Our four heroes started to cure the monsters with antidotes. Himakar reached and started killing the monsters . As soon as possible they four too reached their and started helping Himakar .

MK:- Himakar ! I'm sorry for what I said .

Himakar :- No , It's my mistake to misunderstood . I had listened your conversation . I'm sorry . And thank you for taking care about me .

They both hugged heartfully and started attacking the monsters with the cure . They were traveling across the planets, to the locations and almost cured all the monsters .

Chaitu :- I think it's over guys ..

Dhanu :- Ya . Ufff ....

Mk:- Ok guys ! It's time to go back to home .

They were getting into space ship , suddenly a small space ship came near by them . From that Alex came out . They were shocked , cuz they don't know that why Alex came there .

Himakar :- Alex , What happened ? Why are you so rushing man ?

Alex :- It's him ....

Dhanu :- Who ?

Alex :- Astron....

MK :- What are you talking ? We had killed him right ??

Trilok :- I hope so . We left him there , And we saw that he was dead.

Alex :- No , he is not dead . Someone rescued him . He is still alive . But not completely . Now he is stronger and has more Army . He also destroyed the tomb of ``Mr.O''. And taken the Unlock Ring .

Mk:- Oh god!

Alex :- Also he had sent a video clip for you .

Himakar :- What video clip ?

Alex :- let me show it .

They six went to the space ship .In there Alex played the video clip.... In the video Astron is speaking to the heroes .

ASTRON :- Hello My dear heroes !! How are you ? It's being so many year . I think you guys enjoyed by thinking that you had killed me . Buy I am Alive still and forever I will be alive . This time you can't even dare to touch me . And the matter is I'm going to Unlock the DARK . If you had the courage to stop me , then come . I'm ready . I going to destroy you world !....

Himakar :- How ? What the hell ? How could he survived ? And how dare , he just warned us !

Alex :- I don't know . And i'm on that . And the whole world watched this video .

Mk:- Who has leaked it ?

Alex :- Don't know , but came from Freedom- 14.

Mk :- Okay . Alex ! Where is going now ? Where is dark ?

Alex :- The dark is being prisoned in the planet called


And we can't go their by this space ship. We need huge!

MK:- We had the best . But it's on the Earth. We had to go their first .

Alex :- Ok let's go fast !!

They started to the Earth within no time .

Trilok :- I have informed our soldiers . They are preparing and they had prepared the Robot army too .

MK :- Good ! And get ready all the available weapons . We are going to destroy everything of Astron's part !

They reached earth . They are preparing for battle. They had wear their new suits and armors . In HMTDC

the whole army is ready for the war . The heroes went home for meeting their wifes .

MK :- You all know that were are going to kill the Astron . Don't worry we will be RETURN as soon as possible .

All are crying and worrying about them .

Alex :- I make promise that I'll bring them surely , don't worry they are our NATURAL HEROES. So no worries , they are gonna make it easy .

Shady :-(sadly) You guys too promise us that you will return safely ..

MK :- Shady ! What too ? Don't you all trust us ?

Shady :- Ya..But ....

Lara :- Take care all ! And I had informed to my planet , that they are coming to help you .

Dhanu :- Thank you Lara . Love you , Take care ..

Himakar :- Ria ! Where are the children ? Didn't they came here ?

Ria :- Nope . They went outer space for a trip . They are investigating on something that useful for their education purpose .

Himakar :- Ohh! Take care of them ...

Ria :- Sure ! You come back fast .

Himakar :- (funnily) Or esle i'll stay here with you .

Ria :- Ohh really ? Then stay .

Himakar:- Ok bye lol.

Ria :- you.....

Chaitu :- Ok , Noyami ! Where is your Trilok ?

Noyami :- He is with his sweet daughter . Talking personally I think lol.

Dhanu :- Did she not went with others ?

Noyami :- She just returned , when she known the news , to see his father .

Chaitu:- oh. Our children there... Atleast not came to see us.

Penny :- Don't worry mr.husband , They love you so much ..

Trilok (taking privately with his daughter lily ):- Hey Sweetie ! Why are you so upset my little ? Don't you talk with me ?

Lily :- Dad ! Why didn't tell me a single word about it ?

Trilok :- I thought you would know. Now what happened?

Lily :- Dad don't try to ice me . Everyone knows here that Astron is so powerful now and has the Unlock ring too . All are afraid , even your army and we .

Trilok :- Don't worry lily , Everything gonna be alright .

Lily :- (sadly) If won't you come back , I will kill you dad .( lily is crying heavily )

Trilok :- Hey ! Why are you crying ? I'll be back . Cuz I have to dp your marriage na lol.

Lily :- Daddddd... Don't crack jokes now . I'm not in mood now . And I had choose one .

Trilok :- Oh nice ! Who is that lucky person ?

Lily :- I will tell you after your return .

Trilok:- Okay , it's getting late. Bye dear take care .

Lily :- Bye !

All started from earth . There is not much army for our heroes although Zando planet's army and Mr.O planet's ( as per revenge) joined heroes .

They are going in top speed to catch Astron before he reached dark . In the way they suddenly seen Astron's army and spaceships . Heroes attacked it . Astron's ship was damaged , so it was crashed in the nearest planet . Heroes too landed in that planet . But no one got damaged in Astron's spaceship. All came out . Astron just sat on a rock and started talking with heroes. Astron's boby was so damaged . He had left only 70 % of his body . But he was so powerful than past.

