Side Chapter: Sky

(Since a Ciel chap was requested a Ciel chap I shall provide.

I wasn't done with the actual chapter, and since I had this one mostly completed I just decided to finish it to post it. Since I am still a bit busy I am not sure when the next chap will be out but should hopefully be pretty soon. See ya.)

(1st Pov, Ciel.)

I could still remember our first conversation.

'If you don't chill by the time you get a body you ain't getting the d.'

Back then it had left me absolutely baffled. Up to the point I tried to forcefully evolve in order to understand just what the hell he was talking about. Since at the time, those words made absolutely no sense.

And looking back those were my first steps into awakening an ego and will of my own. Since the very first day I had been created I was already on the path of awakening as a Manas.

And I still remember vividly each and every one of our conversations in which he treated me like I was a person of my own, rather than a skill. All the sarcasm and the little jokes. And somehow, every time I would reply imitating his stupid mannerisms he would become so happy.

I found myself saying things I would have never thought of saying.

"Hippity hoppity, your skill is now our property."

If you had told me that those words would come from me back when I had first awakened I would have laughed. Even if laughing was impossible for me to do back then.

At the time I used to like keeping myself occupied. If I wasn't doing something I was uncomfortable. From the moment I came into existence, I was already using most of my processing power to release Veldora from his unlimited prison.

And ever since I evolved into Raphael the burden I placed on myself only grew.

Part of me was split into hundreds of small clones all over Tempest to assist in any way possible. From assisting in blacksmithing by making sure everything went properly, to helping in farming by regulating the nutrients that should be given to the plants and the magicules they should have. From assisting with experiments in the laboratory to helping create magic formulas in the research center.

Since I would feel as if I wasn't doing enough I continued to push my processing and analytical skills more and more. And as Tempest grew so did my knowledge and processing skills.

To be truthful, I craved knowledge. Anything that could guarantee that I would be of assistance to Rimuru. I wanted to be prepared for any possibility to make sure that he would remain safe.

But if I had to choose between all of the knowledge and power in the entire universe, or spending time working with him I would with 100% certainty choose the second option.

Every single memory in which both of us worked together was a treasured one to me. And being completely honest, when he wasn't busy with other things, I would pick one of the projects I had already completed to start over with him. Since not only did I enjoy our time together, but I would also tend to overlook certain things for the sake of efficiency.

We both thought in similar yet different ways. So while working on a project together most of the time we were able to create something better than I had originally done. As he had said it, I sometimes overthought everything a bit too much. Leading to the very first time I heard about the K.I.S.S principle.

One of the best days of my existence was back when we "Fixed" Eurazania. We were both like little kids who were given clay and legos to build something cool. And well, we still are whenever we use the Creation skill.

But well, if there is one thing I have learned from using the Creation skill is that we get carried away. It is just so much fun to work together that we would end up with an entire civilization of newly created species. We would create a massive monster here and there, maybe experiment with some different theories. And the next thing we knew everything we had created would be in a bloodthirsty war that would destroy most of the people we had created for the sake of the holy-

I almost forgot. We don't talk about our honeymoon. Whoops. Since the entire thing got Denied it technically never happened.

We are still good people. We are still good people. It isn't our fault we never expected them to overreact so much-

I mean. Nothing happened. No crimes against life were done. No sir.

Where was I?

Ah, that's right. We had a wonderful wedding and honeymoon in which nothing bad happened.

And hey, since I did "chill" I ended up getting the d. Shout out to me. Though I guess that is too much information since you didn't even get to read the lemon, sucks to be you I guess.

It was around this time that I began to minimize my assistance on Tempest. Massively reducing the amount of "Timurus". And while some of the projects slowed down, everyone eventually figured out how to work without having me as an assistant. And soon enough we would get rid of every single Timuru. After all, it was more than possible that we would pass on the leadership of Tempest to someone else.

Probably not any time soon, but it would be better to gradually prepare Tempest from when we would one day retire.

It took some time after the honeymoon until Terra was born. But once she did she was the absolute cutest thing that had ever existed. She had inherited pretty much all of our skills so she was an op baby who would grow to become strong enough to create her own universe. Though to prevent her from accidentally using a skill such as thought acceleration I had locked a good portion of her skills for now.

And, at the moment, she was just a kid. And she was my greatest joy.

I could have guaranteed that she would be born with enough knowledge to shame any scholar from any world, but we had decided not to. Rimuru and I both wanted her to grow up and enjoy being a child, unburdened by all that information. And when I saw her innocent eyes and smile I knew it was the right choice.

I wouldn't have gotten to listen to all of her "discoveries" or her ideas. I would have missed out and all the wonder her eyes held as she soaked up the things I taught her. I would have missed out on teaching her altogether. And I would have missed out on seeing her fail and learn from them.

"Mom! Look! I made a slime dragon with Zegion! I called it Silly!" Terra said as she waved around a deformed slimy dragon. Something she had made using the Limited Creation skill.

"Wow! What a wonderful name! And look at his cute face! Would you mind if mom helps you out a little bit? We can make him look so cool together, don't you think?" I asked as I looked at Silly.

"Yes. And then we can make a cool beetle-like big bro! He is the coolest! I want to give him a gift so that he thinks I am the coolest too! I was thinking of calling the beetle Poopy! Like the one beetle that rolls its poop around." Terra said as she pulled out a few papers with beetle drawings from her own version of a Beelzebuth stomach.

I fixed up the small dragon in her hands and I could have sworn it gave me a thank you look.

"What color do you want Poopy to be?" I asked, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Blue!" She said as she jumped on my lap and began to channel the magicules around her to begin Poopy's Creation.

She suddenly stopped as she said in realization.

"We have to make something for big sis Callista too! How about we make a beetle with butterfly wings?" She said as she pulled out another piece of paper and a pencil.

"Oh? Are we going to give it a different name then? This one would be a special beetle." I asked, trying to get her to pick a better name.

She gave me a very thoughtful look for a moment before saying in excitement.

"ButterPoopy! Because it is a BUTTERfly and a poop beetle."

"Wow! I think you are better at coming up with names than dad!" I said as I ruffled her hair while laughing.

"Really? Thank you!" She said as she gave me a hug before continuing with her drawing.


Lazy_NEET_Cat_UmU was the one who asked for the Ciel chap. So shout out to them.