Little Trouble


Fatty found himself back at the office. He looked to the side and the beast-corpse was also there. The floor was dirty and there was blue blood scattered all around.


The guild was created recently so fatty didn't recruit too much personnel. There were only a couple of bodyguards, a receptionist, and his personal assistant. He called his bodyguards and told them to dissect the beast's corpse. The bodyguards followed his instructions and separated the beast hide and its bones.

" This will make a great armor."

Fatty rejoiced.

Honestly, the guild was not a proper guild yet. They only had two hunters, and fatty wasn't the type of user who would go on hunts until he met August.

This could be an opportunity to recruit some talented users. If they advertise that they are giving A class armor to new recruits, then surely it will attract their attention.

" I can't wait to see the look on my brother's face."

He set off to the DoA office to register the hunt. Users can choose not to register for a hunt. But the DoA gave compensations for those who chose to register their hunt. It gives them credibility and also encourages users to hunt more to reduce the awakened beast population. The users who don't register for a hunt are typically involved in illegal activities so they sell their loot in the underground market.

Fatty wanted the publicity for their guild, so he didn't want to miss the chance. He didn't have the beast core with him now but August will return soon, besides that there was no problem.

He entered the DoA office and asked the receptionist for registration.

" Oh Mr. Brooks, have you already finished your hunt in the glades ?"

" Hehe, not only did we finish the hunt we even defeated an A-rank beast."

" I... Is that true ?"

" Do I look like I'm lying ?"

" No sir, but you don't have the proper personnel to hunt an A-rank beast, so it is a little hard to believe."

" Haa... Are you saying I can't recruit users for a hunt ?"

" That's not it. It's just that there are a lot of false hunt reports so we need proof to verify your claims."

" I know that already, just wait a little bit, Bro will come and show you the beast core ?"

" Did you really find a beast core ?" A voice suddenly interrupted them. A man in his late twenties wearing a fine ashen grey suit entered the office. He was followed by two bodyguards, upon looking closely they didn't look ordinary. They both were equipped with artifacts and they exuded a strong presence.

' They're users.' Fatty realized that his brother came here to make trouble.

" What does it have to do with you, brother ?"

" When did you become so brave to talk back to me ?" The man asked with annoyance.

" From the day you tried to kill me ?"

" Are you accusing me ?" The man scowled at fatty.

" Gentlemen.. don't fight in the premises of the DoA." The receptionist reminded them.

" Tsk.. you wait till brother arrives."

" And what can he do to me ?" The man laughed.

" You'll know. " Fatty didn't say anymore. He has seen how powerful August was. When the users came to kill him the first time he just wanted to use August's power to escape but little did he know that August turned out to be a very powerful user. He single-handedly defeated all the users. Even in the hunt in the glades, he defeated the A-rank beast that looked as strong as an S-rank.

" Sir, your hunt has been registered, now you just need to show us the beast core if you hunted an A-rank."

" Can I show its body parts ?"

" You can, but just showing the body part, even if it's A-rank doesn't give you compensation for it. For A-rank hunt verification you must register the beast core or else you will get the B-rank hunt reward.

" Tsk.. you just want to register all the beast core."

Fatty knew that the government wanted to keep tabs on every beast core. It's not like you can't verify an A-rank beast with its body. The testing equipment can show us the energy concentrations in the beast's body. Their skin or bones have an energy coefficient on the A-rank level. It is just that they need the beast core to register its powers.

" Alright, just wait for a bit. Our guild master has the beast core. He is busy dealing with some business so he will come after taking care of it."

" Pfft... Hahaha... Did you just say, guild leader? Did you really give the guild master position to someone else ?"

" … "

" How much did you pay him? Did you beg him to save you that you even gave him the guild? If you would have begged me, I definitely would have taken you under my wings."

Fatty looked at his brother with disgust. He was sick and tired of his bullying. From the time when they were little, his brother has always tried to oppress him and use him for his gains. He didn't want to stay silent anymore.

Before he might have thought about staying shut, but after meeting August, he found new hope, a way to move ahead. He didn't want to stay like a scared chicken all the time.

" Yeah... I begged him alright. But unlike you, he was worth begging for."

" What did you just say ?"

The man gnashed his teeth and roared at fatty. He never thought that his meek little brother would have the courage to say something like that.

" And yeah... I will be the one inheriting our family business, you got that?"

The Brooks household, which owned a prominent business conglomerate and an auction house was one of the biggest corporations. The president had two sons Nile and Simon who were the next in line to inherit the family business. Simon always thought that the family business would be his, but his father gave them some capital and told them to prove themselves. Whoever builds a better business in 5 years will inherit the company he said. That pissed off Simon, who was older and thought that he was the rightful heir to the company, he hated the fact that his father gave a chance to his little brother. Contrary to his expectations Nile created a successful startup and its revenue grew manyfold than his own venture. He couldn't let Nile grow like that, because it would jeopardize his position in the inheritance. So he hired users to finish off Nile, but somehow Nile managed to escape the first attempt. Then he managed to hire an A-class user to go after him, but he didn't contact him, after all, this time, while this fatty still stands before his eyes.

" I will see you outside brother. Can I register for a B-rank hunt?" Simon asked the receptionist.

" Yes sir, please choose a region for the hunt." The receptionist gave him a chart of all the available hunting grounds.

" Yeah, don't worry, I also want to have a little chat with you."


While fatty was having his clash with his brother, August was busy hunting all the top awakened beasts in the glades.

August looked at all the 200 plus A-rank beasts and 5 S-rank beasts in front of him. They were also confused looking around the cave. After some time the 5 S-class beasts looked at August and released their Aura.

' You have a good eye, eh? '