Chapter 17: Escape!

"Dawn of God" is a long-standing sect that worships the gods, they worship the gods and are protected by the gods to ward off evil forces.

In the world, most of them are sectarian, and those who do not believe in the gods or worship them will be called heretics.

"So what do you think the cult is doing here? There's no reason for them to come here, you know that once you're in here, you can't get out"- Marbas

"Unless there's a reason, those two wizards said something about that old mage at the border. One of them really hates that old man. That old man...doesn't look like he is a calm person"- Baal

"I remember, back to the time when the soldiers were chasing Father and the two of them. That old man had a bit too much emotions and even beat his subordinates brutally. It wasn't that. The conduct of a person of a cult of god worship" - Vassago

"Not to mention, I also saw something like Dark Magic. Could that old man have something to do with the opponents of the gods?" - Marbas

"You mean the Devils?" - Vassago

"It is also possible, because they are completely different from the gods, they are ruthless, reckless and ready to do anything to achieve their goals, no matter how dirty the tricks."- Baal

"Whatever it is, I think we should go" - Marbas

"No wait, we need to think carefully where to go" - Baal

"I don't think it's necessary, we should go now!" - Marbas

Baal and Vassago saw Marbas looking up, so they raised their heads to see a swarm of monsters with red eyes crawling out of holes in the sky.

"Run...Run!!!" - Baal

All three children ran as fast as they could from the monsters, they didn't know where to run, but at least they had to escape from the monsters.

While running in the dark cave thanks to the glowing crystals so they do not go blind, suddenly in front of them is a dead end. A wall with strange symbols, looking around, there is no way out.

"No good, we're stuck here, there's no way out" - Marbas

The noises of the monsters got closer for a while, and Baal tried to figure out if there was some hidden switch hidden around here.

"These symbols...the symbol of Umbra Forest...Red Moon...Forest...Monsters..." - Baal

When he lightly touched the symbol and it suddenly sank and returned to its normal form, Baal suddenly realized something.

"Brother Baal..." - Vassago

"Wait a minute" - Baal

He concentrated on deciphering the symbols on the wall, recalling his experiences in the Umbra Forest.

"An endless vicious circle...The big old tree..." - Baal

The lone light from the crystals on the road reflected the monsters' shadows for a moment larger, indicating that they were in great need.

"Brother!"- Marbas

"Found it!" - Baal

When the monsters poked their heads in, Baal quickly pressed the last switch on the wall, the dead end suddenly opened up another path.

"Go inside quickly!" - Baal

Marbas and Vassago obeyed the command and jumped inside, Baal followed and the door slowly closed, a monster rushed to attack but unfortunately it was clamped to death by the door.

All three children gasped for luck because they narrowly escaped death.

"That was close..." - Baal

"How do you know there's a road here?" - Marbas

"Those are the symbols on that wall. It's about the making of the Umbra Forest, the blood moon, the never ending loop and the monsters too, it totally means something" - Baal

"What do you mean?" - Vassago

"I think...what if this country wasn't a cursed country before? There must have been some terrible event that made it become like this, like war or tragedy Because this is a country in the center of other countries" - Baal

"That's just a theory, isn't it?" - Marbas

"It might as well be" - Baal

Following the path for a while, they saw a very large place, a giant pure crystal hovering in the center, they could feel the abundant energy radiating from that crystal.

"It's the biggest crystal I've ever seen in my life" - Vassago

"It's like the heart of Umbra Forest, we should check it out" - Marbas

Marbas was about to jump but Baal stopped him.

"No, wait, someone is coming!"- Baal

Suddenly there was the voice of someone entering this place.

"Let us out!"- Agares

"Shut up, barbarians!"

The three children were surprised to see Agares and Gamigin being kidnapped by the other two wizards. Agares did not stop protesting and Gamigin was too scared to stop crying.

Marbas was about to rush out to beat them up but was still held back by Baal.

"What are you doing, can't you see they're kidnapping them?" - Marbas

"I know, but we have to have a plan to deal with it, we can't just rush out" - Baal

"That's right, even though the opponent is only two people, but we are children, we can't fight them directly like Father Pandora" - Vassago

"So is there any plan?"- Marbas

Baal looked around, there was hardly anything that could be used as a weapon to deal with. This was the most difficult case that they had to face without Pandora by their side.