First Hunt ( Part 2 )

" Hey fatty, look right."

Fatty turned his head and another 10 beasts jumped at him.

"Uhg... I can't... Bro... Can you lower the number ?"

" Are you trying to slack off? Not gonna happen."

Fatty was sweating all over his body and gasping for air, Still, his eyes refused to give up.

" Haaaa… " He swung his hammer at the incoming horde of beasts.

' He's doing alright.'

Now that the horde's size has significantly decreased the path was clearing up to the end of the cave. I looked at the remaining hordes that were frozen in their place. Fatty was taking this challenge quite well.

' This should take around an hour.'




" hah.. hah.. haah…" Fatty was lying on the floor gasping for air, and around him, there were countless beast corpses lying on the floor. He was bruised all over his body.

" That was impressive, you really outdid yourself. "

" haah.. Yeah.."

" Now get up we need to hunt the boss."

" Can't you do that alone? You could have killed the horde in a second too."

" Did you forget why we came here ?"

" For my training. " He pointed his finger at himself.

" That's right."

I thought about how to deal with the quantum beast. It was really troublesome to get near, especially with that authority. Due to the same rank authority, we can each perceive each other in our vicinity.

' Hmm, I need a diversion."

I looked at fatty who was dusting off his clothes.


The quantum beast was seeing everything that was happening in the other end of the cave. It noticed that between the two intruders, one has the scent of the field. It was really hungry for some condensed quantum force, so it allowed them to come where it was. There were many beasts it turned from invasions over time, so he thought they might weaken them. But contrary to its expectations, they took care of all the horde with ease and only one hunted while the other that gave off the scent of the field stayed still. More importantly, he released his authority. Being a quantum life form itself, it knew that he was powerful, but he didn't show his power or the full force of his authority. If he did they wouldn't have taken hours to finish the horde but a mere split second. So the beast was relieved. Anyways the beast was confident he could restrain them with his own authority, so it wasn't really concerned. It was looking forward to its meal.

As they walked towards the final boss, fatty was really nervous. He heard from August that the beast was A-grade. He also gave him an important mission, that depends on the completion of the hunt. He was really happy that August gave him such an important task. He was really motivated and thought about how he could maximize their chances. He thought of various skill combinations and how he could sneak into the monster. As they walked forward he steeled his resolve.

' Hmmm .. he looks motivated.'

After thinking about how he could take on the beast, he came to several conclusions. Due to the authority, he can't really use the cosmic bridge in its vicinity. Then he has to use physical force or physical skills to overpower him. But he didn't have great physical stats right now so he might have to think of another option. After thinking a bit more he thought about his strengths. He had SSS class regeneration so he won't die so easily. He might try to get closer to it disregarding the damage but all that regeneration might slow his body down.

' If only I could distract it for a second.'

The beast also had an agility stat of 150 so if it tried to evade or run this could be troublesome. He could take on the strength stat because he had the quantum force channel. He needed to figure out how he could restrain it with its force instead of using authority. If both of them used authority then it would be troublesome for fatty, who was essential for the next part.

Ruminating over his plan he thought about how he could strengthen his physical body using the quantum force. Firstly, quantum force doesn't increase his physical strength, only when using a skill like the cosmic bridge and using it to detect something. Then also physical enhancement is needed, fundamentally changing the structure of your body, like bone density and muscle strength.

' System, can I apply quantum force to my body to strengthen myself? '

[ It is possible, but you have to apply the force to the proteins in your system. You can increase your bone density by concentrating your force in the hollow area of the bones.}

' But that will only increase my strength only by a little, that's useless. I need something to compete against that monster over there. '

' Wait ..'

Thinking about enhancement he thought about fundamentally changing the structure of his body. If theoretically, he could change the cells in his body to a stronger material like

' Carbon nanotubes '

And he could change his skin to a hard material, something like a diamond. The bones could change into a very hard alloy. This could work.

' System, can you generate the optimal and hardest alloy and also generate my skin structure identical to lonsdaleite with 100 percent purity.'

[ Initiating … ]

[ progress 1% ]

[ progress 2% ]

The progress bar was increasing as we walked towards the end of the cave. The cave was several hundred meters long and the ceiling was also two hundred meters above. As we got close to the end of the cave, the beast didn't move as we thought. The cave was dimly lit and all the light came from an item fatty brought with him. The end was dark and only a shadow could be seen.

" You stay here for now "

When we reached about 50 meters from the beast, I stopped fatty. He had a crucial task so I can't take the risk of getting him injured or worse dead.

" Alright "

When I approached the beast I could see its features. It had the head of a Komodo with two horns growing out from its forehead. The body was over a dozen meters long with bat-like wings protruding from its back. Its tail was like that of an alligator.

' Isn't that similar to a dragon? ' I thought.

' Nah.. dragons are wise, contrary to the lizard over there. '

I looked at the progress for physical enhancement.

[ progress 89% ]

It's almost there.

Then the beast turned its head and looked at me with its blue eyes. There was saliva flowing out of its mouth.

' Is he hungry or something? '

The beast started to walk towards me.

' It's coming to me. Hopefully, it doesn't activate its authority.'

I checked the progress again.

[ progress 97 % ]

As the progress was approaching 100 percent, the beast suddenly disappeared.

' is that Phase ?' I activated my fore.

It suddenly appeared behind me with his mouth wide open. A ball of blue light appeared in its mouth.

' That must be the gamma-ray breath... Dammit'

[ progress complete ]

' Activate '

A blinding light lit up the entire cave.