still try out the glasses I made to test their effects.

If researching the Lovecraftian horrors is going to hurt you I would rather we just throw the entire project away.] Ciel answered while focusing on my safety.

"... are you really trying to hook me in with food? Really?" Kaede asked with a deadpan expression while the tentacles of the sealed Ammutseba passed right by her side, hitting the ground and tearing it apart like it was made out of paper

A tentacle passed next to me, missing by a few hair breadths. But instead of moving, I just pulled out a pair of sunglasses.

"How good are you at not getting mentally destroyed when looking at eldritch horrors?" I asked as I offered the glasses.

"Don't talk as if you ever encountered one, I would know if you did." Kaede said before grabbing the glasses and putting them on. Only to take them off a moment later with an annoyed expression. Before closing her eyes and using her skills to sense the environment around her.

Seeing Kaede take the glasses off I simply pulled out a new pair and put them on.

These glasses were created to dramatically reduce the mental encroachment one would get from looking at an eldritch being. And well, it did so by changing what you saw into something cute.

So the massive tentacle monster turned into a squirrel with hundreds of fluffy tails instead of tentacles.

'I hate squirrels.'

[I know, that's why I turned it into one. Would you rather fight a puppy?]

"You sure are a… weird one, to not say something else" Kaede said while sensing my actions.

"Good luck not getting your mind corrupted then."

'You said something similar to you is watching her. Would they become a pain for us if she gets mind corrupted for being stubborn?'

[Unless they are extremely unreasonable they shouldn't…. You know what, we might as well act as if they are. I'll get ready to help her if she starts getting her mind encroached]

In order to keep herself safe without using the glasses, Kaede used a shapeshift skill to remove her eyes before wrapping a cloth around where her eyes would be for extra protection.

The stupid argument was interrupted by one of the eyes of Ammutseba spotted us before roaring at us.


[Wow, he's got quite the foul mouth.] Ciel said in slight amusement.

'You can understand him properly? All I got was that he was hungry.'

[Yeah, but it is hard to translate. There is no proper equivalent for his words. I will try to explain how to understand later when we do our experiments.]

"Shut up stupid thing." Kaede said while pointing her finger to the eye. She created a Bijuudama before instantly firing it at one of its eyes, causing it to close.

"You got one, but he still has a bunch left open."

I didn't even finish my comment before the eye was already regenerated

"Sorry, I take that back. You DIDN'T get one."

'Ok, Ciel. Test one. Gluttony vs Ammutseba's Devour.'

I extended my arm and ten orbs formed all around me that shot through a portal in front of them appearing and hitting directly on the remaining eyes.

The orbs were infused with a small amount of Yaldbaoth's Gluttony that matched the horror's healing. And would continue to consume its eyes as they regenerated. But surprisingly the healing speed of the horror became faster as the orbs struggled to keep up.

"Phew, this thing heals fast. They are stuck just eating his eyes."


[Woah, are all eldritch horrors this great at coming up with insults?]

'Wait, all I got was "Your mom." Did he just do a "your momma" insult?'

As Ammutseba roared a glowing black matter covered its eyes and absorbed the gluttony orbs.

[I noticed this when analyzing Velzard's skill Cthulhu. But all Eldritch beings are powered by a strange energy. It even corrupted the Gluttony orbs, weakening them, before they were consumed.] Ciel said with interest.

"You were saying?" Kaede asked me with a smug smile

"I didn't say it was going to work. I just said yours didn't."

"Yeah? Me neither. I just wanted to make this thing shut up you on the other hand…"

"So what I am hearing is that you don't want to know what sort of things this thing can do? Let me tell you. They are spicy."

"Ahhh shut it. I have Ceres, she explains way better than you" Kaede said annoyed

Maybe it didn't like being ignored, maybe it didn't like to have its eyes attacked like that. But now that Ammutseba was angry it fired a black energy beam with small white shining spots on it, at us. With the beam being large enough to hit us at the same time.

"Absolute Consumption." I said as half of the beam disappeared. Leaving the other half for Kaede to deal with.


