Chapter 15: Pyxis

On the side of three children. Baal, Vassago and Marbas after being separated from the group.

Vassago kept calling Pandora.

"Father! Father! Father!"- Vassago

"It won't work, no matter how loud we call it, we'll all be separated" - Baal

"Going all the way through the stairs, then to the cave. It's really tiring" - Marbas

Hearing Marbas complain, Vassago angrily turned to scold the boy.

"If it weren't for you complaining about being tired and bumping into traps, we wouldn't be in this situation!" - Vassago

"Now you're going to blame me?" - Marbas

"That's right! Do you know how hard it was for Father to protect all of us?" - Vassago

"As if you're an adult, you're no different from me! Just a simple kid!"- Marbas

"What are you saying? Bastard!"- Vassago

Baal let out a very depressed sigh when he saw the two of them arguing, the boy was so annoyed to hear those quarrels that he couldn't help but scream.

"Shut up!!!" - Baal

The boy's scream echoed in the cave, making both Marbas and Vassago go silent for an instant.

"Okay, I don't want to interrupt you two, but do you guys look at our current situation and still be in the mood to argue?" - Baal

He took a deep breath then calmed down and continued.

"Vassago, you should stop arguing with Marbas. As for Marbas, you better shut your mouth and stop nagging. The priority we need to do is to find Father and the other two! Got it? ?" - Baal

Vassago and Marbas nodded.

"Good, right now we are separated but thanks to Father giving us some glass marbles, Father will come to find us soon" - Baal

"But that doesn't mean we have to wait here but move right?" - Vassago

"Exactly, it's not safe here, maybe we'll run into something? Right now, we already possess the skills that Father gave us, but they're just for for defense, not for combat" - Baal

"So do you have a way?"- Marbas

"We will create our own skills" - Baal

Hearing that surprised both of them.

"What?" - Marbas and Vassago

"Can we do that?" - Marbas

"That sounds crazy, because it's extremely rare for people to do that. Most of the skills we have are only learned in books or lessons passed down through generations" - Vassago

"That's true, but Agares and I have done it. We both have our own skills, I think maybe it's because part of us is no longer who we are. That means... ."- Baal

"Meaning?" - Marbas

"We can't go up to the Empyrean or exile to Abaddon anymore" - Baal

After that sentence, an atmosphere of silence enveloped the three children.

In this world, everyone knows one basic thing to always remember.

As they themselves will be taken to one of two places.

Empyrean is a paradise where people with pure heart and kindness can go there and will be reincarnated. Or better luck being chosen to become angels

Abaddon is the opposite of Empyrean, it is a hell where those who are exiled with their souls tainted, will forever be trapped and unable to reincarnate. Become demons and monsters.

In between those two places is a place where many races live, and when they are born, they will have to spend a lifetime. Until death, it will be judged, whether to go to the Empyrean or to exile to Abaddon.

So, not being able to get to either place is unprecedented.

Suddenly they heard someone's voice coming from somewhere.

The children decided to follow the voice, the closer they got, the more they heard the hoarse voices of two men who seemed to be questioning something.

"What a bunch of useless knights, they can't defeat a monster. It's all because of that damned old man, just because of the cube, there's also the need to mess things up."

"Never mind, after all, they have become substitutes for us, we are lucky to be alive."

"Lucky? You say it like it's so simple. As long as we don't find that damn cube. That old man won't stop nagging at his rotten mouth!"

"I was wondering what that cube was that Elder Sorcerer wanted so badly?"

"You're a low-level mage so you don't understand. That thing is not just an ordinary cube, that thing is called Pyxis, something that holds a lot of power"

'Pyxis?'- Baal thought

Baal motioned to the other two to be quiet and then he himself moved closer to hear clearly, thanks to his invisibility, he was not detected.

"It's not just a key to open the way to the palace, if you solve the puzzle of the cube, you will receive something more than you can imagine."

"What does the Elder Sorcerer want from that?"

"You probably still don't understand, just that cube is enough to rule the whole country. Not only that, I know briefly that this country possesses not only resources. But also has ancient books, and the army is said to be able to suppress both angels and demons."

Hearing that made Baal extremely surprised, because he saw the cube his Father had. If it was true what the other two magicians said, then there was a hundred percent chance that Pandora would be the rightful ruler of this cursed country.

"But give up on those silly thoughts. You can't decipher the cube, many people have spent their whole lives trying to decode it. In the end, they died trying. It just makes no sense."

"In that case, Elder Sorcerer is forcing us to find something that will make him die like everyone else?"

"Of course not. I heard rumors that the old man was making a deal with some angel who would help him decipher the cube."

Suddenly, a noise from afar interrupted their conversation.

"We should keep going, we'll just stay here and make food for the monsters here."

"But can we get out of here?"

"It's up to luck. From the remains that we've seen, a lot of people must have perished here."