Chapter 19: The next challenge

Suddenly a herd of Yin Monsters gathered around, Pandora looked at them and then glared at them, making them timid.

"What happened? The monsters didn't attack?" - Vassago

"You don't have to be afraid, from now on they won't harm us anymore because they have become our minions" - Pandora

Hearing that made not only the children, but also the magician, in shock.

They couldn't believe what they had just heard from Pandora's mouth.

"Can you control them? But how?!" - Baal

"Yes, to be able to control such a large herd, would it be..." - Agares

Pandora nodded lightly in response to the children's question.

"That's right, it was I who killed the queen and took control of the monsters. And now...You here, dare kidnap my children? How should I deal with you? If you have information, please tell me and I will forgive you" - Pandora

"You think I'll tell you secret information? Monster!"

"Fine, if this is your answer then i shall punish you"- Pandora

She grabbed the mage's head and dragged him towards the monsters, he panicked as he tried to escape from Pandora's grasp and kept begging.

"No...No...Let me go!!!"

But she did ignore what he said, as she approached a Yin Monster, she raised the mage towards it.

It looked at the prey that its owner gave it and kept drooling because it was craving for food.

When she threw him at the monster, it dragged him away, its companions also followed, leaving the mage's screams fading away and disappearing into the night.

Pandora suddenly fell to her knees, sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

The children ran closer to check, only to see that there were many wounds on Pandora's body, Pandora felt uncomfortable, she vomited a black liquid that looked very much like blood.

"Father Pandora, are you alright?" - Vassago

"I'm fine...just feel a little sick"- Pandora

"You need to rest, Mother Pandora. No need to rush!" - Agares

"I said I'm fine. Let's get out of here" - Pandora

"But...there's no way out"- Marbas

"No, there is one way over there"- Pandora

So she stood up and walked towards a wall that wasn't the path just now, Pandora held out her hand and the wall revealed a hidden path, in front of which there was light.

"There's light!" - Marbas

"That must be the way out!"- Gamigin

The two children happily ran towards the light, when they got there, the first thing they saw was, a black beach.

Their cheerful faces turned to sad, there was no blue sky but a gray sky and thunder, the waves of the sea were black, the sand was littered with corpses.

"Just as I speculated, this country without a ruler would become like this. Look towards the sea" - Pandora

She pointed towards the sea and saw a lot of dead bodies floating in the sea drifting ashore.

There was a boat on it with a lot of people but then immediately something jumped out of the water and swallowed the whole boat.

Seeing that scene surprised the children.

"We'll get through it, just go another way. Is that right?" - Baal

"Yes, in this country there are a lot of confused roads that make us lose our way. But once we have that cube in our hands, it is easy to cross every piece of this country. Follow me" - Pandora

"Wait, Father Pandora. Look! There seems to be someone crawling up on the shore!"- Vassago

She looked in the direction Vasago pointed, there was indeed a person crawling up but it seemed to be a small child.

"You're so sharp, Vassago, you can still see from so far away" - Pandora

"Thank you, Father Pandora. But something seems to be approaching the shore" - Vassago

"Where?" - Marbas

"It's on the sea side!" - Vassago

Looking back again, there was indeed a horn sticking out of the water swimming towards the small child.

She realized something was wrong and ran towards the small child, racing against what was swimming this way.

As soon as the horn lowered to the sign that it was gaining momentum, it jumped out of the water, it was a giant fish with sharp jaws, instead of two eyes it had eight eyes.

She quickly jumped out and stood in front to protect the small child and raised her hands high.

The giant fish was about to swallow both of them when suddenly it was cut into many small pieces of flesh.

But then a pile of red blood poured over Pandora's entire body, the strong smell of sea life rising up making her like a rotten fish, wiping the blood from her face, she was annoyed.

"Ngh…disgusting"- Pandora

Turning her head to look at the child, it was in an unconscious state, she tried to check the heart rate and breathing and found that it was very weak.

So Pandora gently pressed the small child's chest, and it vomited a large amount of black seawater.

"That's okay, this child will wake up soon" - Pandora