"Showoff… [Devourer Of Gods]" Kaede did the same and absorbed the rest of the beam

"You have fallen into my trap. And have activated my trap card." I said as I made a card appear on my hand and dramatically turned it over. Revealing an Uno reverse card.

And as soon as the card was facing Ammutseba a copy of the beam that had been fired was returned to its sender. Leaving the card to crumble into dust after its activation.

'I can't believe something we made to mess with Benimaru would work so well.'

[I take pride in what I make, if we are creating something we have to do it properly. Even if it is just for a prank.]

The gigantic beam of black energy struck the eldritch horror disguised as a squirrel in its face for a few moments before the fluffy horror opened its mouth and consumed the last portion of the beam.

'Ciel, the squirrel thing is getting ridiculous. Are you finished testing it?' I asked as I looked at the smiling squirrel in front of me.

[For now. Want me to disable it? I can stop any encroachment from them. But we will have to test the glasses with higher-tiered Horrors.]

'Alright. But I think the glasses need some changes. I feel weird fighting cute animals.'

"Oh, what a surprise… it didn't work" Kaede commented by the side

"Not every day you get to see an eldritch horror. Nothing bad with experimenting. This brings us to the question. Do they have a soul underneath all of their eldritch horror-ness?"

Using a mixture of Yahweh, Yaldabaoth, and Osiris, I created a pure white spear with some dark swirls around it. And after aiming towards the horror it shot with impressive speed. If this thing had a soul the spear would cause an immense amount of damage, tearing a hole through it. But if it didn't, the spear would do what it just did, bounce off harmlessly.

"Nope, no soul."

"Let me test something…" Kaede said before shadow-like energy surged inside her. "Yeah, nope. Nothing at all…"

The eldritch horror didn't sit idle as the ones attacking him continued to casually talk and launch attacks at it. It began to move towards what remained of the planet and opened its mouth wide ready to consume it all in one fell swoop. The temperature on its body began to rise as it began to convert the stars it had consumed into energy.

"That seems bad… shouldn't you do something about it?"Kaede asked, looking at the rising temperature of the thing

"I guess I should. I was kinda hoping to see what skills you would use." Activating Yahweh the eldritch horror began to move slower and slower until he was moving at a snail's pace. Using the deceleration properties he had copied off of Velzard.

"SUPER… HOT…" Kaede joked by the side.

And by freezing the molecules in place ahead of Ammutseba, its face began to deform as it slowly crashed against the unmoving planet.


"... look what you have done Rimuru!"

The photons around Ammutseba began to vibrate and move in a dance-like pattern.

"You aren't doing anything, so you don't get to complain."

'Next test. How much energy does it require to heal?'

Activating Yahweh's Chastity skill, holy breakdown, the photons around it began to strike Ammutseba. With each touch, it disintegrated through a few layers of skin and meat. But due to the limited range of the skill, as it wasn't made to destroy planet-sized creatures, it wasn't causing much real damage.

What it did, however, was let us analyze precisely how much energy Ammutseba used to heal different types of wounds.

"Stupid slime, like I want to do something… Ah fuck it, you take too long" Kaede said as she activated a skill creating 9 truth-seeking orbs behind her.

She extended her hand and the 9 ORBS fused right on top of her hand.

"Golden wheel reincarnation explosion" And then she swung down.

Ammutseba was sliced in half, it didn't die, but was cut in half together with a good part of what remained of the planet, but it seemed she didn't care.

"There, happy?" Kaede deactivated her sword before asking.

With a happy smile, I answered.


Ammutseba let out an extremely loud shriek that sounded worse than nails on a chalkboard. Its body began to glow with the black energy as the tendrils shot out from inside of it connecting with its other half.

Hundreds of thousands of large flesh tendrils connected the two halves before it pulled itself closer together until it became one once again. However, it had spent a huge amount of its energy. The eldritch aura Ammutseba was releasing had suddenly decreased dramatically in size. And the slice only made it angrier as it released a screech once again.


'So he is insulting not only my entire existence but the entire timeline that led me to be born?'

[There you go, you're getting the hang of it. I think we have done enough research for now. Time to eat it. We can do better experiments in a more controlled environment.]

