Absolute Domain

" Bro… give me that controller back." A seven-year-old kid begged a 13-year-old.

" Why? It's mine now. You can get another one." Said the 13-year-old.

A toy drone was flying in the room as the thirteen year old operated the controller. The seven year old looked at the scene with a sad face. He stayed there for a couple of minutes staring at the flying drone and then looking at the controller in his brother's hand.

He got that new drone from the limited edition auction of the mark-ii hyperbolic drone. There were only a hundred of these in the world, as they were launched for the promotion of the new mark-ii. He was one of the first customers to register for the limited edition model, and luckily he got it.

But now, after his brother discovered that he had a limited edition drone, he took it from him. Being physically inferior, he couldn't take it back from his elder brother, as he was pushed away. Looking at the hovering drone, tears filled his eyes. He couldn't utter a word as he would be dismissed right away.

After staying there for a while looking at the flying drone, the seven year old closed his eyes in sadness. He knit his brows, trying to control his tears. Strangely, he couldn't hear anything at that moment. When he opened his eyes, he saw that everything around him was frozen in place. He looked at his brother, who had a beaming smile on his face.

Then he looked at the drone, which was frozen in the air, with all its propellers still. He tried to walk forward, but he was swept by a throbbing pain around his forehead. He dropped to the floor gripping his head as he tried to numb it down. The surroundings turned back to normal as his brother looked at him.

" If you want to cry, go to your room, I don't want to see you like this."


August looked at the scene with squinted eyes, ready to activate his authority. He looked at the beast that was making the whirlpool and pouring all of its aura inside it. It was the most powerful attack of the beast. Fatty, who was just in front of the beast's head, was at a standstill.

The attack was so bright and blinding that fatty couldn't move as he covered his eyes with his hands. August knew that, if fatty didn't evade the attack, he couldn't survive that blast. As he was ready to activate authority he heard the system notification.

[ User Nile Brooks activated his dormant skill: Absolute Domain(S) ]

August looked back to the scene. Using his enhanced vision he could see that fatty's eyes were closed. He was calm and his hands were back to their original position. Somehow it felt that he was not himself.

As the attack got bigger and bigger and shot towards Fatty, A loud band was heard. The water shook as the loud sound resounded throughout the water. After the sound and the blinding light subsided, Fatty was seen behind the beast's head holding his hammer as blood spurted from the head of the beast.

The beast's head was split in half a moment later and the whirlpool was canceled. A glowing beast core was coming out of the head of the beast. While it seemed that fatty had somehow killed the beast, August saw everything transpire before his eyes.

When fatty activated his dormant skill, time around him slowed down. August, who canceled his skill on him with his authority, was able to see that the space around fatty was somehow twisted. A moment later, fatty moved unbelievably fast, reaching to the backside of the beast's head in a blink.

August perceived that everything around him was at the same pace. But what was happening to fatty was that he was able to manipulate the time around him. You could either say that he was fast and the surroundings were slow, or you could say that the surroundings had stopped moving and only he was able to move. After all, it was relative.

When August activated his quantum field, he noticed a strange phenomenon. The fabric of space was twisted and folded around Fatty. As he moved in a certain direction, the space around him twisted accordingly. It was a very small area, about five meters around him, but in the position, he could mold the very fabric of space.

August didn't know how he was able to activate his dormant skill. He had been in a lot of life-threatening situations, but he never activated this skill in those times. What was the trigger that allowed him to activate it at this moment?

When fatty moved as he twisted the fabric of space, his eyes were unmoving as he was focused on the task at hand. An unwavering look, that didn't match the situation nor with his typical personality. When he approached the beast's head, the whirlpool was growing very slowly. He could even see the stream of aura entering the whirlpool.

He didn't even marvel at the scene, as the second he smashed the head of the beast with his hammer. A significant amount of aura was poured inside the hammer as he swung his hammer. As the hammer slammed into the beast's head, a crack appeared on its head. No sound was heard yet, but the resulting impact swept away the whirlpool.

After the impact took place, the water moved outward at very high pressure, everything was swept away by the impact. The bubble stayed in place as August was keeping it still with his force field. He brought Daisy back to the bubble before the impact took place, as he knew it would blast away everything in the surrounding area.

A moment after the blast, the surrounding water that was forced outwards, returned back. The waves crashed into each other and canceled their momentum. After a while, the water turned relatively calm. Looking at the place where the beast and fatty were, a cloud of blood covered the beast as the head was split in half.

Fatty was floating unconsciously around the cracked head of the beast and the beast core was floating beside him. August teleported fatty and the beast core back into the bubble. The water spread across the floor, as fatty appeared on the floor of the bubble.