Astron :- Again ! Again ! Again ! You are interrupting in my work . What if it continues ? That why I informed you that I'm going to Unlock Dark . Now i'm gonna kill you first and then going to Unlock DARK - The power of insane will be mine .

Himakar :- And What you going to do with that Dark ?

Astron :- It's none of your businesses. It's a future's thing . But now the present , I'm gonna kick your all ass.

Himakar :- Let's see who's gonna do it .

Maniking :- How did you survived again ?

Astron :- Again ? I not died to survive again . I just damaged .

Mk :- Who saved you then ?

Astron :- Thanks to my ex-wife , Queen Stella . She saved me .

Mk :- Why ?

Astron :- All these women will expect something from men . She know that I can Unlock Dark . So she helped me .

Himakar :- Ex-wife ? Who gave you divorce lol ?

Astron :- Don't worry , I killed her .

Trilok :- What ? You devil ...

Astron :- So only words ? It's getting late for me .

Himakar :- You are too Ugly . Come now we will make sure you dead completely.

Astron :-(laughing...) You guys are old !

Trilok :- Soldiers !! Attack !!!!

Then there's a big war started . All are fighting of their level best . Astron's army is very huge in amount . Also Astron's army is very strong . The monsters are not caring anything , they just attacking . Heroes are giving tough competition with their powers .

Chaitu :- Hey guys ! What's the plan ? Just attacking them ? They are huge in amount. We can't do it without any plan ..

Mk :- Alex ! Any suggestions?

Alex :- I don't know . But Astron has a plan . He is so confident of something that he had . First we should take the Unlock ring . And we should keep an eye on Astron , that he shouldn't escape from here .

Trilok :- ok , you guys get divert Astron . I will go and grab the Ring from him .

Mk :- Be careful .

Trilok was going for Astron . Suddenly a many monsters attacked Trilok . He was ambushed by them. Then suddenly all the monsters was damaged by some force . Trilok was shocked . Then he recognised it was magic girl . Then he turned back . There she is .

Trilok :- ( Timidly ) Are you mad ? Why are you here ? Why did you came ?

Noyami (Magic girl ):- You always used to say na that THE MOON WILL NEVER SHINE WITHOUT THE SUN. Then how could I leave you in danger ? I'm here to help you . Cuz I love you .

Trilok :- No , you should go back home ! You left our daughter alone . If anything happens here , then who's going to take care of her and who will saying the answer for our death to her ?

Noyami :- I'm not going to anywhere without you . Even it is home or heaven . Let's make it together .

Trilok :- When did you understood me ? Okay can you bring the Ring here ?

Noyami :- Can't , it refuses my magic power . So what we should do now ?

Trilok :- We should go near by him .

They too went near Astron .Then Magic girl tightly freezed Astron in Air by using magic . Astron is trying hard to get released . Trilok is trying to take the ring .

She can't hold him more . Astron suddenly got released . They two fell at far. Astron checked his ring . But he saw that it was stolen by Trilok and he kept in 3D space . Astron went to Trilok and started beating him . Trilok got weaken, he can't defend more . Astron is asking to return the ring back . But Trilok is refusing it . Noyami is coming to help Trilok .

Trilok was beaten heavily . Astron is punching him hardly on his face .But At last Astron punched very hardly using his both hands on his face . Then the ring fell from his 3D space . Astron took it and went into a small spaceship. Trilok is dying slowly.

Noyami reached him and crying so sadly .

Trilok :- (draining ) I'm sorry dear . I can't keep my promise up . Say sorry to our daughter .

Noyami :- No.. no.. you are not going to die . Please...

The other heroes are busy in fighting and stopping Astron from escaping .

Trilok was dead . Noyami was screaming . She is very angry on Astron . The nature power was coming out from Trilok body . Noyami took the power and going for Astron to kill him and take the revenge .

Maniking and Himakar was fighting with Astron. They two destroyed Astron's spaceship. Astron came out and fighting with heroes . Astron hints his minister to apply the plan . Then the minister changed his personality as the commander of Mr.O . He went to Alex and said that it's the time call STREET HERO . Alex thought that they were loosing . So he called Street hero for help .

Street hero started from STOLENHEART planet .

Street hero is so powerful Saviour of the STOLENHEART planet. He is guarding the dark . Protection it from bad hands and preventing from unlocking it.

Our heroes along with Magic girl together unitedly fighting with Astron. Astron is so powerful to defeat . Then suddenly Steve came . Heroes thought that he came for help them . But sadly Steve Killed All our heroes by throwing a grenade containing the monster's energy . It destroyed natural heroes everywhere .

Then Street hero came with a strong power . Astron gave his second hint to his minister . And also gave the Unlock ring to him secretly . Alex was so sad . Alex prisoned Steve . And took back the Natural powers .

Street hero killed Astron after a huge fight .Alex was crying so sadly . So many people dead in the war . The war was finished . Full of blood everywhere.

Alex informed that NATURAL HEROES are DEAD to HMTDC . Someone in HMTDC leaked the news . The whole world was in shock . Alex and Army started back to earth along with the dead bodies .

They reached Earth . All are crying .Everywhere there is Sorrow . Mainly the family members . Alex was so depressed .He don't know what to say . And he don't know what he should say to Lily that she lost both of his parents . All the children and billions of people came to funeral .

They can't digest that their NATURAL HEROES was no more . And it was whole story told by Alex of our great legends that night to the billions of people . All were so sad .

Some random person in the crowd :- Alex sir ! Who he is ? The person who killed the Astron . Who ?

Alex :- He is the another Legend . The STREET HERO !!

The next volume- 6 is about the legend ``STREET HERO "