Ashpheran Mountains ( Part 3)

After fatty finished his 10th beast, he looked around and saw that Daisy almost killed 30 of them. There were only eleven beasts left. Fatty looked at his left arm that was injured from the previous fight.

'Bro will heal me later, so..'

He ran towards the remaining beasts.

" Looks like they are already exhausted. But if they can't finish it, I will have to interfere."

After a couple of hours fatty finished off three beasts and Daisy took care of seven. At last only one A rank beast remained.

[ Type : Awakened Beast ]

[ Age : 1years ]

[ Species : Rodert ]

[ Level : 93 ]

[ Strength : 101 ]

[ Agility : 79 ]

[ Vitality : 129 ]

[ Dexterity : 33 ]

[ Intelligence : 5 ]

[ Wisdom : 5 ]

[ Skills : Scytheclaw (A), Skin hardening(A), Tail whip(A), Growl(B)... ]

" It might be a little hard for them, but let's see how it turns out."

Fatty approached the beast from the left and Daisy from the right.

" Hey, do you want to take my prey?" Daisy asked fatty.

" First come first serve, miss."

fatty didn't say anymore and swung his hammer at the beast.

Daisy also shot her bullets toward it.


The beast didn't move and its skin turned into scales. The beast that looked like an alligator was coated with black scales. It looked towards them and swung its tail towards Fatty who was closest to it. Fatty saw the tail coming towards him, and he blocked it with his hammer. But the force was too high and he was blown away and hit a tree trunk.

" Damn, how hard is its skin?" Blood was coming out of fatty's mouth.

Daisy also fired more shots, but nothing seemed to be getting through that tough skin.

' Use the soft skin under its belly, you dumbasses.' August thought to himself. He didn't want to help them like that.

Fatty got up and ran towards the beast and jumped to its head, while the beast was distracted by fatty, Daisy aimed at the eyes and pulled the trigger. One bullet pierced the eye, but the other one deflected by its skin.


The beast roared and ran towards her disregarding fatty. The hammer strike only left a scratch on its skin.

" Oh.. shit" Daisy found herself in an open space and moved sideways to get to the nearby trees. Before she could reach there, a black crescent energy hit her in the back.

" Aghkk.." She vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing the scene, fatty threw his hammer towards the beast. It hit its head and it turned around to look at him.

" Come here, you bastard," Fatty yelled at the beast. He couldn't let it get to her.

" I need to find its weakness somehow." He looked all around its body and saw that the beast always guarded its belly area. The light colored skin could be seen vaguely.

" That's it."

Fatty sprinted towards it and when the beast swung its claws, fatty slid under the claws and when he was just below the beast's body, struck the hammer in its belly.


The beast roared with pain, there was blood coming out of its wound, still, the beast was not weekend much. It stomped its leg on fatty, who rolled over and avoided it. He hit the wound again a couple of times and the wound opened more.


Daisy, who was lying on the floor with the gun in her hands pulled the trigger and two bullets pierced the other eye of the beast. The beast couldn't see anymore and just moved aimlessly.

Fatty used this opportunity to get a direct hit at the open wound. He used all of his aura to enforce the hammer and swung it hard.


The beast's stomach ripped open and the beast rolled its eyes and dropped to the ground.

" Umphh" Fatty struggled to get out as the beast's body was on top of him.

As fatty was moving beneath the beast's corpse, the corpse flew up and dropped a little distance away from him.

He looked up and August was standing beside him.

" Congratulations, you did a good job."

August used his skill 'revitalize' that he got from the sentient beast from the glades. The wounds on Fatty's body started to heal. But due to exhaustion, he passed out.

" Now rest for a while." August used a cosmic bridge to send him to his tent.

He then walked towards Daisy, who was looking at him with exhausted eyes.

" You really outdid yourself, kid."

Daisy didn't say anything and turned her head the other way.

August used 'revitalize' on her and the wound on her back started close. After all of her wounds healed, she tried to get up, but August stopped her.

" I know how tough you are, but you need rest right now." He initiated another cosmic bridge to send her to her tent in the camping area.

" Now that everything is finished here, let's move to the next phase."

' System, calibrate gamma breath with flame control and set the output location to my hands.'

[ Initiating calibration..]

[ Progress…..1%]

[ Progress…..2%]



[ Calibration complete.]

[ New skill added : Gamma Flame Control(S)


A blue sparking flame emerged from his right palm as he opened his hand in front of him.

He aimed his hand at a beast corpse and fired a ray of blue flame.


The flame ray completely incinerated the beast's body and left only its beast core lying on the floor. There was a hole in the ground with a diameter of twenty meters where the beast was before.

' Not bad'

He aimed his hand at the other beast corpses and released the gamma flame. After he closed his palm there were 50 craters in the valley and all of them contained a beast core at the center.

He teleported all the beast cores and placed them hovering in front of him, and at the next second, he also vanished.


" Sir, we prepared the squadron for the hunt."

" Good, we need all the A rank users in this hunt. All the S rank hunters might not be present but this will be sufficient. We need to hunt at least five S rank beasts in this expedition."

" Yes, sir."

A group of users entered a big aircraft that was about 50 meters long, with 4 engines facing downward.

A tall middle aged man was looking at them from the window of his cabin. He was wearing a black combat suit with several beast cores attached to it.

" I hope we can make this mission a success."

" Don't worry sir, we have enough strength for this hunt." A woman in her late twenties who was sitting beside him assured him. Her whole face was covered in a mask, and she was also wearing a combat suit that had purple accents.

" I hope you are right."

After every user got on that aircraft, the engines started and the aircraft hovered and increased its altitude. When it was a hundred meters above the ground, two engines in the back started and the aircraft accelerated with incredible speed and vanished in the sky.