Getting paid

In the DoA office, fatty was waiting for August for about an hour. He kept looking at his watch and fidgeting his finger. He thought after the hunt August would come after him, but he only sent him to the office. Fatty thought August might have something to take care of, so he didn't think further and proceeded with the hunt registration. But now he was feeling a little desperate. The feeling of uncertainty clouded his mind. Then out of nowhere, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head around

" Bro, you are back."

" Did you miss me ?"

" Bro, quickly show the A-rank beast core for verification. Then you can keep it afterwards."

" What are you talking about? I brought the beast core for you. Here"

August handed fatty the blood-red beast core. Fatty's hand was trembling. He couldn't believe he was getting the beast core.

" Is it really alright for me to take this much? You even gave me the beast corpse."

" If you want to get stronger, you will need this. And you won't be any use to me if you are weak."

Fatty looked at August with gratitude. It was near impossible for someone to just give their beast core to someone else. August might be powerful, he still didn't have to give the beast core to him, yet he did. Fatty promised himself that he would get stronger and help him actively in the hunt. Now, he was way too weak to help August. He wanted to get close to August's power, but he knew that was impossible. A gap that is determined by nature can not be crossed no matter how much you try. He was awakened weak and he didn't have the talent to increase his power, even if he did, the best he could get was probably an A rank, Which was nothing compared to August. But August believed him and gave him all the loot only because he wanted him to improve. He clenched his fists and gripped the beast's core tightly in his hands.

" Don't worry bro, I will catch up to you one day."

" Sure, you are welcome to try." August gave him a smirk.

Fatty went to the receptionist and showed her the beast core. After looking at the beast core the receptionist was really surprised. An A-rank beast hunt is quite rare in Eclipse city. The hunts of this magnitude are always carried out by top guilds only a handful of times in a year. She never thought that this newly founded guild, which had no users, managed to pull this off.

" Please come this way, Mr. Brooks" The receptionist guided him to the verification chamber.

She also notified the branch manager about this. After coming to the verification chamber, fatty was welcomed by a man in his thirties. He was the staff responsible for the testing.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

Before fatty could answer, the receptionist told him.

" He is here to register for an A-rank hunt."

This stunned the man for a moment. After he composed himself he turned to fatty.

" Do you have the beast core ?"

Fatty took out the beast core that was glowing red and showed it to the staff. The stunned staff immediately went back to the side and pressed some buttons. A big machine came out of the floor. It turned and adjusted itself. It looked like an MRI machine, but the tube was small enough to fit only a hand.

" Place the beast core in here please."

Fatty did as instructed and placed the beast core in the machine. Upon receiving the beast core the machine produced some buzzing noise and the screen in the side fluctuated with a graph.

After a minute, the machine stopped producing sound, there was a graph and some information next to it on the screen.

" Top-level A-rank beast core, with corrosive poison trait." The staff's mouth was wide open after he read the graph and information displayed on the screen. The power emitted by the beast core was in the upper level of the 90s. The beat core had a very potent corrosive poisonous trait that could be used by the user. They can also create an artifact to train their body in poison buff and it also helps increase their vitality.

" May I know, where did you get it ?"

Fatty turned around to see who asked the question, to his surprise it was the branch manager of the DoA office.

" Sir Martin, what are you doing here ?"

" It's not every day that you get to see an A-rank beast core, a top-level at that."

" You could say we got lucky."

' To have found the A-rank beast that is' Fatty thought to himself. He knew that this hunt was only achieved because of August.

" Luck only favors those who work for it."

" It's all because of big bro."

" Yes, Mr. Dalton is indeed a mysterious person." He fell into contemplation.

" So have you decided what you want to do with your beast core ?"

" I would like to keep it."

" Very well. You can collect the compensation from her." the branch manager looked at the receptionist. The receptionist nodded and took fatty with him. The branch manager started to discuss something with the testing staff.

" Do you want us to declare it publicly with your guild name, or you want to be anonymous." The receptionist asked fatty.

" Yes, declare it with our guild name, I want everyone to know that we are not some run-of-the-mill guild. We are fully capable of hunting A-rank beasts." Fatty clenched his fist as he talked.

" Rest assured, we will make it so that everyone knows."

" Good."

They left the testing quarters and came to the reception area. August was waiting for him in the lobby. Fatty went to him and told him everything that happened since he came here. He also told him about his brother who threatened him earlier.

" Wait, what does he want again?"

" He wants to finish me off so that he can get the inheritance of our family."

" Well, can't you give up the inheritance? You will work under me from now on, so you don't need that inheritance stuff. Besides in this world, money isn't that important anymore."

" That is debatable, but he will never believe me. He will think if I grow, I will be a threat to him in the future."

" Then you can take care of it on your own." August patted fatty's shoulders and left the reception area. Fatty stood there for a second dazed.


He went to the receptionist who prepared everything and was waiting for him.

" Sir, you just need to add your bank account."

She handed him a thin tablet. Fatty typed in his official guild account number and returned it to her.

" The compensation amount has been transferred, you can check your account."


A notification was heard from fatty's phone. He pulled his phone from his pocket and checked the account balance. The compensation amount was around 10 million kroma units.

" Yes, I've received the money."

' With this, we can easily recruit new users, and make some artifacts too.'

He left the DoA office building and saw August waiting outside the entrance.

" I thought you left."

" Hmm... I did think about leaving, but there's something interesting that caught my eye."

August was looking in a certain direction. Fatty followed his eyes and saw a group of men surrounding a girl in the parking lot.