New Recruit

" Bro... I was just recruiting her." Fatty scratched his head embarrassingly.

" Yeah.. sure." August rolled his eyes.

" Hey! Don't call me a kid."

" Well, you are a kid."

" I just turned 18."

" good for you, but you're still a kid. My sister is older than you, and I still think she is a kid."

" Hmph… Who do you think you are ?"

" It doesn't matter who I am, but looking at your behaviour and how you conduct yourself, you are definitely a kid."

" Shut up." She threw a punch at him. August didn't move and caught her hand.

" Don't be so impulsive, If you don't control your emotions properly, you will eventually make mistakes in a battle."

" Ugh... Let go of my hand."

" Apologize to me."

" Never, you think you are some big shot huh, wait till I get your information. I will ruin your life."

" Nuh-uh. Wrong answer."

August gripped her hand harder.

" Aghh.." She screamed in pain.

" I can't hear you."

" You.. just wait."

August sighed and gripped her hand even harder.

"AGHhhhhhh.." She couldn't control her pain and let out a scream.

" Bro.. that's too much." Fatty looked at her with sympathy.

" Oh yeah... She should be grateful that I didn't break her hand."

" I... I am sorry. I shouldn't have attacked you."

" See, it wasn't that hard." He let go of her hand. Her hand had many bruises and cuts.

" You shouldn't use physical force while arguing with someone. Did you think you could shut me up by using your strength ?"

She was really surprised at first when he caught her hand. She even used her aura for that punch. But then when she tried to free her hand from his grip, she couldn't move her hand at all. It felt like a predator was holding its prey, the prey unable to escape. Even though it was just her hand, she felt her life was on the line. She wanted to pull her gun out but something in her mind kept screaming to not do that and prevented her from doing so.

She was sitting on the ground half-dazed when the DoA officials came rushing over. They surrounded the parking lot and placed barriers so that no one could get inside the crime scene.

" What happened here ?" A DoA official asked August.

" As you can see a group of users tried to attack us, their intention was to kill us, so we also had to go all out," August said casually.

" Did you kill them ?" Another DoA official asked August.

August looked at the girl who was still in trance. He put his hand inside his jacket.

" Yes, I killed them, they were coming for our lives so I didn't have any other choice."

" Sir, you have to come with us to the office to give the testament."

" Bro.. what are you doing?" Fatty interjected

" You stay here, I will take care of it," August assured fatty and left with the DoA officials.

" Why did he do that? Why did he say that he killed them ?"

The girl got up on her feet and asked fatty in a soft voice.

" Beats me, he is sometimes hard to understand. Oh.. by the way, I totally forgot to introduce myself. I am Nile Brooks, the vice leader of the guild. We haven't selected a name for it yet haha. Well, the man that almost crushed your hand is August Dalton, our guild leader. He is an S rank user, don't take him lightly."

" Not anymore. So, how many members do you have in your guild ?"

" Err.. we just have on... TWO, we have two users right now and more will join soon hehe."

" That's really.. Uhmm.. good I guess."

" So do you wanna join our guild? We will give you all the equipment and artifacts you need, and also help you train your skills. What do you say?"

" I just want to ask one question? Did you really kill an A rank beast with just two of you?"

" Honestly, I didn't even do anything. Big bro handled that beast alone, and let me remind you that the A rank beast was almost approaching S rank if not already there. I never saw an A rank beat, that was the first time, so I don't know how powerful other A rank beasts are."

" What did you say his skill was again ?" She asked fatty.

" Well…, he has an A rank teleportation with no cooldown time, but.." fatty looked at her for a moment.

" But what ?" She couldn't control her curiosity.

" I think he is hiding his powers, that is all I can say." Fatty didn't want to tell her about all of August's skills. Besides if August found out he told her about his skills, he would skin him alive.

' Damn, I almost spilled the beans.'

" Duh, I figured that much." She was frustrated that fatty didn't complete his sentence.

" Hey, you didn't tell me your name ?" Fatty tried to change the subject.

" Oh! It's Daisy Kertyn. Nice to meet you."

" Likewise."

There was awkward silence afterward.

" So.."

" Uhm.."

" You go first.." Fatty said

" Is he gonna be alright ?"

Now that she had more time to think, she realized what a blunder she had caused. She didn't even think about the consequences of her actions. She was not in the capital anymore, where her father would take care of all her problems. This was a different city where her privileges didn't matter anymore.

" Don't worry about him? Nobody can get a scratch on him... I mean literally."

" If he is so powerful, why is he staying in this remote city?"

" I ask that question every day. When I first found out about him, I wanted to hire him, but I was the one that got hired by him." Fatty remembered the day he experienced his power and that sent a chill down his spine.

Daisy fell into thought. From that encounter, she was sure that he was definitely an S-rank user. But why was he working in a small guild like this that was registered recently? If he wanted, he could join the top guilds in the country with a very high position. But he chose to be a guild leader of a no-name guild in a remote city. He could've gone to the capital and many guilds would've offered top positions to him. It just didn't make sense to her.

Whatever the reason was, she wanted to join the guild for now. She wanted to see how powerful he was and what skills he was hiding.

" I want to join your guild."

" Well, that's great. Welcome to the club." Fatty responded enthusiastically.

" What ?"

" Nevermind."

" What are you two still doing here ?" August suddenly appeared in front of them.

" Damn bro, you should stop doing that, It scares the shit out of me every time you come in like that."

" Good, it will increase your reflex and intuition so get used to it." August rebuked.

" Mr. Dalton, I would like to join your guild."

" You can, but you have to drop your little ego and do as I say. You will have to train with fatty to improve your skills and never ask a question."

" I will do as you say and won't complain, I promise."

" I don't need your promise, If I see you slacking off, you're out of the guild."

" I won't... I promise."

" Come to the guild tomorrow morning, the earlier the better."

" Yes, sir."

He checked her status again.

[ Name : Daisy Kertyn ]

[ Level : 52 ]

[ Species : Homo Sapien ]

[ Resonance : None ]

[ Strength : 49 ]

[ Agility : 53 ]

[ Vitality : 45 ]

[ Dexterity : 62 ]

[ Intelligence : 23 ]

[ Wisdom : 11 ]

[ Skills : Aura Manipulation(A), Focus(A), Intuition(A), Enhanced vision(B), Slash(C), Quickdraw(C) ]

[ Status: Slightly injured, Expectant ]

[ Advanced options » ]

' Overall, a good recruit. I would like her to focus on long-range attacks. But right now she needs discipline.'

" Come to the guild office tomorrow morning, we will start your official training. Don't be late."

" Ye.."

Before she could finish her answer, he vanished.

" Where did he go ?"

" Ah... It's your first time. You will get used to it." Fatty replied nonchalantly.