"Aren't you happy that you stayed around? Now you get to snack up an eldritch horror. Not many have had the honor."

Ciel and I reversed the time around the horror so that it would separate once again. Yet this time we were consuming the energy it had used to heal itself. Leaving it not only in half, but also taking a huge amount of its "fuel" away from it.

Kaede only gave me an annoyed face before reaching out and making time move forward once again in a faster manner to cause the healing process to start once again. Making it use up more of its energy. And after it was almost done healing I reversed the process once again.

Ammutseba was stuck in an endless cycle of healing and slicing apart once again. And each time it went through the healing process it lost more and more of its energy. To the point that the tendrils began to grow smaller and smaller in numbers.

And after many cycles, Ammutsaba was left with so little energy that it couldn't even muster enough force to bring itself back together. Its two halves began to separate without the strength to hold themselves up.

Ammutseba itself still lived, even after all of it. But now it wasn't even capable of consuming the remains of the planet in front of it. Even though it was basically served on a platter for it. And as its thoughts began to turn to absolute madness it felt a part of it disappear.

[Activating absolute consumption on the left half of Ammutseba.]

"Tastes like absolute garbage."

"Like you can taste what you absorb…" Kaede looked at Rimuru weirdly

"You can't? You're missing out…." I said before making a disgusted expression. "In both good and bad things." While this feature could be disabled, it would truly be a waste of a culinary experience to not taste some of the things I used gluttony on. Magicules themselves had a strange but pleasant taste.


Taking a look at the collapsing planet I said.

"Bit of a mess, ain't it?"

Kaede shapeshifted her eyes back into existence and looked at the planet riddled with explosions and magma.

"I know a guy who would kill to see such a sight. It is just like art" Kaede said, not even bothering about the planet. It wasn't hers either way.

"I mean…:" I twisted my head to look at it from another angle. "If you ignore the omnicide, it actually looks kinda good. Oh well, I break it, I fix it."

[Activating Absolute Denial to deny any of the damage caused by Ammutseba.]

And as if nothing had ever happened the planet was back to its former state. With the exception of a missing sleeping Lovecraftian horror.

"...… When I do something good, there is always an idiot to undo it. Good! Keep this thing here then, Boruto fan"

"I just put the planet back how it was before Ammutseba came out. Didn't touch the mess you made. But if you really want to, I can bring Boruto right in front of you. Maybe you two will become besties." I said ready to snap my fingers to make it happen.

"What… Did… You… SAY?!" Kaede screamed with irritation.

Not being able to hold the laughter I let out a small chuckle.

"You really are easy to anger. Here, have a cookie, you are not you when you are hungry."

Somehow it felt like a cookie wasn't what I was supposed to give her when I said those words. But I just shrugged off that feeling.

"... Golden wheel reincarnation explosion. COME HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Kaede created her massive sword again before swinging it at me.

But well, it wasn't something that you couldn't just step out of the way off.

"You really ought to make that laser less skinny. It's like when you are about to get run over. Just jump to the side instead of trying to outrun it. Anyways, I gotta go if I don't want Doraemon to kill me for asking him to babysit. See ya and good luck." I said as I gave a wave and opened a portal to the 'edge' of the universe to exit it before jumping in. But I couldn't just leave without one final goodbye. So I sent another cookie to appear and hit her in the back of the head with a small note that read.

"No but really, these ones are good, I made them myself."


"I am the strongwest, becawse I am the slwime!" ᕙ((◔ڡ◔ˇ))ᕗ -Joao132135

Once again, this was extremely fun to write.

If you want to see Kaede's Pov go check out his story. While the same events happen I think the chapters turned out quite different. And well, if you are confused, how about you go and read all of his story so that it makes more sense? It is worth the read.ᕙ((◔ڡ◔ˇ))ᕗ

I tried to involve Ciel more in conversations in this chapter too. Let me know what you think of it. I know a couple of you wanted to see more of her. And she will get another chapter for just her and Rimuru, possibly about Project Lovecraft.

I am thinking of making the next chap be a kids Pov.

Anyways, thanks for reading. See ya.