They decided to go Freedom - 14 country. For any evidences. They all are packed and taken the portal permissions from the freedoms-14 country.

Himakar is watching tv until the time of portal opens.There is a news in the tv , A physco - killer killed a business man who is a partner of ABHAY roy's company. Its a mystery.

The portable is opend . They went to in .They reached the freedom - 14 within seconds. Himakar arranged a secret agents who is gonna be help them. The agent it undercover officer.They went to Motel and went to meet the agent.

They went to a secret place and went to agent.Her name is SHADY.She is secret agent. Maniking is shocked when he saw her.

Maniking - (loudly) Lets get off here.She is a big cheater.She cheated and played with my emotions


Himakar - What happened mk ?

Maniking - Before five years we too loved each other very much. When I felt useless, lonely & sad then she came into my life.I felt so happy she gave me many day I proposed her , she accepted. I felt im the most luckiest person in the world.We enjoyed a lot. One day I asked her to marry me. She said ok we are happy. On that next day onwards she left me.She cheated me.

Shady - I'm very sorry mk.I am in a mission on that time.Suddenly they got eye on me so I met you.So they thinks its normal.I fell in love with you.Im very happy.But I want to mission so I used for fighting with them. I went off for my next mission. That's my life . Im so sorry again , I love you till.

Himakar - We are here for a mission to save the world. So please don't involve any personal issues here.

Maniking - OK, I won't. So now we should go to the most dangerous city - kellon city.So tell us miss shady , how to enter in that city ?